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wang qiang said, \"It's not a big deal, just go and kill those three giant zombies

As soon as wang qiang spoke, both wang Erye and xiao chong nodded disapprovingly.

the conversation between the three of them made the soldiers around them all look stunned, feeling that this person is indeed like birds of a feather in a flock, and that fools are all fools together.

but the task still needs to continue. the team quickly crossed the level and entered the bat area in the western section of cuixi district.

As he walked out a mile further, wang qiang suddenly slapped his head and exclaimed, \"oh no

Everyone's tiger bodies trembled and they quickly stood guard on the spot, while Yu Kuan even placed a portable missile launcher on his shoulder and scanned around.

what's so bad? \"Yu Kuan asked.

I don't seem to have any weapons or equipment with me! \"wang qiang replied shyly.


Everyone fell to the ground and cursed coincidentally, lying next door to Nimarle, what the hell is this.

wang qiang chuckled and said, \"Forget it, use local materials, use them locally, whatever they are

All the soldiers, upon hearing wang qiang's words, were unprecedentedly unsure of the prospects of this operation. If it weren't for the constraints of military orders, it is estimated that none of these soldiers would be willing to continue.

breaking towards the giant zombie and heading towards the location of xicheng district in cuixi district, the special operations team quickly moved in a fan-shaped reconnaissance formation. As they turned and crossed the street, wang qiang suddenly whispered, \"Stay on guard

Everyone instinctively falls down on the spot, holding a pistol and aiming forward.

For a second, there was silence.

two seconds, still silent.

three seconds, still silent.

the streets were surprisingly quiet, with only dim street lights flickering and flickering.

Five seconds later, the leader of the special operations team broke out pletely. he jumped up from the ground, pointed at wang qiang's nose and scolded, \"Are you his mother kidding me?\"

the team leader is an outstanding senior soldier, one in a thousand talents, who has gone through countless hardships to enter the Security department of the General military Region. the leader is ready to be dispatched, and even if the troops are delegated, they can still bee battalion and regiment level cadres.

this task belongs to a temporary general, and the team leader was accidentally touched, feeling very dissatisfied. At this moment, he felt teased and even more angry.

wang qiang did not manage the team leader, but took out a magnetic storm hand radium from a soldier's backpack in front of him, activated the detonator, threw it into the darkness in the distance, and then stared at the street, suddenly shouting, \"Shoot

No matter what Yu Kuan did, he directly picked up his machine gun and started shooting.

Although the soldiers were unsure, they followed orders and began to shoot wildly.

Almost at the moment when the gunfire rang out, hundreds or even thousands of zombies were killed across the street, with a tremendous force that almost filled the street with human ghosts.

but the lives of these zombies are not very good. Just as they appeared, they were exposed to the merciless impact of bullets.

Fifty sprayers were fired in a fan-shaped manner, timed well to instantly suppress the zombie swarm under the firepower network.

Soldiers have never encountered such a bat style before, which is simply effortless and capricious, fighting as they please.

the poor guys in the zombie group were beaten to pieces by bullets, their organs splattered, and the snow covered the ground was stained with black and red plasma and blood foam.

boom! purple lightning roared, and the magnetic storm hand radium bloomed its unique purple blue color, enveloping the block ahead in the power grid.

this explosion came in a timely manner!

As the soldiers' bullets were about to run out, magnetic Storm hand Radium bought valuable time for everyone to change their bullets.

In fact, the bat quality of the small team is very high, and many soldiers listen to their rades' bullet rates pressing down on the number of bullets before firing, in order to try to stagger the time for changing magazines and avoid long periods of intermittent firepower.

the exchange of fire was not too long, and within the firing capacity of two magazines, the zombie group was ruthlessly eliminated.

Stop shooting, leave a few people in charge, and others use bayonets to eliminate the zombies. be careful to save bullets! \"wang qiang manded.

this time, everyone naturally followed the order.

wang qiang took an AK2100 rifle from xiao Zhong's hand and stood on a large trash can, scanning the street. once he found a fish that had the ability to move and was ready to attack the soldiers of the small unit, wang qiang immediately opened fire, blasting the zombie's head.

there was no suspense in the battle, no one was injured and the zombie swarm was annihilated.

this is a zombie swarm that has been separated, with a population of around 2000 to 3000. It seems that the zombie swarm has just broken through the defense level in this direction and is chasing the position of the army fortress surrounded by the street. Unexpectedly, I met wang qiang's team heading towards the defense line on the street, and the brave ones who met on a narrow path won. the small team prepared in advance, and as soon as the zombie entered range, their firepower was fully activated, eliminating the zombie's active power in a very short period of time.

After quickly clearing the battlefield, the squad continued to advance. At this point, the soldiers became more agile and focused. After all, a large group of zombies have appeared, which also indicates that the road ahead will not be very safe.

wang qiang, how did you do it? \"Yu Kuan followed wang qiang's side and couldn't help but ask.

how did you do it

how do you know there's a zombie ahead

I smelled it

Are you a dog

You belong to the dog

how do you know I belong to a dog? It's amazing

colonel wang minggang didn't feel very well. Just now, the zombies broke through the defense line. Although they were quickly blocked and leaked by the brother's troops, there were also many zombies infiltrating the rear.

At this moment, the battle on the defense line was at its worst, and wang minggang didn't have time to consider why these zombies didn't eat people. Instead, he headed straight towards the legion fortress along the block. Now, no one has the strength and energy to study the behavior of zombies.

the terrifying giant zombie had already destroyed all the artillery and tank mecha formations on the battlefield. If it hadn't been for the Shaolin Five Elders personally to intervene and lead the giant zombie to battle in the open distance, the defense line would have been ruined long ago.

however, even so, the surging zombies like a sea wave still pounded against the defense line, making it appear precarious.

Every minute is killing, every minute is fighting repeatedly!

the mutated zombies, mixed in ordinary zombies, burst into the front of the position under gunfire, then suddenly unleashed their power and charged into the position.

At this moment, there will inevitably be a bloody slaughter.

Faced with this moment, there is always a senseless warrior who will immediately detonate the explosives they carry and die with the zombies. And the position will be filled up by the soldiers from behind in the first time.

the first thing these soldiers do when entering the position is to clean up the people and zombies next to them with bayonets, ensuring that there will be no sudden corpses, and then continue shooting towards the nearby zombies.

however, even so, there were still unnoticed corpses that suddenly erupted, causing chaos within the trench.

the battle was very difficult, and in just two hours, the damage rate of the 39th division of the 13th Army where wang minggang was stationed exceeded 50%. It is said that this is still the best situation on the front line

wang minggang arranged the troops of his last battalion in the residential buildings of the qingshan Lvshui munity, and used the balcony and rooftop to attack the zombies.

At this point, all the platoons stationed in the munity garden had died in battle, and the zombie swarm followed the stairs and entered the residential building.

wang minggang ordered his soldiers to blow up the corridor and defend it to the death. but the zombies still tirelessly dug out the passage from the stairs and killed them in the residential building.

the corridor on the second floor was exhumed by zombies and then bombed out on the third floor. the third floor was washed by zombies and then bombed out on the fourth floor... Every floor of the corridor and every room fought for land, and people and corpses fought to the end!

the soldiers on the rooftop also suffered a devastating disaster, as those eerie and spider like mutated zombies climbed up the rooftop along the wall, slaughtering and killing the soldiers who were caught off guard.

when wang minggang ran out of the last bullet in his pistol, there were no more soldiers around him. wang minggang was furious, carrying a broken looting wreckage and charging towards the mutated zombie!

wang minggang died, as an ordinary person with a name destined not to be remembered, under the sharp claws of a mutated zombie.

but the battle is clearly not over, just fifty meters away from the green mountains and waters of the munity. the friendly army responsible for garrison is still fighting fiercely with zombies, fighting to the end!

In the open area in the distance, giant zombies are tossing and stirring, temporarily unable to take care of this place.

Everywhere is the flames of war and smoke, and yesterday's bustling and popular city of watergate has bee a underworld hell.

the battle will continue, the blood will be shed, and the talk will be cold.