读趣网 > 玄幻魔法 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第79章 Zoqliphoth
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这第九个条目记录了叛乱战胜莫萨克斯大公后的第三纪元的第 95 个周期。它传达了涂尔汗为应对对阿巴登稳定的挥之不去的威胁所做的努力。























统治虚空 下面是Zoqliphoth,一个苍白的穴居类人生物种族,拥有巨大的感官能力,在永恒的夜晚进化而来。Zoqliphoth生活在用石头雕刻而成的巨大地下城市中,由神秘神学指导,崇拜他们称之为不朽的古老存在的未知长者实体。


what Aria remembers must be imagined between time and space.

the girl had straight silver hair and small hands, and looked like an angel.

- Yes, so it's not a lie.

- then it will be easier to:

dark as the earth.

but for himself, this is the last light.

the darkness in Aria's eyes disappeared and was replaced by a lustful glow.

If there is something that humans cannot do, is it impossible if humans are superior?

he is amazing

Know it.

If he hadn't been crazy, he wouldn't have thought of leaving the human body.

that is as incredible as wishing to be immortal.

So, can you give me an idea? First of all, let me just say that the first time the physical encounter ended, oh, it ended.

the sound of the book of Azathoth reached Aria's ears like the sound of nature.

he announced that the job was done.

then Gurgin appeared and appeared beside him.

he saw the crazy look on her face and had to understand—

he captured his crazy side well.

- At the moment?

- the darkness created by the last mutation must e from you.

—Lord Almighty and Eternal, he wants to see. then everything will be history, and you are and always will be.

——here is the God who es, e, and from the end of the world.

Azathoth knows everything and can enter the labyrinth of time.

he saw in the future the eternal smile of the past, and even the foolishness that the God of Fate had done to cope with fate.

however, the book of Azathoth did not expect this to happen. because the reason for its existence is not to help the Umrah taber, nor to help do anything in history.

So the book of Azathoth decided to change the future and change this history.

——At least before Kuro found out about it.

After thinking about it, Azathoth's book released the magic power.

that magical power overcame Aria's darkness and freed her mind from negative emotions.

his human eyes were also looking at Azathoth's book.

No gifts. this thing itself is the ultimate gift. If you need another,

that is not true, mr. president.

there is something very sad written in the book of Azathoth.

this caused Aliya to take the book and throw it away.

this is a novel called ``the Great demon King''.

he only read it once, so he didn't regret throwing it away.

however, before the book lands on Azathoth, it falls to the ground and bees weaker, to a great effect.

you are angry


Aria looked at the Azathoth book in her left hand. this is a magic bullet that has pleted the power building stage and is ready to fire.

the book of Azathoth doesn't seem to understand this and seems blind.

So I'm going to give you a little secret gift.

the words of the gift gave Alya strength.


Yes, this is a gift they will surely love.

the words of Azathoth's book are full of evil.

however, Aria has no ill feelings.

Instead, he placed his first hope in the words of the book of Azathoth.

he knows very well that the other person does not have good intentions, but he expects something in return from the other person.

this magical book also exists, and its concept is different from ordinary people.

his approval was not very good, and even cutting off an arm would be considered a good deed.

yes? looking forward to it.

don't you really want to die? did I not say that magic is a hole, an interesting hole, and then, looking at it, magic is a lure from which people cannot escape?

Aria seemed to understand what the man wanted to say.

So how do you make your dreams e true?

--Isn't that what you want, a death-like future where you lose your magical powers?

- then you die in a strange world, you are swallowed by an evil god and you die as a new demon.

—— death, as the expulsion of the Supreme and Eternal Lord, is the first joy of being human.

- I know nothing about death or happiness.

I give you now a part of this joy.

- well, let's take the first step.

master, please let me forget about magic, let me forget this painful thing, and let me die to find happiness.

- the memory is closed

- magic head will be lost if memory is locked.

- For those who are not familiar with magical books, choose to live in a fairy tale.

——the fear of ignorance, connecting to another life without knowing what is happening.

- that makes me very happy. It is better to know the future than to know the past.

the book of Azathoth said with a smile.

At this time, the seals with various relationships with the gods were assembled in vain.

the law seal turned into a hat and invaded Aria's heart.

however, the book of Azathoth did not know when the seal entered Arya's body, and she harbored the same confusion in her mind that swallowed the seal.

however, this chaotic existence took something away from Aria's personality.

Seeing this, Aria's eyes widened in confusion.

In the book of Azathoth, this is considered a sign of a lack of magical knowledge.

So, should we be thankful?

Aria looked up with a heart-shaped eye. there was no darkness and no sight of the witch then.

master, may you think so, and I will accept your gratitude without mercy.

have you heard how dangerous that is?

Aria was furious. I also know that the magic part is not lost, but I didn't say it because I thought I was crazy with the words in the liberation book.

but Aria feels better and doesn't want to die all the time.

Everyone was so excited that they didn't have to think about the copy and he looked like a kid.

So sir, is there anything you want to say? otherwise, internships are always available. this is very interesting.

how should we use our time as humans? Very interesting.

Sorry, I haven't heard anything interesting.

well, let me tell you something, once the next mission is pleted, then it's time to expect progress step by step based on the balance of each mission. Love of course, performance recognition is the best reward, and asking for more is a shameless need.

book of Azathoth.

what happened?

Azathoth's reading today is particularly good because it has a plex emotional element of forgiveness.

however, because their relationship was so weak, Aria didn't hear and didn't think about why he was talking so much now.

Is everything you say true?

I never cheated, sir.

All this is different from your understanding.

the book of Azathoth does not make sense.

but if you want to know anything from me, you'll have to rely on your own wits and a little love

Even though you didn't inherit his wisdom or skill, there must be a special reason why the book of Azathoth came into your hands like no other, it had a form that appealed to you.

the future is difficult, but for you that difficulty is the key to the future, not the fate of everyone, because the light of the unknown is the light that attracts God.

who are you?

yes? I am the book of Azathoth, but I am not the book of Azathoth, who am I? I don't even know myself. If you wish, you may call me directly through the book of Azathoth, but you must expect nothing.

the last words of Azathoth's book suddenly sent chills down my spine.

well, that's all you have to say, if you keep talking like this you'll end up with some magic book of rules, where you'll be disappointed, if you want to live a good life you have to live more better than others, if that's you, happiness. No matter how you develop, bad things will happen, so you better not worry about me.

After that, despite Alya's questioning, the grimoire fell into a deep sleep, died, turned into a normal grimoire, and disappeared, but Arya still felt his presence.

he slept like a god.

Acmodations in windmill township.

this place is called the market of the dead, and as Victor says, it's a beautiful place.

It was a rare place in the city, and Aria dismissed it as a mage's workshop, but for some reason she didn't even dismiss the book of Azathoth.

In fact, it is a portal to the universe that leads to a mysterious place, the Unholy Realm.

this time, a new guest arrived.

are you going? my power cannot enter your world and my life is inplete, so I have been waiting for a long time.

A soft voice woke chizuna from her sleep.

he looked at the man who spoke, and judging by the way he spoke, he was a good man.

perfectly long black hair like black ink, a definite and perfect face shape, and an amazing figure.

his ice blue eyes seemed to sparkle in the moving light.

Although he was standing quietly, his whole body seemed to emit a beautiful divine light like the sky.

the only drawback is its small size.

If you look closely, bai qi's skin is black and bloodless, but it doesn't detract from her beauty.

chisner looked at the man.

After thinking for a moment, chizuna realized that she looked like Aria.

however, the level of activity is not the same.

So, chisner realized this after some time.

right? why am I here? I remember that time

because you are dead.

the girl felt good, but she didn't say why, but she was very strong.

because the other person has to believe that they are talking about the best minds in the world.

to be honest, I feel like I would be stupid if I ask more.

obviously this is a matter of life and death, so please do it without worrying about what others think.

however, according to the girl's answer, chizuna seems to accept that fact.

he said.

Are you dead? did I die because I died and was born again?

chizuna said as if summarizing.

the woman seemed to mean him.

Yes, you should die, no need to ask.

If there is a reason, it is because the so-called reincarnation after death never happened in the first place, and it is out of your power.

because this is my strength.

but this time I didn't start for you.

this page is the power of my sacred magic weapon, the Gate of Kadath.

Such is the woman.

In short, it is a magical weapon that makes death a dream, and the existing reality bees an illusion in your mind.

those involved in it can never descend from this world, for even death bees a dream.

but now I am not going to the world? my heart seemed to stop beating, I couldn't breathe, my body was cold, and everything around me seemed to be on fire.

hearing this word means you are out of the country. the underworld is like nothing, nothing after death.

pure happiness and the realms called hell and heaven cease to exist and cease to exist when a person dies.

therefore, it is not a crime for the dead to live only in the minds of others, since the dead do not exist now or in the future.

the woman smiled kindly, and everyone around her was delighted by her mysterious beauty.

but Kisner didn't know why he suddenly felt bad. he knew it was a lie.

If you look closely, you will see that even though the light in his eyes is controlled, he also controls his emotions.

there seems to be an oriental monk called daishonin.

It is a dominant emotion, so it is very pure.

there is a desire for holiness.

A person's heart is a sacrifice, but a person is a fool, a lamp with plex emotions, but does not know what a pillar of light is.

And the man in front of me expressed some kind of emotion because he didn't know there was a cornerstone there.

however, there is no doubt that humans are not such pure creatures.

Such pure beauty does not exist in humans.

Its purity made chizuna feel as if she had met tao in person.

chizuna, like a fool who couldn't understand Jim's physical side, never understood tao's beauty.

For those without antenna technology, it is difficult to appreciate its beauty.

people with no sense of taste find it difficult to appreciate the taste of food.

So is chisner.

therefore, he could not appreciate this pure beauty.

For chisner, this is a dirty light on the truth.

what he is looking for is not a God who gathers good things and shows up.

however, at this point, not understanding the situation, chisner was able to hold back the words.

So who are you? why am I here again?

At this point, chisner realized the behavior would return forever.

he was already angry with the existence of life.

he wanted to die, but he couldn't.

For example, setting goals is only for animals who want to be great, but not for humans.

but he knew that the woman in front of him was an animal.

otherwise, I don't think I would go through such an endless cycle.

I'm sure someone else has plans to do something like that.

chizuna looked at the beautiful woman in front of him as if she were a goddess of love.

because he knows that everything in this town is about him.

chizuna looked around and realized that this place was familiar to the rest of the village.

It wasn't like he hadn't been to this place before; at that time, chizuna had the power of reincarnation after death, so he wandered around the mysterious places of this city, but he did not e as a dead person. only one place.

Everything can be bought here, even longevity. of course, without special money, life can only be used as a symbol.


chisner thought.

yes? you want to know my name?

this is me

what is my name

the beautiful young woman had a frown on her face, as if she was thinking a lot before thinking.

I forgot, even though others called me mine

they called me that, looked at me with evil voices and hateful eyes, said my name -

product life

this is the approximate pronunciation, but it is not the actual name.

these are sounds that are not made by words or vocal cords.

because it is not a unique name that a human creature can make, let alone a sound that a creature in this world can make.

After hearing this true name.

chizuna felt an inexplicable shock that went straight through her back, her bones, and her entire body.

tavel still showed his beautiful smile and said in a beautiful voice like an angel's song.

want more options? do you want to live again?

If you have anything to say, please let me know as soon as possible.

chisner wanted to punch him while smiling.

Like I said before, it gives you a chance to live, it's not acceptable to die and be trash like this, can you accept the end like this?

Killing God's wicked people is not a normal act.

yes? pERhApS

tavel kept skipping points.

So tell me, did you choose to live? do you want to be lazy here by any means necessary?

tabel's eyes told him that every decision he made, past, present, and future, danced in the hands of this woman.

It does not matter whether he answered or not, because tavel Yat Umr is the first and eternal Lord.

Everything is within tao, and tavel is a being who can receive all tao.

the answer is wrong because it's your decision, I don't know what talent you can attract to mine, but it seems like you can't escape. Really interesting management of tao is definitely full of the same types of fatigue.

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So, does the story end here?

this is a story that will happen all over the world in the future.

Alice from the future has a magical book called ``the book of Azathoth''.

the words listed are not foreign words, nor are they foreign words.

there is not even a word for it.

because it is a real three-dimensional image.

the picture shows what happened in a place called windmill town.

Aria saw everything that happened to Alice.

that's exactly how it should be.

however, in the next moment, the image that Alice saw suddenly disappeared.

only a dark shadow can be seen.

this made Alice's beautiful face angry.

he stared at the book of Azathoth with shining eyes.

because Alice knows that the book of Azathoth is not only a magical book, but a clone of the devil.

the devil who values justice the most among the thirteen threats.

however, Alice had never seen what a human body looked like, even if it was a demon.

From the beginning until this moment, Alice knew him in a magical book.

but Alice also knows that the answer to her question is impossible.

because this demon is as silent as a magic book.

It's not as good as the Little Elu or R'lich books.

this is a magical book that will set you on fire.

Alice asked quietly.

No forced actions, only manual attacks.

this is because his relationship with the book of Azathoth is not a friendship or an intimate relationship.

After all, Alice is one of the participants in the game.

he had no advantage over this demon.

Yes, Alice knows she is a poor player and is called bad names like boss.

- It never sets expectations.

- but I want to see you again. my aunt

Alice quickly put down Azathoth's book and placed it on the floor next to him.

he didn't seem to be interested in this magical book at all.

Alice said to herself.

but he came back. Yes, it would be irresponsible to bee Augmon's incarnation and go back in time.

I'm really jealous, I'm really jealous, why can he think of himself and interfere with his time and space where he spends his time in peace?

It was obviously difficult for even the Supreme Lord and the Infinite First to go directly to this space-time ring, so why was it so easy to do?

Alice cried, despairing of her own abilities.

of course, I'm also a Yog-Sothoth demon, but why don't I have the same talent? of course, you can't do the above if you're not banned.

why are you not interested? Every time I read a related article, I get sick to my stomach. what kind of content is it?

Alice just spoke to herself and didn't wait for an answer. being alone is boring.

however, he received an unexpected answer.

because you refuse to put your mind on the right track.

Alice's eyes lit up when she heard this answer.

It is not out of anger or any other emotion.

when I say this, it is out of curiosity.

because Alice never thought that the book of Azathoth could talk about something so small.

he was scared until his heart stopped.

the book of Azathoth not only grants wishes, but also speaks.

obviously, if the wish had not been granted and the action had not been sent, the book of Azathoth would have been lost.

but now he did not speak in words, but in a voice.

Are you really talking?

At this point, Alice's words seemed exaggerated.

Like a mute suddenly surprised to have a voice more beautiful than an angel's.

teacher, what is your world used for?

but this is not a problem. the Yu game is not a mental game. Although not as big as aquarium fish, it is a small and harmless problem.

At that moment, Alice's body made a loud noise.

he was very angry and demanded conditions.

his nerves throbbed, as if they were throbbing at his temples.

the swelling of bai Ji's skin also showed inflammation of the fascia.

he always seems to want to attack someone's body.

however, he did not act on such thoughts.

All consciousness makes Alice understand the meaninglessness of this action.

his opponent was not a weak magic book, but a real member of the thirteen terror Group.

Even if he is a clone, if Alice fights him, he will definitely lose in the end.

the only question is how he can beat it.

but his puffy face was the best.

because of this, Alice forcefully suppressed any thoughts that wanted to act beyond her control.

try to speak in a low voice.

You won't do much good if you force it.

Like last time, it was a good event, why did my brother beat me?

——of course you hit your sister.

the book of Azathoth does not make sense.

It was a little different from what Alice expected.

the elves that appear in the book of Azathoth are not demons themselves.

In fact, they are dead participants in Azathoth's book game.

After death, the soul of the participant returns to the void.

this was done in the book of Azathoth and was the secret purpose of the clones.

but at least Alice was right about one thing.

In other words, this clone's bat power can defeat him without any problem.

Indeed, the spirit of the book is the spirit of the book, and the body is the body.

he was a clone of one of the thirteen terrors, and his body was stronger than Alice's.

besides, as a clone, he could do nothing against the iron rules set by his original body.

therefore, threats of violence are futile.

Above all, Alice was especially happy when she found out that this magical book had defeated her.

otherwise, because of Alice's actions, she uses her hands to force her opponent, and since she can't do that, she has to play the game according to the rules. In fact, even if he is the devil. I don't think he was treated fairly.

the 13 are dangerous, but unlike other people who are infected with color and bee demons, each has great power.

It's been a long time, so I'm used to your stories.

Alice said this, but the essence of her words showed her angry nature, and she wanted to punch someone.

there is no consistency between his thoughts and words.

the book of Azathoth is very clear about this.

he also knows that his master is a dishonest man and enjoys beating him, and his celestial power of transformation follows him and beats him like a punching bag.

what happened this time? If you are right in what you say, bad things will happen again.

Alice is smart and thinks that because of what she said, the other person will not answer.

So there must be a chance. It's time to get back into the Azathoth book game.

I hope this is good news that will change my opinion of you.

Alice cried, knowing it was impossible.

there is no doubt that the other side has no idea for progress.

At that moment, he felt that he had to suffer again.

So teacher, please stop listening.

bad news if I don't hear it?

Alice expresses hope and seems to hope that Azathoth's book will give her a definitive answer.

but the book of Azathoth gives the perfect answer.

It is good to have sweet dreams before sleep.

Alice actually cried at the cruel treatment in one of the rooms.

this time, I want someone to fort me.

but Alice knew that was impossible.

people who think like this do not exist.

So, in the eyes of Alice, who wanted to eat, Azathoth's book also revealed bad news.

the next mission is a torture mission, master, you've made it.

You have to accept your punishment this time, so the next mission is a punishment plan.

From now on, please do not act on your own will.

- what's the point of living if you can't do everything you want?

So Alice didn't listen.

As a woman, you should not be ashamed.

It's not a big deal. In fact, these things are starting to interest me, and their plexity is not a bad thing.

Alice answered the book of Azathoth with a beautiful angelic smile, but ignored the words of the book of Azathoth.

As a woman, she is not afraid.

Alice is not afraid to fight demons unless she is facing them.

Yes, Alice believed, she could do it with her hands, no problem, not even the demon Nero could hold her hand.

of course, the main condition is to allow Nero to defeat him and not to use the gods with magic weapons or magic books.

well, boss, I hope you are positive about your work, but it's not as easy as you think.

what does that mean?

If you keep saying this, the volume will get louder, but it doesn't matter, master.

Isn't it important? I am a demon of Yog-Sothoth, how can I fear them?

Alice looked on in disbelief.

So, is this also true when dealing with an evil god?

Evil god? what did you say Is there an evil god?

Yes, but can't we raise the dead? God's wickedness is not something that can be resolved once it dies; even if God is a destroyer, it will not die, and no matter how many times pass, the evil god will not return, from the past. From here, from here, this entry. the flow of all time, space, and everything is unpredictable.

the book of Azathoth provides the final answer from the Necromancer's Secret in two ways.

Even death dies in these wonderful years.

therefore, master, be aware of that, and you will not return quickly.

the tone of Azathoth's book is very cold, but there is a smile there.

- he is waiting.

Alice judged that from the man's tone.

And then Alice realizes a deadly truth.

the man in front of me was neither intelligent nor obedient, but a demon.

It doesn't matter if it's an old ruler or a foreign god.

None of them can be pared to the wise and true God.

he seemed to want to see the misfortune of this magical book.

So you can tell me

Alice's voice trembled.

he has a beautiful appearance, like something from a fairy tale, but his words are a little scary, which is difficult to understand.

the book of Azathoth seems to recognize this.

the smile in his voice deepened.

No, president Yoo.

If you have any questions, I won't answer them.

because no one, be it a demon or an animal, can be free and live a happy life.

people who dream of happiness fall into the pit, and that is Yuu's happiness.

however, it is not difficult to give some tips.

the voice of the book of Azathoth ends here.

because it's like autumn when everyone has lost.

he fell to the ground as if dead.

Alice watched in disbelief as the book of Azathoth fell to the ground.

Soon the story appeared on a blank page.

write on the page


Alice reads the title page with an unknown biography, but she hasn't read the story yet.

this is not a coincidence. So what does this story show?

Alice stretched bai Ji's delicate fingers and turned the pages of the book, but except for this page, the other pages were blank from beginning to end, and except for the \"call of cthulhu\" page, others are blank. Everything is white. . A page without a single line of text.

It's like a notebook.

while reading the story, Alice took out an ink pen and wrote as if she wanted to add a letter to it, but as she wrote the letter, the letter disappeared, and the ink stopped writing.

At this point, Alice is convinced that the above story was written for her to read.

but no matter how you look at it, it's a typical story, with themes that might be associated with fairy tales as much as mystery novels.

but what does it really mean? we do not specialize in mysticism as a religion.

Very difficult to understand, but very interesting.

A high priest named cthulhu and mythical creatures who call themselves elders rest in the tombs of Re under the high priest's magical protection.

based on high priest cthulhu's description, isn't it just the Star Family?

okay, very interesting, but why is it different from what I know?

this is not the seal of the old gods, but the magic of the high priest cthulhu, and no evil god sleeps here, only the tribes and priests pretending to be gods. were there no ancient gods? Is this text necessary?

As she watches, Alice begins to learn more about entertainment, and when she finishes reading a chapter and turns the page, another story emerges.

It is like a world where there are no old gods, only gods of darkness.

Yes, can't really explain. Is it a melodrama?

Alice's thoughts were confused, but she looked at him patiently.

how are you Is this interesting? but Alice, don't you get a headache reading these words?

Kobu? right? e? wow, this is interesting.

Alice heard a pleasant voice and immediately turned to her book.

his eyes showed interest and connection.

Go to his side excited to meet his God.

And Alice fell straight into someone's arms.

he took a deep breath, as if inhaling all the air contaminated with human odor.

his face was rubbed against someone's chest, as if he wanted to fill his body with another person's taste.

however, in the next moment, I felt that the person in front of me had disappeared.

Feeling defeated, Alice's celestial body almost fell to the ground.

Alice's wife xiao looked at Alice with her other right eye.

It seems that his left eye is injured, so he makes cloth and rubber to hide it.

this person's name is xiaowu, and her name is Aikasha wuxian (Note 1).

he is the embodiment of Yog-Sothoth, the demon of Infinite Light of the thirteen terrors.

She, who was labeled as a non-human, suddenly started to look like a good woman.

Infinity does not wear magic clothes, but a normal school uniform.

It is similar to Z city's school uniform.

mugen seems to have returned from school.

but the strange thing is that Alice can smell countless bodies that emit the smell of blood.

this is his blood.

At least Alice could tell the difference between someone else's blood and infinite blood.

For Alice, delivery workers are like real family members.

because the other part is the incarnation of Yog-Sothoth.

It is believed that he is Yog-Sothoth himself from the time of the destruction of the evil god.

As a member of God's family, Alice cannot resist in the face of eternity.

this is because people have no way to oppose God, and God's evil spirits have no power before God.

For Alice, Infinity is God, Yog-Sothoth, Lord of doors and Keeper of Fire.

this is the silver key.

why do you want to avoid it? I'm so bored?

Alice's eyes were red and she looked like she was going to cry.

how can you do this, please stop crying, babies' cries are not cute, I don't like crying babies.

As if on cue, Infinite's fingers caressed Alice's hair.

She left her mark in her long silver hair.

then he touched someone's face.

Alice was at a loss for words as she wanted to cry.

he seemed to be enjoying himself.

then Alice asked as if she was thinking about something.

So, did you see it today?

qi che wuxian played with his short rain-colored hair with his fingers, and his face turned red like a child in love.

of course I saw it.

this little chumo is so cute. Endless, I love him so much that I can't believe that he is cute this time.

She is so beautiful, I want to be close to her, she has so much power that I deserve to live with her again without using divine power.


Alice tried to say hello, but her fingers were held tight, as if someone was trying to break her palms.

You can even hear heavy sounds among the bones.

however, in an act of pure evil, Alice did not know that she had heard that Infinite's powers were gone.

Infinite also noticed that Alice had a frown that didn't suit her face.

however, this time, the child who had been driven crazy by the magic of eternal love shone with a smile that suited his situation.

Note 1: As usual, this is not a real-life character, but a ic book character, dinfrex, a character that appears in the demon Slayer series. the main character finally loses his life in the god-destroying battle.

Note: I have long been known as the demon Slayer of the Great Sage, so this time I will introduce some scenes related to that part. I don't think anyone reads this manga.

character card: Aria. derby

this symbolic map is fake.

Aliya darby (19 years old) is an occult graduate

She is a small girl with long black straight hair and curly hair. Apart from her kindness and childlike behavior, she is a beautiful woman. but for people with natural intelligence, it creates a strange wonder, as if connected to a great being who has acquired the powers of God.

road 9

or 16

size 8

integer 16

Until the 21st

dex 17

Appendix 18

education 20

I know 0

persistence 13

weight loss: no

weapons: box 30%, dagger 40%. 60% gun, 20% glue

Spells: Evil Eye, Increased Fear, demonic transformation, blood wedding, broken heart, concussion, Ancient Seal, writing Skills, contact Narlathotep (from the book of Azathoth)*, contact the high Lord of Eternal Life (ie contact ). tower. A. Umru)**, Six calls and charms

*: this spell does not use any spells and causes Nyarlathotep to appear in a magical form.

****: this mantra is a magical non-violent mantra that is in your mind. when you cast a spell, the Great First Lord will appear in your dreams.

Skills: Foreign Languages 60%, cthulhu mythos 48%, First Aid 30%, history 25%, occult 25%, persuasion 28%, Evasion 40%, Stealth 40%, psychology 20%.

Loss of Sanity: detecting Arya's hidden aura causes her to lose 0\/1d5 points of sanity.

100 pairs (finished)

It happened on march 8, 1914.

this time was one year after the birth of wilbur whatley.

today is wilbur's birthday.

but as a mother, Lavinia Votelii had important things to do that day.

this should be done now.

there is nothing more important than my beloved son who will turn one year old.

mothers should think of more important things than children.

Lavinia is a member of the watley family, which is on the wane.

he is now 36 years old, lame, slow, and looks like albino.

he is ignorant, not handsome, and does not understand mysticism.

without a doubt, he was an inpetent member of a famous black magic family.

because he doesn't know magic.

but this time, a great life was born in the womb of this helpless woman.

Lavinia also believed in the birthday of this great being.

he is a great man like Jesus in christianity.

No, it must be a more sacred and holy life.

with a certain level of respect for God and buddha, you should feel true happiness for the child inside you.

this is because he is a God with two aspects of divinity and humanity.

It's as big as the old stuff.

Lavinia didn't believe there was such a thing.

It is still present in the human body.

but no matter how low or inpetent a woman is.

It is clear and true that he does not deserve to be rejected.

he has 100% confidence in it.

because this is his inner child.

that day, Lavinia felt divine inspiration.

It is an inspiration from within.

An old snake-like demon called out to him.

he came into the world on this day.

It is like the sun rising in the east and setting in the west, something that cannot be done.

It is true that the will of man cannot be changed.

but why is it used?

because Lavinia did not know if they had sex or not.

No, it is better to say whether there is natural talent or not.

the only thing is, it's at least worse than the beast that old watley made.

Even wilbur, as the firstborn, did not deserve such glory.

the strangest thing is that Lavinia does not know who the father of her child is.

who is the Lord and his descendants are the different forms of the Supreme being?

he doesn't know

he knew the name of this man - the Lord of Infinite power and the First Lord of Eternity.

but this name in the mouth of the extremists has no meaning.

As for who God is, the best thing about any denomination is that God is in the mouths of its believers.

Lavinia had no idea what kind of son this god was.

but one thing is certain: they are bigger gods than Nayog Sotho.

of course, because Lavinia didn't know that old Vateri couldn't summon UGG.

therefore, even if there are such mistakes, they are enough to show the greatness of God.

Lavinia was sitting on a rough wooden bed.

the cleanliness of the bed was oK, but I can't say it was very good.

In fact, this room was originally a staff room.

because this is where Lavinia is hiding.

She knew that her father, this fanatical fool, would not allow her to safely give birth to this holy child.

It is more difficult for fathers to understand the truth of God's will.

Also, it's not the same concept as the monster it spawned.

God and the devil are in Lavinia's heart.

they are not the same species as the halftone animals.

he did not think that his father's foolish mind and ignorance of mysticism could understand the divine presence of a great God.

I don't think either side can prehend the glory of an almighty and eternal God.

therefore, accidents never happen.

this is confirmed by the name of the holy symbol.

when he was born, he was promised eternal life because of his faithfulness.

Give eternal life to a mortal woman who does not understand the pillars of magic.

when he came, I heard his holy voice saying, ``he is in the holy Spirit, and the child in me is not only a child born by the grace of God, but has a greater purpose. .'' told. .

Lavinia said to herself, but a terrible spell surrounded her and suffocated her.

It looks like it will bee a dangerous beast and roar here in the future.

the magically altered silk mixed with the surrounding air.

Space and time are lost.

In the future, this world will be filled with the kingdom of God.

but this kingdom of God is more powerful than the old kingdom of God.

Unthinkable magical powers also began to appear.

At that moment, this universe was separated from the real world and became a separate world between universes.

however, this divine realm suddenly disappeared, and the magical power surrounding Lavinia disappeared as if it had never existed.

In that case, we need to save this child as soon as possible.

old watley opened the door and said in a drunken voice:

he was a crazy old man.

this is not Lavinia the daughter of Yog-Sothoth, do you understand what you are doing? You have a most important mission, now, as the candles and stars align, whatever flows in your womb must be the seed of the blood of God, holy child.

there was anger in old whatley's words.

In fact, this lazy woman only played the role of summoning the descendants of the gods.

this time, this weapon betrayed him.

he even created a species apart from the one true God.

I don't know about the magic of summoning a god, but there's no problem with just summoning the power of a god.

the ancient art of Vateri uses the curse of flesh and blood to create a force that generates the power of a god and transmits it to the human body.

the dunwich monster can be said to be the offspring of divine power.

It is a demon used to summon God.

however, this plan seems to have failed.

then old watley's eyes seemed to burn with anger.

And indeed, the Father is the Son of God.

Lavinia cried. her innocent face exuded confidence.

In other words, it is a selfish will of man.

It is a strong will that ensures that you are on the path to eternal life and fulfilling the will of heaven.

the purpose of heaven is freedom.

Lavinia is very confident.

for the will of heaven is in him.

but this is not my child.

do you know what I'm talking about?

At this time, the leper stepped back, and old watley looked at Lavinia with blank eyes.

of course, children are more than what their fathers and parents expect, they are not descendants of men and gods, they do not depend on God, and they are superior to others.

Lavinia's words were full of conviction.

he said that the stupid and disgusting things he said were true.

that applies to himself as well.

because the will of heaven told him so.

what can a vain man believe except in the will of heaven?

As Lavinia thinks, she also expresses her desire to resist her father's madness.

because pared to the will of heaven, this crazy old walter has nothing to fear.

the biggest fear in this world is you. because that fear does not scare him.

In other words, it is a paradise where even enthusiasts can find a sanctuary to enjoy forever.

old watley seemed to understand this, and a large amount of magic power emanated from his body.

when there is darkness in faith, a mysterious power is born.

however, this did not affect Lavinia.

because a magical force struck before this great love came.

Like the sky, all living things are afraid.

It seemed like something sweet for the target of the day that absorbed the power of magic.

however, old watley continues to channel magical powers, unaware that he has lost his magical powers.

my stomach has a great will, so he used his spiritual power to balance my body in my stomach, so that his blood could affect me regardless of what was in his body.

but I believe that this great will is more talented than wilbur, one day people will be proud of him, because he is the king of the world and a star in the sky, how great his presence is Impossible to explain how big the end is. be. Let's bring the gods home. because he is the holy Spirit and the incarnation of the gods.

what he saw in Lavinia's eyes was not what a mother expected from her child, not an empty dream confused with love, but it felt right.

this look on his face is like a christian seeing his God.

but it is more than God.

the elders themselves were the same creatures, gods of dreams that emerged from the horrors of the depths like black demons.

old whatley hates such a scene, he does not know what a child is, old whatley once changed Lavinia so that people can gain divine power. It carries the symbol of evil divine power and may represent a child with divine power in the womb.

An artificial demon, that's what old man watley wanted, and wilbur made that dream e true. this boy is like the wisdom of God and even at a young age he can learn any magic. chILdREN

Elder watley believed that he would grow up to be the strongest demon, and that he would be the most consistent heir to watley's bloodline.

but what did this crazy woman do?

Yes, old watley felt the power of Yog-Sothoth, but there was something strange about it that frightened him, and he realized that this child with the body of a woman was stronger than him and much stronger. I realized it was dangerous. of course, it wasn't the demon he was expecting, but it was a very bad one.

the reason why it is called that is because the other person is an animal, not a human.

old wateri's prophetic magic warned him of a dire future.

this seemingly hopeless future destroyed the watley family.

old watley also has a vision of the outer world where the gods are destroying the world.

Look at this demonic snake that goes around the world.

this is dark pharaoh.

You can also see - Su xia

It wasn't a good future, and it wasn't what he expected.

No one wants it to end.

this is because it shows that even death cannot enter heaven.

Everyone in the world returned to Ubo Sasura

this is the prophecy he saw.

It is the grace of God that will e soon.

old watley was a wizard and not a fanatic, so he looked into the matter thoroughly. For him, even the evil god was only used for food, not for worship.

Although this idea is proud and proud, it honestly reflects the heart of the magician. because magicians are a group of greedy animals whose main purpose is to oppose the evil gods.

So, in the future, the evil demon will return from the dream world and cause all kinds of unexpected chaos.

the sorcerer wants to use the evil god's power for his own good, and not consider the evil god his master.

In front of him was Lavinia.

It is an animal whose master is an evil god.

only fools are attracted by the great power of this evil god and worship it.

Lavinia's will, like her body, is neither good nor bad.

many would say that cosmetics are useless.

old watley sings.

It looks like there are two white toes between the five toes.

the next moment saw Lavinia in the palm, a flash of lightning.

but in the middle, the lightning stopped.

time seemed to stand still.

It's like Zeus controlling lightning.

Lavinia's eyes revealed the great will of heaven.

her inner child protects her.

dad, I understand that there is nothing you can do to prevent childbirth. why don't you accept it?

there was no hesitation on Lavinia's face as she used her power to block old Vateri's magic.

he was not born, but his talent is greater than yours, and there is no way to destroy it, because God is far from me and you.

Lavinia felt the wrath of the heavenly will, the wrath of one who tried to prevent fate.

So Lavinia took action.

he walked in front of old watley.

Although his opponent continued to attack him with magic, old wotley's magic had no effect under the power of heaven.

before stepping in front of old man watley, his palm turned red and he directly punched Lavinia in the body.

Red flames engulfed his body like fire.

his left hand was burnt and turned black from the fire.

but old watley cried too.

If you look closely, you will see that his feet are cracked, as if soaked in boiling oil.

I gave you a chance witch, I didn't feel sorry for you even though you were close to this woman.

Lavinia said this, and at that moment old whatley pointed to her with his left hand and said in disbelief:

wow, that's impossible, did you win?

A fake smile appeared on Lavinia's normal face, and although she looked pretty, it was very fake and disgusting.

victory? maybe, but maybe it's a failure, so spare me, mr. whatley, because

Lavinia did not finish speaking, because the words were only a trick.

As he spoke, his eyes shone with a strange light, and immediately caught hold of old watley.

whatley, forget what happened here. I must be born next.

Lavinia said.

then, young Shirakichi's palm passed over his stomach.

At first only five pinky fingers, but later the whole finger came out.

No blood flowed between his fingers, and his body looked like a ghost.

then the palm of my hand also stretched out and split outwards.

It's like pushing a door open.

Lavinia's stomach was pletely open and two layers of skin were rolled back, revealing her insides.

It's like I'm connected to the dark side.

Stretched to the limit, Lavinia screamed in pain and split in two like an explosion.

what came out of that hole was the girl's will.

when she was born, she appeared not as a baby, but as a 6-year-old girl.

this girl is cute and pretty and will definitely be a magical witch when she grows up.

her face, gentle as an elf, as beautiful as a doll that makes the best watches, and what the two eyes see is not the light of a man or the innocence of a man child, but the innocence of a child. .

Everything is in his heart.

he has the appearance of an angel, unlike other wilburs who were born with the appearance of a demon.

more attractive than a human, this body, although small, does not have the characteristics of a monster, similar to a human, but more like a perfect animal than a human. .


they are animals that have been in heaven since they were born.

he was a devil from birth.

Aria whatley. yes? the name of this body is perfect.

but is it okay to change a child's name before birth?

however, this is not his real name, and it does not seem like a good name for his reincarnation.

but why is she a woman? Something is wrong, that's the view.

the girl looked in the mirror.

Is it really like that? do those signs go away after being born again? but apart from my appearance, nothing much has changed, my life is mine, and there seems to be no sign of anyone else.

If you look closely, you can see that the shapes are different, like mine and her daughter's. this means that the body is affected by the light of divine power, but the spirit is not affected by it. . do I have specs? ?

Lavinia whatley, you are a gifted child, but your faithfulness is the key to eternal life. So I gave you a new life.

the son of Yog-Sothoth, this wizard was not a descendant of wortley. well, as of today, you are wilbur whately's twin and Yog-Sothoth is yours. Father, the trio of demons are your brothers and Elder cthulhu is their older brother.

Rejoice, you will recognize their presence and witness all the Infinite demons ing. You must reach your full potential because the tao has everything and he who finds the tao has everything. then, as the head of the cosmic circle, you will achieve eternal life in Klein. the bottle is the demonic equivalent of Nero.

No matter how many times you die, you have another chance, and the chance to be born again is endless.

In the next moment, Lavinia, who was isolated, slowly turned into an animal under the influence of that mysterious magic power.

this is the animal that Elle later kills in dunwich. (Note 2)

In the end, the eternal life that was promised to him was quickly lost.

Aria wortley quickly looked up.

So, have you seen enough?

Footnote 1: wilbur whatley, a member of the Yog-Sotho tribe, died at miskatonic University. the monster that died at the hands of El Azif's copy should have died under plutonia migo's design in the original project.

Note 2: See chapter 7.

Note 3: there are parts that have nothing to do with the main story, but I will include them because they seem to be cut off a bit.

Additional silver reading 1

this is a story that happened a long time ago.

miskatonic University Library.

It really is paradise.

It is a paradise for magicians who study heretical arts and seek the kingdom of God.

because all the magic books in the world can be found here.

It is not an original book, but maybe the magic of the book of magic is not very interesting.

but the knowledge of magic books is real.

As the main library of miskatonic University, there weren't many powerful magic books.

this is because these forbidden books are kept in forbidden places.

Again, this is not something magicians use.

According to legend, the forbidden realm of books also includes magical books that allow you to change human form.

the power of a grimoire can be used magically.

those who make a contract with a spellbook can control the terrible magical power contained within it.

there is no contract in the grimoire, but the power contained within the grimoire is a power that consists of many elements.

witches can also gain enlightenment about these mysteries, but that may be what the authors had in mind when they wrote their witchcraft books.

perhaps this is a revelation of an unimaginable encounter between God and the devil of darkness.

No matter how you say it, the closer you are to the actual text, the more hidden it is.

however, this does not mean that older is stronger, and the distance from the original book depends on the level of the creator.

It is enough not to use it for those who do not understand basic knowledge, simple copying, and magic.

Not only is it not secure, but the students don't have the ability to decipher the secret.

there must be a severe lack of basic knowledge.

For example, the Yang Ling mentioned above did not say anything.

At that time, hardeg was studying in the library.

the modern-day hadeg is not an evil and dangerous priest, he does not know God or the existence of the devil.

he is an ordinary student here.

hardeg is about 16 years old and looks like a normal young man.

her short blonde hair, slender body, and casual clothes are not ordinary.

he sat on one side and they surrounded him.

hardegger took out a book of magic, turned the pages, and read the contents carefully.

he read the book slowly.

It took hardegger two full hours to assemble this magical book, which is as thin as a pamphlet.

It is a magical book called \"Secrets of the dead.\"

but I heard that it is an inplete version, very difficult and taken from old rulers or idiots who don't even know animals.

while in school, he didn't like to study and he had an angry look on his face.

what was in front of him looked like a court document that had fallen into the hands of a criminal.

Its value may be for this grimoire, or perhaps for itself.

through -


hardeg said this after placing the spellbook.

he was studying magic at miskatonic University and didn't understand the introductory book he was holding in his hand.

this man has nothing to do with magic.

Although the so-called magic is a technology owned by humans, it does not mean that humans can do it.

human civilization seems to be built on the resources of this country.

however, this does not mean that dinosaurs could have developed such a civilization if resources were plentiful.

If we look at the development of culture, even if human civilization has ended, simple magic will not be developed.

because it is knowledge given by God, it cannot be understood by human thoughts and ideas.

As an insect mind, it is difficult to understand human ments.