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  • 恢复默认

wang qiang was stunned, he really didn't know that this high-energy gun needed time to recharge.

Looking at the burning stick in his hand and the roaring face of the third generation zombies, wang qiang lamented in his heart: 'what kind of pit father thing is this?'.

the third generation zombies don't have much feelings in front of food with hatred, they follow along and shorten the distance to a dangerous level.

wang qiang can even see the remnants of flesh on the sharp teeth of the zombie's bloody mouth without a telescope.

people are not machines, and in the face of extreme oppression, they always make mistakes.

Zombies are like a whip, constantly whipping the hearts of fugitives. A city defense team member driving an air cushion motorcycle shook his hand and collided with a tree. Seven or eight strong men on the motorcycle were thrown to the ground.

these poor people will have to face the rushing zombies before they can even touch how many bags they have hit on their heads.

A four meter long large zombie, pletely mounted on a beast shaped tank, was swept over by the dust and dust.

the zombie raised its head and bit it down. A member of the city defense team was bitten on his waist and abdomen, and before he could scream, he was bitten in two.

the zombie buried its head in the food, swallowed it in small bites, and the entire body of the city defense team entered the zombie's belly.

the ferocious eating behavior of the zombie pletely shocked wang qiang. A feeling of nausea spread from the stomach to the forehead, then from the forehead to the throat. the food he had previously eaten went backwards from his stomach, and wang qiang couldn't help but vomit.

the third generation of zombies did not care about eating food or dishes at all. After swallowing the first person, Youlv's one eyed eyes focused on another person.

the person being targeted has not yet recovered from the shock of the overturned car, and can't even get up. they can only open their fearful eyes and sit waiting to die.

the zombie is not ambiguous, with its thick black claws and five fingers grabbing it. the zombie's dark claws are even thicker than ordinary people's arms, and the tendon tissue exposed to the air demonstrates strength.

the nails on the five fingers were as sharp as five steel swords. the poor man who was caught in his hand unexpectedly had the pinched part cut into several pieces by the sharp nails.

the zombie didn't lift the person off the ground with a few claws, but instead scooped up several large pieces of meat from the food. For this result, the zombies howled incessantly in dissatisfaction, simply stopped grabbing and nibbled down their heads, mixing with mud and blood to devour again.

how can a zombie be so ferocious that one's heart doesn't tremble and fear?

the remaining five big men have no intention of lying on the ground pretending to be dead! this animal, Nima, is purely omnivorous, and everyone is struggling to get up and escape.

when it es to running for life, it's also a philosophy, and one of the tricks is to never run in the same direction. Each of the five major han people chose a direction, scattered like birds and beasts, and fled desperately.

the zombie glared with one eye, clearly not considering what to do. however, zombies have one advantage, which is their understanding of death. After eating and drinking in place, the zombie identified one of the fugitives and pounced on them.

the movement speed of the first generation zombies is quite inferior to that of adults, while the second generation zombies can match the running speed of adults. As for the speed of the third generation zombies, it is not parable to humans.

this level of zombie is extremely rare for two reasons:

one is that the evolution of zombies is extremely difficult, and so far no one within the known range of xiacheng has figured out how zombies can achieve evolution. therefore, the probability of the outstanding mutation among the third generation zombies is not very high; the second reason may be that the vast majority of those who have seen three generations of zombies have bee a delicacy in their stomachs, without the opportunity to return to various settlements to brag and spread the horror of large zombies.

the third generation zombies rushed towards one of the directions of escape, and the locked guy instantly flew out of his mind, his legs flaccid, and he lay down on the ground.

the zombie made a joyful leap and landed in front of him, taking a big bite before hissing and gnawing. For those who never rinse their mouths, it doesn't matter whether their food is dirty or not. the important thing is to eat enough.

Sure enough, in less than a minute, the zombies ate another person, and by this time, the belly of the three generations of zombies had clearly swollen.

It seems that the zombie is already a bit full, but it is indifferent to the other escaped guys. It has refocused its attention on wang qiang.

wang qiang, who had just vomited and vomited, just raised his eyes and saw the big zombie fiercely chasing after him against the big belly waves.

wang qiang exclaimed urgently, \"Second brother, hurry up, that monster is ing up

the second brother's tiger body shook and the chrysanthemums tightened, causing a fierce battle. with a sudden increase in force, he drove his hovercraft forward, causing a sensation on the gas pedal.

the motorcycle, moving at full speed, pulled out a stream of air in mid air and rushed towards the distance in the blink of an eye.

the Ugly Eight monsters zombie was not to be outdone, with a big belly following closely behind.

the four big men from the city defense team who escaped from Shengtian wept with joy when they saw that the zombies were no longer interested in them. they knelt on the ground and cried bitterly, unable to stabilize their emotions for a while.

Several other hovercraft also tacitly gave way to the pursuit route for the zombies, and the third generation zombies were indeed not interested in caring about anything else, only wang qiang in their eyes.

daniel pulled Jiang Yun to hide on an air cushion motorcycle, watching the rushing zombies pass by, feeling relieved. If this thing catches his eye, it's better to die quickly.

Jiang Yun was extremely scared, his head buried in his clothes, watching the zombie pass by with tears swirling in his eyes.

At this moment, Jiang Yun was extremely regretful and shouldn't have taken his younger brother alone to play in the wild. the time outside was too dangerous and he almost lost his life.

watching the zombie roaring towards wang qiang, Jiang Yun's heart became inexplicably worried. this powerful zombie makes people unable to resist. will wang qiang be okay? Jiang Yun silently prayed.

how could it be okay?

wang qiang now wants to scratch his head open, and the zombie is getting closer. the off-road ability of this hovercraft is pletely inferior to that of the large zombie.

It seems that mr. qiang is going to kneel here, wang qiang thought to himself.

Lin Er's eyes were crimson, and his hands driving the motorcycle were covered in veins. From the rearview mirror, he could clearly see the ugly head of the zombie, which was getting closer and closer, and saliva from his teeth was dripping onto his face.

Lin Er roared angrily, \"Are you all fools, you trio of turtles? Shoot

Six or seven stunned men on the hovercraft, including wang qiang, remembered that they still had weapons in their hands.

So the gunfire erupted, pouring down the zombie's head.

Liu dehuang was just burying his head in writing a suicide note. the turbulence of the hoverbike was not a challenge for him, as he himself did not know a few words.

the most regrettable thing for Liu dehuang is that he will die without marrying a daughter-in-law. Although his cultural level is not high, he still needs to account for the inheritance hidden under his bed at home.

xiaohong in the living area has been paying attention to her for a long time. can these things finally be delivered to xiaohong's hands? Liu dehuang is thinking.

At this moment, dehuang heard his second brother beckoning him to shoot. Liu dehuang, who had always obeyed his second brother, immediately threw away paper and pen, grabbed the machine gun on the ground, and fiercely shot at the head of the zombie.

bullets hit the face of the zombie like hailstones, and even with the protection of an exoskeleton, blood still slowly appeared on the zombie's face. with such close range and density of shooting, the ugly face of the zombie finally developed towards ugliness.

but the zombies seemed to care nothing, and it seemed that the ugly man didn't care about the disfigurement at all. he still persevered and pursued the hoverbike with great perseverance.

wang qiang picked up his rifle and continued to aim it at the eyes of the zombie. At such close range, wang qiang's gun had no false fire, and every bullet hit the eye socket of the zombie.

but when the zombie saw wang qiang, they raised one arm and blocked the bullet from firing.

wang qiang was once shocked, and a terrible conclusion came to his mind: this creature has intelligence.

what a terrifying thing this is. once a zombie possesses extraordinary physical fitness and a certain level of intelligence, how can humans resist?

throughout history, humans have relied on wisdom to confront zombies, and even if their living space is repeatedly pressed, they can still survive. but if zombies really evolve wisdom parable to humans, how will humans survive?

wang qiang couldn't imagine it. he trembled and took out a grenade from Liu dehuang's bat pocket, pulled the lead, and forcefully threw it at the zombie's head.

the grenade curved through the sky, crossed the arm of the zombie barrier, and arrived in front of the zombie.

the zombie's green eyes focused on the small toy, revealing a hint of curiosity. then the zombie's tongue curled, and the grenade was directly drawn into the zombie's belly.

wang qiang couldn't conceal his excitement. It seems that this zombie is at best the instinct of a wild beast, just like a pug who enjoys holding a frisbee.

the zombie rolled its tongue and pondered in its mouth, revealing a chewing posture with its exposed fangs. the zombie's throat clearly made a swallowing motion, and then wang qiang knew that the grenade had been swallowed by the zombie.

Liu dehuang looked at the zombie eating his own grenade and said in shock, \"Second brother, this monster has eaten all the grenades. do you think it's strange

on the motorcycle, everyone cheered and clapped their hands in celebration.

one... two... three... wang qiang silently counted in his heart.

For a second, it can be said that it lasts forever, until the zombie's belly fluctuates violently. It is obvious that the zombie's bulging belly swells up again, and then the zombie makes a vomiting motion, then opens its mouth wide, and various pieces of human flesh mixed with blood spurt out.

the cheering crowd on the motorcycle was pletely shocked, watching the scattered scraps of flesh in the sky. the smarter person quickly buried his head and pulled up everything that could stop it to block the dense drop of flesh and mud.

Fortunately, Lin Er accelerated alone and was not hit by most of the broken meat, but it also pletely turned everyone on the motorcycle off.

Everyone started vomiting, and even wang qiang buried his head in disgust again.

Looking at the zombie again, he finally stopped and rubbed his belly. the previously bulging belly had now calmed down a bit. the zombie grabbed the residue at the corner of its mouth with its paw and let out an extremely dissatisfied roar, as if plaining.

Liu dehuang looked at the big zombie and couldn't help plaining: \"why did the grenade only make it vomit once? Is it a fake product?\"