读趣网 > 玄幻魔法 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第49章 最后的对抗
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(第1卷第7章-“潜伏的威胁”-当地编年史)第8章 最后的对抗——地方编年史

在埃尔德里奇避风港的编年史中,埃尔德里奇避风港编年史的第八章展开,揭示了决定王国命运的高潮战斗。正是在第 4 个月的黑暗中,伊芙琳·布莱克伍德博士和她忠实的同伴们面临着他们的终














the girl smiled and explained, ``All the adults go to the village meeting.''

\"where are you going? the village chief's house?\"

\"No.\" the girl shook her head.

“Nu Shan?” Juan mu’s eyes lit up.

the girl who was wiping the back of homaki's hand looked up slightly. there was an expression in her eyes that was far beyond her age. he gave me a strange smile, but didn't answer any further.

Seeing this, Fang mu already had the answer in his heart.

After helping her finish her laundry in the morning, Fang maki temporarily sent the girl away on the pretext of changing her clothes. he closed the bedroom door and went back to bed.

After relaxing for a while, Fang mu felt his stiff hands loosen. he tried again to open his hand. Soon beads of sweat appeared on my freshly dried face. the sensation of that process was

painful and painful. It was a terrible pain. the palm was the part of the skin that was in direct contact with the hammer. the burns here were also the most severe. when the act of opening the palm is performed, it also means tearing the wound.

body fluids that smelled like blood oozed from the wound. Juan mu closed his eyes and took a deep breath, his whole body shaking uncontrollably.

then he slowly dipped his hand into the bathtub. the hot water stimulates the wound, which in turn stimulates the nerves in the wound. Juan mu endured excruciating pain, but remained silent.

After a while, Fang mu seemed to get used to the pain and removed his hand from the murky water in the basin again. At this point, his hand had regained some flexibility and the wound had healed considerably.

After checking the wound, Juan mu suddenly made a new discovery. A dark blue cloth was placed on the wound on his palm. half of the cloth stuck to the torn skin. he endured severe pain again. peel off the black cloth.

he poured a glass of water on the table, put a black cloth into the glass and rinsed it.

After reapplying the medicine and bandaging his hand, huang mu looked back at the dark blue cloth. most of the navy blue fabric has faded. when I picked it up and looked at it, I felt that the material and color of the cloth looked a little familiar.

when it was almost noon, Fang mu heard the sounds of people's activities and interactions in the village again. the girl's parents had just returned.

when Juan mu woke up, the girl's parents were very happy and said they would slaughter a chicken for her today so that she would have something healthy to eat after recovering from her serious injury.

Fang mu accepted with a smile, but felt an indescribable excitement in his heart.

they were all very kind to him and took good care of themselves, but...no one asked him what happened on mount Nun.

No need to ask? Not interested?

maybe...they were well aware of the fate of those who went into the mountains, or...maybe they were well aware of what happened to them.

In the afternoon, Fang mu went to visit the village chief again, but when he went to the village chief's house, he found that the village chief was not at home. the person who weled him was the village chief's wife, whom he had never met before. the person who greeted him was an old woman.

Fang mu wanted to ask where the old village chief was, but the old woman explained in broken mandarin. he listened carefully and probably understood.

It seems that the village chief's eldest son has passed away. the old village chief went to bury his son. he's not here today, and it's not convenient for him to meet visitors these days.

mr. Fang maki understood and suggested, ``this time, the old village chief has been very helpful to me. Your son has passed away. Let's give some incense to him. please don't refuse.'' did.

Even so, the grandmother did not refuse. he nodded silently and led Fang mu to the ancestral shrine behind the house.

when Fang mu entered the ancestral hall and saw the black and white portrait in the dark room lit by red candlelight, all the muscles in Fang mu's body immediately tensed, and he immediately lowered his head and looked at it. I covered it. Shock and awe. eye

that's it! Execute that mander! he... was actually the son of the old village chief!

Fang mu’s brain was suddenly shocked, and his expression was a little uncontrollable. As if he did not know who the person in the portrait was, he suppressed his fluctuating emotions, solemnly lit the incense stick, and remained silent. All the way back to where we stayed.

by the time he returned to the room and closed the door, Juan mu was exhausted, leaning against the door, collapsed on the floor, breathing heavily, and felt dry for a while.

he took a breath of dry air and pulled out a dark blue cloth that he had hidden in a hidden pocket inside his coat. In his head, a flashback flashed back to the scene in which he fought a frog that attacked him in the dark in a cave in a farming village. .

he remembered stabbing a hole-filled man with a nail and slamming the man's head into a puddle of mud with a hammer. the other person's blood and pale flesh splattered all over his body. during the fight, he tore the cloth from his opponent's clothes, and it has stuck to the wound ever since. No one noticed because he held it tightly due to his nervousness and never loosened it.

Seeing this familiar cloth, Fang mu felt as if his heart was about to be torn apart.

Isn't the fabric of this cloth the same as the uniforms of chinese law enforcement officers?

271 came true

Fang mu felt unfortable and didn't have the courage to stay in the village anymore. Not only did he panic, but he also felt guilty towards the old village chief and his family. he was too embarrassed to show his face to the old village chief. he packed his things that night and caught the train home early the next morning. train

the journey back was so smooth that Fang mu didn't know for a moment whether he had actually killed the old village chief's son, who was the executive mander.

If he really did accidentally kill the old village chief's son, it is very likely that the old village chief knew what he had done. So why didn't the old village chief take revenge and take action himself? In such a remote place, he was able to take his last breath quietly, as if he had never existed.

however, the old village chief only held a funeral for his son, who had died of unknown causes, and passed by indifferently, as if he didn't really know what happened.

the thrilling and unusual experience of the past few days made Fang mu feel a little dizzy. these strange and unexplained memories were more like real nightmares. Fascinated by the lakes, he wrote a diary and fell asleep in a train berth. .

It seems it was worth risking my life to invade the farmland alone. Fang mu experienced stable and beautiful weather for two years, but after reading Fang Lin's diary, he also knew that everything would go according to plan.

Sure enough, the day after his wife returned to his hometown to wait for the birth of their second child for two months, Fang mu received a package of unknown origin.

At that time, it was necessary to register your name in order to send and receive packages. however, as the package suddenly appeared at the door, Fang mu did not see the messenger nor did he see the sender's signature on the package label. information.

he silently took the package home and opened it.

Even though he was mentally prepared, Fang mu felt like the sky was pouring, making him feel so heavy and unfortable that he couldn't breathe.

the black paulownia box left in the cave was released along with the key. It seemed to tell him that God's effect on resisting the blessed frog was over and he would return to his \"blessed\" days and continue to suffer.

when I opened the paulownia box, it was empty. As expected, the hammer did not appear.

the person who sent the package seemed to be saying he couldn't resist this time.

“Am I going to live in this painful cycle forever?” Juan mu found himself that night, but the sound of frogs in his ears was killing his alcohol-numbed nerves. was difficult. It was so clear it was like someone was shouting into my ear.

the next day, Fang mu just packed up his things and decided to set foot in this mysterious land for the third time.

when I returned to the mountain village, the village had changed. In just two years, I noticed that there were almost no old people in the village, and even very few middle-aged people. As young people go to the cities to work, only children remain in the village, and it seems that they are almost the only owners of the houses in the village.

Fang mu arrived at the old village chief's house and knocked on the door, but there was no answer. the next moment, the child smiled mysteriously and told him that the village chief's old family had long since disappeared and no one lived here.

Under the guidance of the child, Fang mu met the new village chief wenyatun and confirmed the news about the old village chief's family.

Fang mu went to the village house to entertain guests, and just like when he visited the village chief's house before, he noticed the children who had followed him hiding in a corner and smiling. . It's the same laugh.

when Fang mu was walking around the village, he met a young man who had just returned home. he was probably in his early 20s. At first glance, the other person realized that he was a stranger and asked if anyone needed help. Fang mu wanted to ask where the old man in the village was, but the young man's face changed dramatically when he heard the question, and he said he didn't know and immediately ran away.

worried, Fang mu gritted his teeth and headed to the farm to find out, but he didn't expect to find himself in the humid forest and back. when he returned from the forest, he realized that he had been walking through the forest. closed

It was a little unbelievable, but Fang mu felt that there were special restrictions, so he avoided going near this place.

Although he was not in any danger, Fang mu's actions still angered the new village chief. he angrily scolds Fan mu for asking for death, then follows his feelings and finally tells Fan mu the truth.

the elder village chiefs and others have not been out since going into farming a few months ago. Recently, a farmland collapsed for unknown reasons, and all the people who believed in the frog god and went to worship at the farmland died. . Under the crushing dead stones, these people could not even retrieve the bones due to the hard labor and inconvenience of climbing mt. we can say that they lived in the mountains forever.

perhaps for fear and safety reasons, the people who lived in the village did not try to enter the mountain again. they dare to stand far away and just build graves along the road in Nong mountain.

the villagers remain silent most of the time to prevent outsiders from criticizing the village, as the impact would be too great if the incident were to spread.

Fan mu saw a sign of fear in the new village chief's eyes. It is clear that what he was really afraid of was something else, for example, Ren tou chin was not directly afraid of the death and destruction of the countryside.

Not finding anything also means there is no hope. Juan mu returns to the town where he once lived, with mixed emotions.

Fang mu became depressed thinking that he was destined to die in the flood.

Although Fang mu, a future traveler, did not experience it, the devastating floods of 1998 in southern china, particularly in the Yangtze River basin, are well known.

the disaster occurred when he was born and his parents were contemporaries who witnessed and experienced the flood.

``maybe we should move north.'' Fang mu thought that after Anqin gave birth, the flood season would be approaching in the Yangtze River basin.

moving to another place requires time to adjust, not to mention bringing along a young mother like my wife and two children who are new to the world. therefore, Fang mu decided not to delay too much and started preparing now. 2 Stop. In a month.

Juan mu informed An qing of his plans to move. At first, An qin was a little surprised, but when she saw the serious look in her husband's eyes, she seemed to realize something and agreed without any doubts.

the surrounding family and friends were very surprised by Fang maki's sudden behavior. Fang mu didn’t explain much. All he could say was that he wanted his wife to change her life in a different environment. his wife, Ankoto, also helped out, saying this was also her wish.

Fang mu moved his family to Yanping. the city is far from the flood-prone Yangtze River basin. there are no records of flooding in this city. there's nothing special here, except that I live in a small place and don't know anyone around me. It's a good location and generally a nice city to live in.

however, Fang moku did not let his guard down. Nothing has happened in Fan Lin's diary since he traveled. he is worried that he will face other dangers in the future.

while Fang mu was worried about himself, he also thought about the dire consequences the floods had on the people of china.

while it was still early, Fang mu felt the need to write a letter to the relevant authorities.

In the middle of the night, in front of the desk under the lamp, when he took out a pen and paper and was about to take action, Juan mu's eyes became cloudy.

In the blink of an eye, everything around him disappeared. he stood on a white road surrounded by empty darkness. there was a gate about a mile away, and much attention was drawn to the square gate standing there. mu raised his head to meet this gaze.

Fang mu was absent for a while, then blinked again, and the strange environment around him had long disappeared. he looked at the pen and paper in his hand, confused as to what he had forgotten, and put the pen and paper back in their place.

271, two places in one body

Fang mu and An qin's second child was born. their daughter was named \"Jinjin\". this means that she wishes to be like a blooming flower and live her own wonderful life.

Juan mu held his newborn daughter in his arms and looked at her small wrinkled face. he did not see beauty, but deep down he loved it. Suddenly, my nose started hurting again. he held his little daughter in his arms and said to himself, ``From now on, daddy will take care of her.'' Gifts should be received with joy, right? ”

“I want a gift too!” when Fang Jianhua’s eldest son heard Fang mu’s words, his eyes suddenly lit up and he hugged her thighs and laughed.

\"So are you, but you have to be a good girl and a good brother.\" Fang mu carefully placed his daughter back into An qin's arms and rubbed his son's head.

Fang Jianhua, a kindergarten student, proudly raised his chin and said, \"I can't do it! I'm very obedient. I have 10 small red flowers, the most in my class. the teacher also praised me. .I can read and write well”! ” ”

\"will it work in the future?\" Fang mu xu looked at the self-driving brat and said, \"Even if the parents can't see it.\"

\"of course!\" Fang Jianhua scratched his head and patted his chest for reassurance, \"man, uh, once you say something... once you say it, it's hard for the horse to chase you... I \"It's hard for a hundred people. It's hard for a horse to chase you.\" ”

“well, dad believes in you.” Fang mu smiled and patted his head, his eyes plicated.

Anchin held her young daughter in her arms and watched the interaction between her husband and son. It was a very warm and friendly scene, but she could hear the bitterness behind his words and laughter, and she couldn't help but feel a little uneasy in her heart.

After being discharged from the hospital, Fang mu hired a live-in nanny to take care of his wife and children. he intended to relax at work and help take care of the children and An qin, but in the end, his own strength was limited, so he had to hire someone. help

It's not that Anchin's parents don't want to help, but since moving to a northern city, the two adults are too far from where they currently live, and transportation is inconvenient at the moment. Juan mu didn’t want the two adults to e to his rescue. launch

the rest of his life was very simple and peaceful, consisting of firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, and tea. Fang mu was a little tired, but inwardly he was satisfied.

when he was happy, he didn't care about the whispering frogs ing back.

however... the disguised troops could not withstand the pressure brought on by the mysterious force.


In early June, weather forecasts indicated that the weather would bee cloudy, with an abnormal air mass flowing into northern china and normal precipitation to continue.

At first, people around me didn't take me seriously either. they thought it was just an unexpected downpour and believed it would clear up soon.

but what happened next was beyond anyone's imagination.

Fan mu stood on his balcony, watching the landslides wash over the city, submerging roads and utility poles, and frowned as he watched the sky rumble with lightning and thunder in his vision.

\"mr. Fang, let's prepare for evacuation as soon as possible. we will leave as soon as the rescue team arrives. If we don't leave, it may be difficult to escape again.\" worked as a nanny in the prison and was a nanny for the family. Sister wang is said to have already dipped her feet into Fan mu from the water on the balcony.

Fan mu did not speak. he just turned to his family, who were looking into the heart of their master. there was a trace of hesitation in his eyes. he nodded and said, \"okay, get ready. I'll leave later and go out on the balcony.\" Let's go here, the water level is rising rapidly, first we will open the anti-theft net on the balcony so that when the rescue boat approaches we can pick up people and get out of here. ”

Fang mu opened the door to the balcony to pletely prevent theft. when the owners designed the balcony with anti-theft netting, they left behind a similar door configuration. It can be opened by loosening the screw tightened in the hole.

After that, the family just has to be patient.

``why couldn't I have prevented this situation sooner?'' while waiting for rescue, Fan mu suddenly remembered a feeling of regret.

he regretted it many times, but each time he didn't understand why he didn't take the initiative to make a change.

Are you afraid of changing the future and affecting yourself?

Fang moku didn't think he was that kind of person, but he did something he thought he wouldn't do.

\"oh, mr. Fang, how could you expect that?\" Sister wang heard Fang mu's soliloquy and said with relief, \"this is the singing frog god, and the crying frog god.\" .

“Frog God?” when Fang mu heard this familiar name, he was stunned for a moment.

Sister wang noticed that the host was curious. he wasn't in the mood to talk about it now, but still said a few words in general.

to put it simply, the frog god is one of the totems of the local folk religion and is the god of weather. traditionally, when local people encounter abnormal weather, they think that they are not treating the frog god well, and they end up angering the frog god.

Although the words were simple, Fang mu's face turned pale when he heard them, and An qin's expression changed dramatically.

Although An qing has not heard all of quan phanmu's secrets, he also knows about the frog god. Anything related to frogs or toads is prohibited in the family. It is the image that her husband fears most. For the Fang mu family, the approach of frogs and toads is a sign of bad luck and impending disaster.

``So, do you know the frog god?'' Fang mu asked in a hoarse voice, feeling his lips dry.

when Sister wang heard this, she immediately said: “did you know? Few people know about the Frog God, but the older generations in our hometown believe that the so-called Frog God and the Frog God are actually two different people. he says it's a part of God.but the frog god wants to get closer to human nature, but the frog god is a little...extreme.''perhaps he feels a little taboo, I didn't make it very clear.

when Fang wu heard this, his whole body trembled. this was the worst thing he had ever heard.

A rescue team's boat arrived soon after, but the water was turbulent and it was not easy to tie the boat to huang mu's balcony. he also asked workers to grab anti-theft nets on balconies just to stop.

Fan mu's family was all happy, but only Fan mu was ugly.

As the boat approached, he silently counted the number of people on the lifeboat, as it was almost full.

this means that family members are not allowed on board the ship.

Sure enough, the rescuers immediately nodded, turned to those sitting in the boat with scared and bewildered expressions, and shouted, \"Sir, leave one and wait for the next!\"

when the Fang mu family heard this, their faces instantly fell apart. the whole family subconsciously looked at Fan mu, as if they wanted to hear his decision.

Sister wang saw An qin grab Fang mu’s hand with a look of fear and hesitation. he suddenly smiled brightly and raised his hand to say he would stay. Unexpectedly, Juan mu said calmly: “xiao qing, Sister wang, you can take the children and go first. I will wait here until you finish your work.”


\"Nothing, but let's go.\" Fang mu spoke again in a calm and firm tone, leaving no room for maneuver.

hearing Fang mu's undeniable words, An qin couldn't help but flatten his lips in front of the other party's gentle eyes. he gave the first sob through his nose, but suddenly stopped. he picked up his son, who was hugging Fang mu's thighs, turned and climbed up. After getting off the ship, he said: “Sister wang, listen to Alin. don’t wait any longer.”

“oh, oh, this.” Sister wang anxiously held Jinjin in her arms in the nursery. Fang mu gently pushed him, and he got into the boat jealously.

As his wife, children and others looked on hesitantly, huang mu stood on the balcony with a smile on his face and waved goodbye. his life has finally e to an end.

he saw the exaggerated water level outside the house. the wind and rain outside were exaggerated. Knowing that no more ships would e, he returned to his flooded study, jumped onto an underwater ledge, and climbed out of the paulownia box. , placed some of his belongings, including his diary, in a box and closed it.

he floated in the water, staring at the ceiling, which was less than five inches away, and, sighing quietly, closed his eyes and fell into the water.

Frogs were croaking in his ears, and when he reluctantly opened his eyes, he found himself floating in a deep underwater hole, with several purple-gray frogs staring silently at him.

two hundred and seventy eyes opened

the widening gray and red vertical lines are the frog's eyes.

dirty black lines and wide shadows are mysterious ancient underwater palaces.

the sound of an unknown horn and a heavy, cold whisper are the music that weles Fan mu!

\"Juan\" with all his strange faces, grotesque shapes and frightening faces sent him into a deep, dark deep sleep, deep into the palace of dark sleep, where the frog god slept deeply.

After Juan mu broke through the air sac enveloping the palace, he regained his ability to breathe. Escorted and encouraged by a group of frogmen, he arrived at the home of the owner of the palace.

Fan mu trembled in his calves and remained silent as he groped for the majestic dark brown door in front of him.

\"why did I e here suddenly? Am I dreaming?\" After dying peacefully, Juan mu felt that he had lost some memories. No...he was losing his memory every day, but this time he felt strange about losing his memory. I just need more clarity.


the door behind him suddenly slammed shut. Juan mu suddenly turned around and saw light pouring down from the door that was slowly locked in front of him. he wanted to reach out to hug her, but he felt so weak.

Fang mu could only keep his head down and keep moving forward. I couldn't see myself, but I could imagine how pale my face looked. In the eyes of the great giant in the darkness, the collapse of his posture due to fear was pletely exposed.

perhaps his eyes adapted to the darkness, or perhaps some physiological change occurred under the influence of some unknown factor. In other words, the dark landscape gradually became clearer.

It's not total darkness here, there's still a sliver of light, a deep purple light writhing in front of you, projected onto the outline of something huge.

As we got closer, the description of the giant thing became clearer. the purple light further illuminated the area, and the figure of a huge thing standing in the darkness became even clearer.

It was a huge black creature, fast asleep. he was covered in long black hair, had a large belly, and was squatting obscenely. he was still sleeping soundly, and his breathing was gradually rising and falling, but he was still unconsciously spreading a terrible pressure outward, making people unfortable. Just looking at it scared me and made me want to mit suicide on the spot. perhaps only death can make a person forget the horror of this appearance.

Fang mu stood in front of the giant thing, unable to move, staring at the giant thing with his eyes, as if his eyes were drawn to it by a magnet, unable to even blink.

Suddenly, a huge object rose up. the first thing that caught my eye was not my face, but my two shrunken thighs. the blood-red flesh eyes rotated and suddenly closed Fan mu, followed by lazy eyes. the lazy giant popped out one eye from a black hole in its body, and its red eyes immediately stared at Fan mu.

“don’t look, don’t look…” Juan mu screamed madly in his heart. I felt my entire body tingle, as if something terrible was ing out of my body, but those eyes were relentless. As if investigating, he voraciously corrects it.

Fan mu stood motionless and saw the giant body vaguely deform and split in the darkness. the body was torn into thin arms of blood and flesh. these arms, some with teeth, some with eyes, all different, approached and surrounded them. fang tree.

Immediately after that, another arm reached out from the darkness. Each arm held a large iron nail and a hammer. those were the two things Fang maki had lost. At that moment, they actually appeared in front of Fan mu.

Fang mu watched helplessly as the nail appeared in front of him. the tips of the nails were directed around the eyes. when my breathing rate reached its peak, the hammer came down.

A desperate scream swept through the dark silence, and before the scream could catch its breath another blow followed.


the second scream was even more painful and brought me out of the rigidity of fear. Fan mu fell to the ground in severe pain. he trembled and felt his soul being withdrawn.

he was clearly in pain, but he could see himself writhing on the ground on the sidelines. when I looked back at the black giant behind me, I could clearly see its strange appearance. It was his first time seeing it too. the full picture of the frog god is clear, and it is not the shadow of a certain moldy lake.

the head is shaped like a bat, but flatter. the mouth is wide and thick, and the tongue is constantly withdrawn and spit out of the mouth like a snake's milk. the abdominal fat has a large opening exposed to the air, likely the ovary or uterus. , an unknown egg embryo about the height of a person develops and grows inside. Some fetuses seem to have consciousness. Sensing Fan mu's presence, they see a deformed frog's face stuck to the skin-colored film, revealing a fearless and bizarre face.

this crazy scene caused Juan mu to fall over and over again, hitting his head hard on the ground. the sight of extreme pain and madness makes me want to die.

however, Fang mu did not expect that his body would exhibit such strong vitality.

Fan mu...or rather, his soul, separated from his body, watched helplessly as his head was shattered into pieces and exploded like a watermelon, while his headless, flesh-and-blood body continued to mechanically repeat the process. I was able to do that. he knelt down to die many times, and despite the pain and bending, he would not stop.

only after the frog god uttered several deep and meaningless whispers to him, the frog god quietly closed his eyes again, and finally Fan mu's body stopped, a stupid dog humiliated by being his master. It stopped moving like . Fun, life quickly dries up and stops.

Juan mu could only stare at his corpse and feel the pain. he quietly turned his head and looked back. before he could see the form of the Frog God again, the form of a huge black praying mantis suddenly appeared and reappeared. what attacked him was a knife.

Fang mu suddenly stood up and instinctively straightened himself, but he stood up in the middle of a pond with cold water.

he was naked like a newborn baby, his hands tied and curled up in a ball, instinctively trying to warm himself. his whole body was shaking and he stared blankly at this unfamiliar environment.

was it all just a dream?

the frogmen take him to a mysterious ancient underwater palace, where he meets the leader of the frogs, the Frog God.

Seeing him, the frog god showed no anger. Instead, he curiously picked up a hammer. It was obvious that the other person had been so afraid of the hammer last time, and this time he was using it as a weapon or something. An instrument of torture that inflicts inprehensible punishment.

Fortunately, the pond was neither deep nor wide. Fan mu walked to the shore trembling. he fell several times in the process. with great determination he endured the cramps and the cold, and finally he got out of the water. .

After reaching the shore, Fang mu could no longer hold his ground and fell onto a small dirt road. his sensitive ears were lost in the lake and he heard the sound of a tractor. the tractor seemed to have an antique brand radio, and from the radio a pathetic voice could be heard saying, ``dongfang hong 1 has successfully launched!''

two hundred and seventy-three eyesight

Fan mu looked lost, soaking wet and very out of place as he rode his tractor through the bustling crowd. he was rescued by a nearby villager who was passing by. he could only wear one piece because he had no other clothes. , she had a snakeskin bag wrapped around her lower body and looked very embarrassed.

Now that it's happened, he doesn't have to worry about anything. After seeing hell and experiencing despair, you will be able to laugh at the filthiness of the world.

Looking at the clothes of the people around him, the architecture, and the primitive media equipment, he was convinced that he had traveled back in time.

``do you travel through time when you die?'' Fan mu was deep in thought. he remembered his death. It appears that both of them were killed by a tall praying mantis-like creature. but the strange thing is that he died twice. In fact, it's not as painful as being killed.

Juan mu touched his neck and stroked his chest. there were no injuries or pain. he couldn't help but wonder if he had been killed or transported to another time shortly before his death.

Fanmu got distracted while thinking. In the village where he was saved, a simple and honest farmer kindly asked him: \"what's your brother doing now? Isn't it cold?\"

his surname is hayashi, and his name is toyota hayashi.

It's autumn season now. the leaves wither and turn yellow, the wheat turns golden, and the crop turns red and yellow. the songs and laughter of national celebrations spread a sense of happiness through the streets and alleys, and the occasional cool breeze doesn't keep you from feeling cool. .

mr. Fang maki came to his senses, tied up his clothes, and said with a smile on his tattered face. \"It's okay, thank you for helping me.\"

``the leader said that now we live in a society where everyone helps each other.If you have the ability, you can help others when needed.''toyoda hayashi said, ``First, go home. , please change your clothes, eat your fill, and stay warm,'' he said with a happy smile. It's hot, so I'll take you to the police when it's over. ”

Fang mu laughed dryly and started thinking about how to tell the police later.

Just like last time, I pretended to have amnesia...

Suddenly, Fang mu heard a high-pitched humming sound ing from both of his ears, and it went straight into his head. he felt strange and even his eyes seemed to be hallucinating. the scenery in front of me was a dirt road for a while, an asphalt road for a while, and then two side roads for a while. the audience was very active and then the cars were moving towards the future. the big visual change made Fang mu feel dizzy again.

Seeing Fang mu's strange expression, Lin Fengtian immediately stopped the car and greeted him anxiously: \"what's wrong, what's wrong, brother, are you feeling sick?\"

“I’m… okay… uh!” Fan mu looked at Lin toyota. the face of the other person reflected in his eyes gradually became smaller, rapidly aged, and turned into a rotting corpse that could speak. the strange photo caused maki tokuyoshi to faint on the field.

``hey! big brother! I've lost consciousness again!'' mr. Fang maki, who was in a daze, heard mr. hayashi toyoda's worried voice. he jumped out of the car, grabbed a young junior in the crowd, apparently asked him to drive the tractor home, then ran back, carried a square bottle on his back, and raced against the current. ta. crowd

In fact, Fang mu was pletely unconscious for only a short time. For the rest of the time, he didn't wake up, but he kept thinking about it.

Rin's boss at the forest cabin once said that the mace Rin bought was an artifact to defeat a monster called chaos. It belonged to a pair of gods. the gods' original intention in using the masses was to help chaos open the Seven holes so that chaos could hear what he could hear, see what he could see, and taste what he could taste.

And now he used the hammer again to open the body. by opening his ears, his hearing greatly improved, allowing him to hear sounds beyond the limits of human hearing and whispers from another dimension. before this time travel, he too had his eyes opened by the frog god for some reason, so his eyes should change accordingly.

could it be that the sight I just saw was the sight of the fear of the gods?

the strange scenery that Fanmu had just seen seemed to connect the past and future of things. what he saw was the changes that had taken place on this earth, and the past and future of Lin toyota.

\"You should be able to control your eyes just like you control your hearing.\" Fang mu was not satisfied with his new superpower. because in addition to being able to see all the changes at different points in time, he was also able to see a kind of transcendence. Landscapes that transcend everyday life are sometimes rotten scenes of lakes of flesh and blood, sometimes deep black darkness, and other times strange space-times filled with shining light, distorted colors, and lines.

these strange landscapes reminded Fang mu of the ancient mystical palace where the frog god lived, and caused the fear of the unknown to take root deep in his heart. the people of these landscapes were like a sinister whisper heard from time to time. one cannot see it and the other must not hear it. otherwise, your brain will bee confused and you will gradually lose your sanity and go pletely insane.

After regaining consciousness, Juan mu tries not to look at anything for too long in order to adapt his eyes' abilities. he noticed that unless he consciously applied pressure to his eyes, his eyes would focus on the same thing for too long or something would happen. the idea of using the power of the eyes makes it impossible to see normally strange sights.

Under the care of Lin toyota's brother and his friends and neighbors, after forcing Juan mu's performance to stay alive, he again succeeded in deceiving the law enforcement people, and then for a time he ended up living in Lynn toyota's house as a person with amnesia.

taking care of Fan mu was a task that Lin Fengtian took the initiative on his own.

Faced with such a dedicated and kind-hearted farmer, Fang mu couldn't help but feel guilty. All I had to do was to not cause trouble to hayashi toyoda's family, and then think about how I could repay the family.

Lin toyota felt that since Fan mu came out of the water, something water-related must happen before he lost his memory, so he simply called Fan mu \"Ashui\".

maybe Fanmu will remember something by being called that.

Fang mu didn't dare to object. In reality, of course, he felt that it didn't matter what he was called. It wasn't a derogatory name at all.

\"oh, Shui, don't move things. It's autumn now, but the sun is still poisonous. Let's go into the house and drink more water.\" At Lin Fengtian's house, a woman who looks about 50 or 60 years old however, he saw Fang maki ing out of the village again. After getting things back from the mittee, he immediately greeted Fan mu, who returned home with a smile.

“Sister-in-law, I’m fine. I’m healthy now,” Juan mu said with a gentle smile. After dropping off more than a dozen books given to him by the village mittee, he went into the house to get some water.

Recently, Fan mu has adapted to his strange abilities while integrating into the life of this village. Now he's basically adapted to the abilities of his eyes. I still can't control it well, but I can now see some strange scenery. there won't be much emotional change.

habituation and adaptation are uniquely human talents.

In today's world, anyone who can read, write, and write well is a good candidate. Village mittees lacked people who were free and good at writing propaganda. when he learned that Fan mu had this ability, he asked for it directly. I went to help him calculate his salary, but the amount he gave me was not small.

Fang mu has also studied history and has a general understanding of the time. he will show his vision and knowledge beyond his time, but will hide himself and try to remain unnoticeable.

then he looked up at his father-in-law with a warm smile. Now she is a young, innocent and beautiful woman in her 20s.

In fact, Lin's father-in-law is almost 40 years old and spends all day doing housework. She lost her youth long ago, and her beauty diminished with age.

Fang mu was a little disappointed when he saw this. Now he doesn't have the courage to talk to people or casually say hello when he's walking down the street. because sometimes you don't know how old the person you see, or even if they're saying hello in the air. In other words, you can see the landscape at a certain point in the future.

274: we are each other's father and son.

that's good - then he said: Fang mu was surprised. this woman actually wanted to introduce him to someone.

Fang maki also understood this. After all, he still appears to be in his early 30s. Although he has amnesia, his temperament and knowledge are higher than anyone else in the village. of course, they can see Fan mu. their backgrounds are definitely either wealthy or aristocratic, at least pared to them.

In addition, Fang mu now helps the village mittee, helps meet with village leaders, and often talks with them. of course, the simple villagers believe that Fang mu is a capable person and that it is only a matter of time before he prospers again.

therefore, in the eyes of the villagers, Juan mu has the potential to bee the diamond King, and all the unmarried women in his family want to help him get rid of him.

Fang mu finally rejected his sister-in-law's kindness. he was already cursed and unable to take care of himself. he had hurt An qing before, but he couldn't change anything. will he do harm again in this life?

\"oh, don't be shy. this girl from the old royal family is very beautiful. her whole body is curvy. I had a fortune teller show me her face. She will definitely have a rich husband. ” the mother-in-law thought that Fang mu was shy and continued to persuade him.

Juan mu was silent for a while and said, “No, sister-in-law, there is actually something I think I need to tell you and brother toyota.”

Although Fang mu's tone was calm and there was a hint of a smile, the Lin family's sister felt an undeniable feeling of oppression. his mouth, which always kept breaking, suddenly broke. then he smiled to himself and said, \"...I see.\"

Although he didn't know what Fang mu was trying to say, the Lin family's father-in-law vaguely guessed that this younger brother who had been with him for a while might want to break up.

that night, after Lin Fengtian went to the market and returned, Fang mu told Fang mu about his uping departure at the dinner table.

hearing this, toyota hayashi was not surprised. he felt the atmosphere of the farewell table when he returned. he took a few bites of food in silence, then sighed and said, \"did you finally remember?\"

hearing Lin Fengtian's words, Fang mu was surprised, \"huh?\"

Fan mu’s expression at this time seemed to Lin Fengtian to be embarrassed to be exposed. he seemed to see everything. he took a sip of wine, tapped it, thought a few times, and said, \"Actually, a month ago, law enforcement obtained information about your life experiences.\"

“did you understand my life experience?” Fang mu raised his eyebrows and pointed at himself, very incredulous.

he's a time traveler, but where did his life experiences e from?


Fang mu just felt his limbs suddenly twitch, and the coldness was transmitted from his limbs to his brain. his heart pounded as he listened to Lin Fengtian continue speaking.

“Ah, Shui, your surname is Fang, and your name is Fang xian.Actually, you are the only son of the dead old soldier Fang peng, right?”Lin Fengtian looked at Fang mu, whose expression changed, and nodded, and said, “Fang peng. \"I saw an old picture of a soldier, carved in the same mold as you, and very similar to you.\"

Fan mu frowned as he listened, and pinched the fabric of his pants with his fingers in embarrassment.

If it is called the first life before time travel, it should be called Fan mu in the first life, and the person who married An qing and had a child should be called Fan (Fan) Ling in the second life. is

Every time he travels through time, a tree is added to his name, and now that he's in his third life, there's nothing wrong with calling him Fan Sen.

Fang mu was sure that this was the established rule in his opinion. Judging from the name, it was very fragrant. when he was a writer, he was famously bad at naming things in the industry.

In this way, he also knew that Fan peng was himself the next time he traveled through time.

the reason he was convinced that Fang peng was the fourth life was because he knew that the word \"peng\" was actually a homonym of the four words \"wood.\"

Listening to Fang peng's exploits on the battlefield, Fang wu's heart became distorted. A picture of a middle-aged and elderly Fan mu appeared in his mind, and then he imagined him in a rage, heroically killing his enemies on the battlefield.

Fang mu was also a little confused when he thought that he had bee his son. this kind of thing was just incredible.

but it's really reasonable. In this way, you can leave behind your past identity by traveling backwards, so you don't have to worry that you'll be a bad person the next time you travel.

\"I'm so sorry, Ah Shui. brother, I really think of you as my own brother. I really can't let you go. And I never had the right opportunity to tell you that.\" Lin toyota felt a little guilty.

Fan mu nodded slowly. In fact, even if he didn't know it, he would still decide to leave. It wasn't because the people of this village considered him one of their own. he was worried about his existence being cursed by a foreign god. he wanted to continue his journey to lift the frog god's curse while involving them.

``okay, Ah Shui, ah, I guess I'll call you Ah Sen.'' Lin Fengtian patted Fang mu on the shoulder and said, ``we're leaving, but before that, go to the police station. Your father forgot something. I'm doing it.''

And what about my legacy? hearing this, Fang mu was a little excited.

the next day, after saying goodbye to his fellow villagers, homaki went to the town's law enforcement team, pleted the formalities, and successfully obtained his old identity card, family register, and \"my\" inheritance. .

Legacy is a slightly rusty green iron box. when I opened it, I found only a thick letter inside. the rest are banknotes from past eras. Nowadays, you may not be able to exchange it for just a few dollars. we need to go further. In the future, these banknotes will bee very valuable.

Fang mu had no intention of asking for this money. while pretending to have lost his memory, he also performed small tasks. It wasn't much, but it was enough for street use.

After opening the envelope and reading the letter, Fang mu couldn’t help but laugh when he saw the words. It was certainly his handwriting. those who lived longer showed no apparent improvement in writing.

After reading this letter, you'll know what's going to happen. there are only three things I want to tell you.

First, ``we'' are in a hopeless m?bius strip and have not yet found a way out.

Second, we can only change ourselves.

third, we are not the only ones receiving blessings.

It's not that I don't want to write about it in detail, it's just that the more I say it, the more things outside my head that are supposed to be forbidden get into it.

our death marks a new beginning for us until the end of life.

therefore, we all have to survive...

Although it was a very short letter, Fangmoku seemed to have seen a horrifying story. As I sat in the chair in the police room, I was dripping with cold sweat. the wind blowing in the room accelerated the evaporation of the cold sweat and quickly stole the body's body heat.

the first \"we\" is enclosed in double quotes. If you simply refer to \"Fang mu\" within the stop time, you don't need to add any special double quotes at all. Fan mu of different eras can understand this, but \"we\" here covers other people...or anything other than humans.

Second, what does it mean to change yourself?

third, we are not the only ones blessed. the blessings of the abnormal gods are also a curse. this is relatively obvious, but also the scariest thing.

In other words, more than one god may pay attention to him, he is like a prisoner waiting to be torn apart by a car!

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will another blessing e from the praying mantis monster?

Although he had never seen it clearly, a face that left a strong impression appeared in Fan mu's mind. his two time travels were ultimately connected to his attacks.

however, Fang mu still felt that the praying mantis monster's appearance was \"too simple\". At least pared to the normal gods of this dimension, such as the Frog God, he lacks a unique temperament.

I feel like the praying mantis monster is much more powerful than the frogs and toads in the caves of mount Ni, but if I wanted to categorize the praying mantis monster, I'd probably put the praying mantis monster in the same category as those. .

the praying mantis monster is more like a scroll or servant of another ordinary god, and this strange god is many times higher than the frog god.

please, uh...

After being licked by the lamb next to him, the silly sheep's face looked at Fan mu curiously. Fang mu weakly pushed the lamb even closer to the edge.

At that time, there were many people in the same truck as the sheep, and there was no space in front of the truck. he had to follow good circumstances so he didn't have to worry too much about getting into the car. he could also be tucked in with the sheep.

but strangely, the flock of lambs that had been pushed in did not feel his disgust. he always came to her without shame and acted as if he loved her. In contrast, the other sheep around him, terrifying creatures gathered in the corner of the truck, standing as far away from the square tree as possible, staring into strange rectangular eyes, staring at him with fear and alarm. It was like watching me watching.

It is said that the sixth sense of animals is stronger than that of humans, who live too fortably. Fan mu, who has received \"blessings\" from various gods of unknown origin, is supposed to be afraid of animals. According to homaki, the sheep's reactions were normal and this lamb was an abnormal one.

In western legends, sheep are demonic animals, among which goats are the first. You probably know that the images of evil spirits in various folklore classics are mainly associated with goats, such as evil spirits with goat horns and the lower body of a goat with legs. devil etc. At the same time, sheep's strange rectangular eyes differ from other animals. when people look into those slit eyes, they unconsciously feel unfortable or unfortable.

mr. Fang mu noticed that this lamb was acting strange, so he changed his previous attitude and looked for the lamb, examining this kid who was not afraid of him.

the little boy thought that Fang moku was playing with him and enjoyed the movement of Fang moku's hair. he screamed in pleasure, snuggling into Fang mu's submissive body and letting the other person do it.

when Fang mu pulled the hair on the little man's hind legs, Fang mu was stunned, and then a look of disgust appeared on his face.

I saw that someone maliciously carved on this lamb a special symbol, like an axe, superimposed with different features of animals, horses and sheep. there was a bug or something under the skin of the symbol. things twist and multiply.

``Are you obsessed with blessings too?'' Juan mu stroked the obedient goat's head and quietly looked back at the person sitting in front of the car. Just one look was enough for Juan mu’s brain to realize it. All the muscles in his body tense as a sign of danger.

he could see the person sitting in front of the car staring at him for a moment. the driver also looks at him from time to time in the rearview mirror. they all had weird smiles on their faces. If Fang mu's eyes were correct, the two creatures appeared to be still alive and moving, with poisonous insects like centipedes and scorpions ing out of their mouths.

Seeing this strange scene, Fang mu couldn't help but secretly curse. he knew he had gotten into the wrong car. It wasn't just a black car, it was probably a dangerous truck that could do some mischief.

Fang mu turned a blind eye and continued to play quietly with the sheep, but he was secretly thinking about how he could have escaped the crisis.


In Juan mu's eyes, in an instant, the lamb in his hands turned into a ferocious-looking sheep-bone skeleton covered in rotten flesh. It was clear that his eyes, which had lost control of his abilities from time to time, were persecuting him again.

Fang mu threw the child aside in disgust and looked at the sky, but she didn't have the courage to look at anything around her other than the sky. because at this moment, he knew that these things would definitely be things he didn't want to know.

but the child loved to stick to square logs. As I approached again, a goat's head appeared in the garden. At this time, the goat statue underwent an even more distorted mutation, its head looked as if it had bloomed with a flower, and the \"petals\" were covered with fangs. two ugly, swaying black flesh insects appeared from the flower's black heart.

Juan mu's heart tightened, and he knew that at some point in the future, this goat would return to this hideous and terrifying form.

without fear, Juan mu pushed the child out again. his eyes couldn't help but look ahead, but against the background of the flashing red space-time, the sheep around him, who were originally trembling with fear, turned into a flock with dull faces and inprehensible faces. I could see it. they are hunchbacked humanoid creatures with full mouths and sagging backs. the limbs, especially the hind legs, are very strong and have prominent veins.

they are all led by monsters that take the form of children, and they consider the horns to be a kind of food.

Fang mu immediately wanted to jump out of the car and run away, but the owner of the car seemed to understand his thoughts and suddenly stepped on the accelerator, speeding up the mountain road without protection. If Juan mu really jumped out of the car in this situation, he would die. A high probability of serious injury is unavoidable.

Fang mu nervously grabbed the railings on both sides of the truck, and when the car suddenly turned around, his body felt a weightless excitement. the sheep apparently couldn't hold on to the fence and ran back to the truck in a panic, colliding with it. Unfortunately, several of the goat's legs broke on the spot and the goat's eye was directly scratched by a sharp object that was present. the car goat's eye was pulled out with ligaments still attached, and there was a lot of blood flowing.

Juan mu felt dizzy and was spinning around forever. the high-speed driving and plicated road conditions made Fang mu's legs weak and dizzy. It was when I finally stopped that the nausea stopped getting worse.


Juan mu couldn't stop vomiting. In the confusion and panic, he heard the car door open and the occupants get out of the car. he was then pulled from the car with great force and thrown to the ground.

Fang mu struggled to stand up, but someone stepped on his back, and his arched back stomped on the ground again, making a painful sound.

``this girl has thin skin, soft flesh, and beautiful skin. I'm sure the goddess will like it more.'' Juan mu heard the man walking on his back say with a strange smile on his face. heard.

those around him said, ``the Goddess is not afraid of eating too much, but of eating too much. this man who brings food to your door is just being used.'' I did.

Fang mu, who felt physically dizzy but his thoughts were not confused, suddenly felt that something was wrong. was it meant to be fed to a supernatural god?

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Unable to resist, Fang maki had no choice but to be dragged by them and ended up in a deep cave with the driven sheep.

when Fang mu slowly removed the control of dizziness, he no longer knew where he was.

his strength had returned to his body, but he didn't have the courage to fight right away at this point. there were many people on the other side as well. plus, this was their territory, so I had to observe them for a while. therefore, Fang mu chose to show the enemy's weakness and pretended to be weak and asked, \"who are you... and where do you want to take me?\"

``oh, are you awake?'' the six people all laughed when they heard the sound, and looked at Fan mu who was dragging them around like a dead dog. In the midst of this, the man sitting in the passenger seat said in a disdainful tone, ``At first glance, you're the one who doesn't touch the beauty of the world, but you're the one I hate the most.If only the goddess wasn't kind.'' ta. And you these days, I would have killed you a long time ago. ”

\"why did you do that? I never offended you.\" Fan mu said in a frightening tone, but he has been around abnormal things for many years and is good at dealing with abnormal things. was well aware that he had an abnormal brain.

when they heard this question, they became a little impatient, as if they had heard it many times. the old man who was tugging on her collar said disdainfully, \"the goddess loves you, but you don't. why are there so many? why don't you?\" ” Ever wonder why mosquitoes want to suck human blood?

“tout…” At Fan mu’s scolding, the six of them laughed even more. the more Fang mu scolded, the more they felt that he could not resist.

Fang mu's rebuke was very modest. other than scolding them, he did not touch the goddess in their mouths. he didn't want to get stung.

Relying on his strong eyesight, Fang mu confirmed that the six men had sharp knives hanging from their bodies, and even the man with a shaved head led by the six men had a pistol on his hip.

Even in this era where regulatory measures are limited, weapons such as handguns that would basically be impossible to market in later generations can be easily obtained as long as you have the money.

Seeing the black and cold body of the metal weapon, Fang mu did not dare to risk his life easily, and he always needed to find an opportunity to escape.

these six unknown people drove the goat deep into the darkness. the darkness grew colder and colder as we descended. there was still water flowing everywhere, but Fang mu noticed that the color of the water flowing into the cave was red and blood-like.

the sheep are bleating just fine. the deeper they go, the harder it is to get rid of them. Although sheep are very stupid animals, they still have a fear of death and an instinct to resist. they all want to get away from here. , but the group of people behind them is forcing and restricting them from acting like this, always leading them to death.

these six people were cold and expressionless. he seemed familiar with the road, having been there many times. If the sheep did not obey, they used the sheep whip to hit them hard and hurt the disobedient sheep. After the sheep bleated, he had no choice but to keep up with the rhythm of the horde.

the leader of the group of sheep leading the way was a goat who was not the largest of the group and had bee intimate with Fan mu many times in the car.

At this time, Fang maki heard a goat's cry, but it turned out that the goat's cry was pletely different from the sound he heard when he was riding in the car. It was more like a sheep bleating than a sheep bleating. In the sound that imitated the bleating of sheep, there were other hidden sounds that only Fan mu could hear.

the goat seemed to be exchanging messages with something deep inside the cave, as if they were constantly sending messages to each other.

the one municating with the goat must be the goddess these six people were talking about. Fang mu is now very convinced that he did not encounter a group of crazy people. For them, the Goddess is not an imaginary being, but a real one. .

Juan mu felt that he was getting closer and closer to danger, and he became more and more anxious. he was trying to think otherwise.