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one hundred and thirty e Again (2-in-1)

“convenient!” Yu Lianyun observed these terrifying murlocs approach the green light radiation range of Yinghuan Nest. Everyone suddenly lost momentum, slowing down in frustration and fear. Although they still looked terrifying and ferocious, at least the threat was greatly reduced, and he and Li Nuwei couldn't help but feel happy.

Successive murlocs were well aware of the dangers of the Eikan's nest, and ceased their violent stance, often retreating in alarm and fear.

when Yu Lianyun saw this, he pointed his weapon at them and stopped attacking.

After all, bullets are limited, so save them if you can.

the two men got out from under the tugboat and made their way back step by step to the house where the tunnel entrance was located.

however, after escaping the confined space, the murlocs no longer cower as they did in the tunnel. Instead, they formed a circle in the room and slowly approached them.

murlocs are clearly not stupid. they also know strategies and analyze situations. In open places, Yu Lianyun's advantage will be greatly reduced.

Yu Lianyun looked solemn and tried to control her heart rate. Li Nuowei looked at the surrounding murlocs indifferently. the two watched over drake and the innocent boy.

the only weapon that drake had in his hand was a dagger, but he knew that the knife's role was not to protect himself, but to kill himself...

Since he is the \"Son of God\" prophesied by the Ankai Society, the prophecy will not succeed as long as he dies and ceases to exist. At least he can use his death to protect the human world.

but it is better to die than to live. If drake had a choice, he would obviously choose to believe in hope. he hoped that his two strong teammates, Yu Lianyun and Li Nuowei, could lead them to escape.

the murlocs shrunk in a circle and approached at the same time. they took the initiative to invade Eikan's nest's sphere of influence and insisted on capturing drake and the innocent boy.

In response, Yu Lianyun and Li Nuowei immediately chose to resist. Yu Lianyun blew off the head of the approaching fishman, while Li Nuowei effortlessly swung the great sword in his hand like a skilled swordsman. , took the initiative to meet them and cut down those fishmen.

derek didn't want to sit around and wait for death. he gritted his teeth and left the boy in place, holding the dagger in his hand to keep him safe from the fish that might approach him at any moment.

A fish ran in front of him. without thinking, drake approached him. he studied jiu-jitsu for a while and threw the fishman to the ground. then he saw the right moment and thrust the dagger into the fish. In an instant, bright red blood gushes out from the person's broken throat.

the moment he killed murloc, drake also realized that murloc was not that different from humans. Even though they are affected by the power of the phantom nest, they are easily killed.

It was an almost bloody battle, and the three men and the fishmen were pletely killed.

After the shooting ended, drake lost consciousness and fell to the ground, with the bodies of Yu Lianyun and Li Nuowei lying next to him. Even if the life force of the fish were weakened by the power of Eikan's nest, ordinary people without physical strength would not be able to withstand such a large-scale attack, and would be killed by the fish one after another.

drake took one last look at the innocent boy, who was still unconscious in the pool of unholy blood. he felt a little regret in his heart. It was a shame that we couldn't bring this child back. If only his parents knew their missing son was still alive. , you should be very happy.

he was feeling a little weak, so he trembled and raised his knife, pointing it at his neck as he watched the fishman quickly approach him.

``If I can't choose how I'm born, I'd like to at least let me choose how I die,'' thought derek, and without hesitation he thrust the knife into his throat.

And right after half the knife was inserted into his neck, he tried to pull it out, trying to drain the blood from the broken artery, but before he could take his last breath, he felt a force grip his hand.

It was cold to the touch, its scales were rough, and there was a strange fishy smell in the air. the fish controls its behavior by pulling a dagger from its neck.

drake looked at the fishman with a look of confusion and bewilderment, realizing that there was something special and strange about the fishman that suddenly ran in front of him. his dull eyes filled with tears, and cold tears fell into his eyes, unable to blink. It fell from his eyes and ran down his face.

\"Are you grieving for the child of a dead god? that prophecy will never e true, your gods will never rise again.\" drake couldn't help but think, feeling the sadness of the merman. , It was a shame that I couldn't make fun of it.

there was no point in stopping the fishman from taking out the knife since the knife had already cut his throat and artery. Not only was he gasping for breath, but blood was still flowing from the wound. If you don't shoot the knife, you'll only be temporarily delayed. his death left him in even more pain than before his death.

drake closed his eyes and quietly waited for death. After a while he found it difficult to open his eyes.

he couldn't open his eyes, but he felt something else. the fishman, who had stopped drawing his dagger, freed his hand and seemed to be stroking himself.

\"It's so cold...\" For some reason, after drake's consciousness became more chaotic and dark, he began to panic and seek fort. what he was looking for was none other than a strange fishman who shed tears for him. It was unbelievable. the strange thing is that even drake himself does not understand why he suddenly bees dependent on this fishman and even acts coquettishly towards him.

It's strange... everything is so strange. drake thought to himself that his consciousness was reaching the freezing point of death.

drake's latest revolving door lets you see only life's deepest hidden memories. he couldn't remember how old he was. overall, she was a kind, smiling woman who was hugging him and thinking about him happily. Name: \"Grow up, my child...\"


In the car after being discharged from the hospital, Li Nuowei's nose started bleeding without any warning. blood poured out of his nose like a fountain and dripped onto the ground.

``what the hell happened?'' derek, who was driving the car, was also surprised to see Li Nuowei suddenly bleeding.

Li Nuowei weakly raised his hand and immediately took out a tissue paper from the machine to stop the bleeding. with a runny nose, he said, \"Go to Liuhua twelve Street and bring back Ankai's old book from the museum. this is the key to cracking the eucalyptus...\"

\"huh?\" drake was a little confused. At that time, he didn't know Li Nuwei's abilities, but he was a little confused by Li Nuwei's sudden change of mood.

\"quickly turn around and I'll explain to you gently later,\" Li Nuowei said, gently placing her bloody hand on drake's shoulder. I don't know if it's a reaction to death's reincarnation ability, or if he's lost his own blood. As a result, I felt dizzy and almost fainted at that time.

derek didn't hesitate at all when he saw this. he seems to have just e to his senses. he suddenly turned the steering wheel on a deserted road and demonstrated such driving skills that the entire car flipped over. we turned back and headed to the Rokka port museum.

Everything seemed like a cliché. Li Nuowei said the \"lines\" that he had to say until drake felt numb and a little emotional, making drake believe in his strange abilities again.

this time, Li Nuwei saw the hope of success, and naturally felt stronger excitement than anyone else.

on the way, Li Nuowei took drake's cell phone and immediately sent a text message to Yu Lianyun, asking him to bring more equipment and personnel to the underground shelter.

All is business as usual, with drake and Li Nuowei breaking into a museum, blatantly stealing Ankai's old books, and being chased by people who believe in crazy fishmen. drake managed to eliminate these crazy people with his excellent driving skills. tracking

however, Li Nuwei knew that this period of peace was only temporary. these half-fish, half-human monsters have already guessed their destination at this point. Although we will be a few beats behind, there is no doubt that we will catch up with the people who have snuck into the air raid shelter as soon as possible. two persons.

After arriving at the mysterious tunnel near tianya haijiao beach, Li Nuowei and drake got out of the car and saw Yu Lianyun and three mysterious detectives who had been waiting there for a long time.

\"You are drake, you are Li Nuowei. what the hell are you...\" before Yu Lianyun could ask, Li Nuowei asked sternly, \"As I bring it to you. \"where is what I asked for? did you bring it?\" ”

Yu Lianyun choked for a while, and then said wordlessly. \"what do you want when you have everything? Is this tunnel really where the mysterious sea monster you mentioned in your message was sealed away?\" I opened the trunk of my car, which was packed with equipment.

\"Yes, when you return from this island, please know that the sea monster has not been destroyed, but sealed away.\" Li Nuowei also picked up a familiar device and attached it to her body. I explained. , and pulled drake and quickly geared up with him.

derek and Yu Lianyun both felt indescribable confusion, but this confusion came from Li Nuowei's longing.

Li Novi explained a lot, but his urgent and enthusiastic attitude left them ignorant and only increased their doubts and fears about their so-called \"death and reincarnation\" ability. Stories of reincarnation in other lineages are full of questions and anxieties.

“trust me.” Li Nuowei also immediately noticed everyone’s expressions and realized her own impatience. he quickly collected his emotions and said seriously: \"Finally, there is hope for success. I feel a little...worried. I don't want to confuse you. of course, the situation is also very urgent now. the remaining Ankai Shinki will catch up soon. I don't have time to explain in detail right now.

All we can say is that there are still survivors below and there are also important accessories that can solve this crisis, so we must hurry and fight. ”

“…well, I’ll believe it for once.” After hearing this, Yu Lianyun looked at each other for a few seconds, then suddenly nodded and said, as if they had received some kind of confirmation message.

Just now, he secretly used his psychic ability to confirm the results of ``trust Li Nuwei'' and ``do not trust Li Nuwei'', so his psychic ability made him choose ``trust''. led to.

\"thank you very much.\" Li Nuowei expertly donned everything and was fully armed, then led drake to the front lines and led these mysterious detectives into the tunnel.

“Are you going to dig the wall now?” Yu Lianyun was confused. the text message left by Li Nuowei was inplete. All I knew was that there was an air raid shelter under the tunnel, but I didn't know how to get inside, so I could only think of the easiest way. Rough method.

Li Nuowei nodded. \"pray for the dead. Go there with them.\"

“Isn’t this praying for death?” Yu Lianyun couldn’t help plaining.

but before Yu Lianyun finished speaking, he suddenly realized that Li Nuowei had disappeared and passed through the wall. the rest of it seemed to pass through an invisible curtain of light, but when it came time to touch it, it could only touch a solid wall, and that cover shouldn't actually exist.

drake believed in Li Nuowei, but then he became the second person to disappear from everyone's sight. only then did everyone realize that what Li Nuowei said was true.

As a result, the mysterious detectives imitated Re-Novi and drake's actions, and sure enough, within seconds they were reunited with Re-Novi and the others on the other side of the wall.

``Let's walk faster, let's talk while walking.'' Li Nuwei continued to explain the details that everyone was interested in.

As mr. Li Nuowei gave increasingly simple and clear explanations, everyone suddenly became enlightened.

Everyone hurried down the stairs when they heard the sound of footsteps behind them.

when they finally climbed the stairs and reached the large open area of the air raid shelter, Li Nuwei walked forward and said, \"Everyone here, please follow in my footsteps and escape with me.\"

After Li Nuowei, everyone could only hear sounds from far away, and strange branches appeared within the range of night vision glasses. only then did they truly believe that young university students like Li Nuowei had magical abilities. , After all, the enemy can accurately avoid each zombie in a dark environment without the help of night vision goggles, and can also find the exact path without running into walls.

without hundreds or thousands of drills, it would be impossible to clearly understand every corner of such a vast underground space.

however, overcrowding has many disadvantages. Even if safety is guaranteed, other risks are still increased, and some people may still be found by fishmen.

Li Nuwei and his friends could only kill the fishmen, who bee violent when they see people, and finally escape with Li Nuwei into an underground house and a hidden underground passage.

he deftly closed the door and added an iron pillar to prevent others from breaking it.

while walking through the underground passage, Li Nuwei tried hard to remember what had happened since the previous reincarnation line, reviewed it in his mind, and finally led everyone and continued walking down the stairs of the next tunnel.

the method to hack the phantom nest is the same as last time. As a serious patient of this disease, drake had to personally contact him and use the fastest but most embarrassing method to lift the curse of the disease.

what is true without trains? what is a story? (2-in-1)

Everyone received Eikan's nest without any problems and removed the cursed radiation from the gold and silver jewels in the stone room.

the danger of supernatural powers was obvious when someone plucked something from a god with supernatural powers, even if the opponent was forcibly sealed, but miraculously no one was killed or injured.

Yu Lianyun had to fully believe in the so-called \"death and reincarnation\" ability explained by Li Nuowei along the way. only after countless practices and accumulated rich experience, he was able to easily acplish these almost impossible things.

After all, no matter how difficult the exam questions are, all you need to do is rewrite them 10,000 times. Even if you don't understand the meaning of the questions on the test paper yet, you already know how to test and the correct answers.

however, what Yu Lianyun admired was that Li Nuowei was willing to risk his life and his own reason to make a mistake. After much trial and error, he found the correct answer.

``then it's time for the gun. those murlocs are over there, and when they e out, we'll hit them head-on.'' Li Nuowei deftly loaded his pistol and said, ``murlocs' weaknesses are the same as humans. don't forget to remind them, \"No, but they have powerful scales on their bodies. If you can attack, it's best to destroy their eyes. their eyes are.\" he's weak even as a human. ”

As soon as Li Nuowei took a step forward, Yu Lianyun asked, \"didn't you say earlier that there's another survivor? where is he?\"

when Li Nuwei heard this, he was surprised. he thought both boys were innocent and couldn't help but look at Yu Lianyun because he remembered that it was Yu Lianyun who first discovered the boys' innocence. As for where the boy had been hiding before, however, he had no idea. but what we can guess is that the missing innocent boy is probably somewhere in the spiral staircase. maybe somewhere in there is a hidden place, like a hidden tunnel or a stone chamber filled with treasure.

\"Unfortunately, I don't know either, but I think I saw him on the way there. Let's look for him on the way back.\" Li Nuowei nodded and expressed his suggestion.

Everyone nodded and followed Li Nuowei.

drake and Li Nuowei walked side by side. he looked at Li Nuowei. After a pause, drake still asked, \"how many times have you done it?\"

“I don’t remember, I still don’t understand,” Li Nuowei said casually, looking at drake. he didn't really care how many times he had to die because he found hope in \"beating the level.\"

I hope something like this is good and motivates people. It will make a shy man reckless and bold, giving him the courage to face even the most desperate situations.

Now, Li Nuwei feels that he is a reckless man, but he is very happy.

derek was silent for a moment, then casually asked, \"did I die a tragic death in another reincarnation?\"

“At least everything I witnessed with my own eyes is true,” Li Nuowei said calmly. “do you want to hear that there are thousands of ways to die?”

derek laughed. \"what I want to know more about is, can I survive? Even if I survive in the ugliest of ways.\"

\"Yes, there was a death row prisoner. You survived by being a fishman.\" Li Nuowei looked at drake, \"It seems you have also bee a small leader of a group of fishmen.\"

``It sounds very majestic,'' drake said with a smile, ``but I have no desire to lead a team and bee a leader. Just forget about ``Son of God.''''

Li Nuowei couldn't help but laugh. he did not tell anyone that he was the one who ended the death row inmate's life.


Suddenly, the sound of running footsteps and the unique roar of a fish-man echoed from the stairs.

Everyone immediately became alert and stood aside with their firearms ready. Li Nuowei and drake took the lead, looking ahead.

After a while, the mad murloc took the lead, but after it broke through the green radiation range of Yinghuan's nest from Li Nuowei, the crowd of murlocs chasing the head murloc slowly stopped. .

Seeing a group of heavily armed humans waiting for help, the wise murlocs realize they have been outwitted this time.

After heavy gunfire, the attacking murlocs were shot one after another. Few survived, all died.

Li Nuowei felt very happy. It was a pleasure to destroy this seemingly amazing, but actually evil and cunning group of murlocs. It was unthinkable that he, drake, and others had died so many times at the hands of murlocs. Even though the opportunity to attack came so smoothly, it would be better to brush it all away since the opportunity came.

Just as everyone is climbing up the stairs of the dead merman, a mysterious, sharp-eyed detective notices a black hole, points to it, and says:

when they all looked up, they saw that there was indeed a hole, and finally discovered another passageway covered in ghosts.

Everyone walked through a dark section and came to another stone room. It was also the attic of the fish people. Seeing the \"remains\" left behind by the fishmen, the members of the mysterious group felt unbearable and cursed in low voices. the word \"animal\".

After an innocent boy's unconscious cry for help as he desperately tried to survive, everyone found him hanging in the air by a hook and quickly rescued him.

``Stay strong, kid.'' the mysterious detective looked at the innocent boy who was confused and weak, and whispered to him to encourage him.

I don't know if the boy's conscience was still awake, or if his instincts told him he was safe. the boy no longer cried out in pain for help, but calmly lay down and fell asleep in the arms of the mysterious detective.

A mysterious and powerful detective took the boy and at the same time was responsible for keeping him safe.

derek was a little touched when he saw the boy who had run away. Although it wasn't his fault, it could have been assumed that the missing boy was found with his family to avoid the tragedy.

when they exited the tunnel and returned to the air raid shelter, there was no trace of the fishman anymore. they were nowhere to be found. they could have left, or the gun could have killed them all.

but not everyone has the courage to let their guard down yet. they could not take it lightly until they returned to the surface and the mysterious disappearance of Ruka port was pletely solved.

however, all seemed to be over, the seas were calm, and everyone returned safely to land without being attacked. the fishmen who had plagued Ruka port for centuries seemed to have disappeared from this world.

As drake and Lee Norway emerge from the dimly lit tunnel, they hear the sound of an airplane's engine whizzing across the sky. they looked up and realized they were fighters. they were like black shearwaters passing through the rainy night sky, sailing among the dark clouds. , the high-speed journey carved a trajectory in the clouds, and the resolution plunged into the dense fog.

Everyone, dumbfounded, chased the fighter plane to the beach. during the heavy rain and thick fog, I heard several rumblings of thunder in the distance. then the waves on the beach seemed to get bigger and the waves crashed onto the shoreline. , black waves.

they didn't see the fighter planes e back from the fog, but on what Li Nuwei thought was the most hellish day of his life, he didn't see the giant crouching creature emerge from the sea. the earth-shaking tsunami did not engulf this world. city

Lee Noway didn't know what the fighters did, but he knew it was cool that they never came back.

drake feels the same way.

on the night of the Aquirid meteor shower, Ryuka port is a port town covered in fog as usual. Although the atmosphere is gloomy, the people of the city lead a variety of lives and live lively lives.

As a precaution, drake was transported by a mysterious group of people to a central part of the city far away from Ryuka port. only Li Nuwei remained in this town.

Li Nuowei went to bed very early that night. he felt that even if today was the end of the world, it would be the sweetest death for those who died in their sleep. this time, he will choose a painless death.

of course, if everything remains normal after today, then the next day we will still see the sunrise and the fog will disappear. I told him that I had to live until I died of old age again.

After falling asleep, Li Nuwei found himself wearing the pajamas he had slept in and reaching the door of the forest hut again.

the atmosphere when he entered the door this time was pletely different from last time. he pushed open the door, came over to Lingling who was sitting at the counter with a smile, and said, “boss, I succeeded.”

Linlin smiled and nodded without saying anything. the shrine's black cat opened its gentle golden eyes and stared at him slowly, like a statue.

Li Nuwei felt a strange atmosphere, cold hands and feet entering her veins, blood being drawn from her body, and heat being drained out little by little. his happy expression gradually turned hard.

Suddenly, Ling Ling smiled and asked something very familiar to Lian owei, and it was like a bell stump that hit him on the head.

\"So, what's the story that happened to you?\" Linlin folded her hands on the table. he lay lazily with his chin on the table, hiding most of his face behind his arms. only one cold black eye was exposed.

wait...where did you hear that phrase?

Li Nuowei stared blankly at Ling Ling, feeling inexplicably confused. then he heard a buzzing sound in his ears, felt dizzy and looked a little confused. he kept asking himself where he had heard that phrase before.

the more times I asked myself this question, the faster my heart beat and the closer I got to the terrifying truth.

I can't think anymore! Stop thinking!

no! think quickly!




Give up!

think! think!

drake, fishman, sea monster, Ankaijin... the star returns, the end is ing, the seal, the old ruler, fear, true name, despair, blindness, ignorance, return...

far cry! far cry!

the answer is hidden there!

dark truth!

Suspicious world!

other people's voices kept appearing in Li Nuowei's mind, roaring and shouting in his heart, and his mind became more and more confused.

one more go, one more go, answer, answer, black, black, suspect, suspect...

No... there's still one answer left, a dark truth and suspicion...



Li Nuowei’s face was red, her eyes were bloodshot, and she held her head tightly with both hands. It was as if he wanted to escape his soul from this fragile body of flesh and blood, to escape the whispers of fish entering the room. his heart.

Suddenly, the world before Li Nuowei's eyes was no longer a color, and a great force tugged at his collar, pulling him away from the twisted world of paint and dirt.

Suddenly, Li Nuwei felt a cold touch, and souls roared from around him. they reached out their hands to him with fierce looks, and tried to grab him and drag him into the abyss of eternal damnation. Li Nuwei he instinctively screamed and wanted to run away. he wanted to leave this strange world.

he stopped until he hit the hard white sheet of the door, but the figure, distorted by the different colors in the picture, still didn't let go easily and chased after him fiercely.

Li Nuowei had no choice. he stood up again and opened a door that led nowhere.

A bright white light flashed in Li Nuowei's eyes, and in the blink of an eye, he returned to his cabin in the forest.

the furniture in the store, the environment in the house, the sleeping black cat, the big brother in red clothes who always looked busy, boss Lin who always had a fake smile in front of him...I was looking at the panorama. View. look...

but in the blink of an eye, he fell to the wet floor. before him was a large sea, a violent storm was gathering on the sea, and a frightened fish-man was lying on it with his mouth full of bloody needles. teeth, a body part that hangs between the opponent's teeth.

``Great Son of God, what are you waiting for? Let's continue the ritual quickly, the meteor shower is ing!'' ma hongzhong tore half of the man's face off, revealing his terrifying and vivid appearance. Suddenly he stopped biting and screamed. .

the fishman who bit into Li Nuwei's body heard ma hong's words and looked into Li Nuwei's plicated eyes. the fishman only felt a headache. the ferocious fishman's face was distorted as he clutched his head and roared in pain. Ever changing, he is sometimes the face of a drake, sometimes a cruel and ruthless fishman.

Lying on a temporary altar set up near the cape, Li Nuwei looked at drake, who had fallen in agony, and at the confused Anhai Shinkai members. Li Nuowei, who was almost dying, smiled. stand up

It seems like everything is fake...

his name is Li Nuowei. he is a university student at Rokkako University. Recently, the leader of the mysterious group tiger Group and the mysterious A-level detective Rokkako branch came to the university for a lecture and to investigate the latest anomaly. there are no people.

he once had a twin brother who died in a traffic accident. he first met drake four days ago at the tunnel entrance. believing in the town's legend that he can send items to the dead, he sends the treasure he has accumulated since childhood and enters the tunnel, where he happens to meet drake, who is returning from the beach.

he also did not expect that the fishmen already considered him a sacrifice. After following the instructions in the urban legend, he was actually captured by the fishmen who were hiding in the darkness.

on the night of the meteor, that prophecy seemed to e true. detective drake turns into a fishman in front of him. In order to plete the sacrificial ritual and send a signal to the meteorite, German, who was called the \"Son of God\" by the mad Fish Lake people, began to eat him, following his instincts.

but what the current animals didn't expect was that he had a dream earlier that he had e to a mysterious cabin shop in the woods and bought a story, a story that could be repeated forever. was...

he ``told'' this story to the fishman drake, and when he tasted the fishman's body, he became hypnotized. therefore, God had his characters die and e back again and again so that the listener could continue to \"hear\" the story and regain his or her will in the process.

the story ends now that drake has woken up.

132 disappearance cases concluded

\"No, no, no!\" mahon looked at drake as he tried to regain his human will. he was in disbelief and angry. he stepped forward, saw Li Novei lying motionless on the altar, and asked, \"what have you done!\"

\"I've done everything I wanted to do.\" Li Nuowei smiled quietly. he looked up at the dark sky and saw the countless meteors bright and majestic that cut through the night.

In fact, you can tell a story that can be repeated infinitely. In this way, his life will always remain as the moment he saw drake. he is able to enjoy every story he tells, but at the cost of this: in the never-ending cycle of life, he gradually forgets his \"true self\" in the cycle of history. .

however, humans are creatures that are greedy for \"pleasure.\" It's not a bad way to live, forgetting the essence and having fun.

but Li Nuowei felt that was enough. he lived too long in the story world he built and died too many times. he already had a deeper understanding of life and death. At the same time, he was actually living within the story world he had constructed. he has experienced all kinds of life around the world. Now I feel that even if I go back to the real world and go back to the real world era, I will die without regrets.

ma hong read the sarcasm on Li Guowei's face and became furious. Seeing that the Aquirid meteor shower in the sky is ending, he will miss the messenger from the stars and delay the recovery of the Great God Anhai. ma hong himself raised his sharp claws and dug into Li Nuowei's chest, digging into his heart.

Li Nuowei looked at ma hong with disdain, but the vitality in his eyes quickly disappeared, and he murmured quietly, \"Your God is not great, your talent is great.\" .”

Gradually regaining his sense of self, drake saw Li Nuowei die in front of his eyes. he immediately ran like a madman, interrupting ma hong, who chanted strange and unknown prayers with a lifted heart. he took out his sharp claws, clenched his fist like a man, and angrily punched mahon in the fake face.

\"why do you all have the honor of living, so why do you ignore the lives of others!?\" drake was shouting the purity of filial piety in his heart, but in his mouth he was shouting the voice of a fish. .

mahon seemed to understand drake's point of view. Even though he was being beaten the hardest, he couldn't help but burst into laughter, saying, ``If you want to talk about murder, kill me. You have a role too, our child of God.'' Inside, his face quickly distorted as he punched harder and harder.

\"Fuck you, child of God.\" drake clenches his fist, the scales spread and the skin is torn, and he finally slams down with all his might, shattering ma hong's deformed head, pulverizing blood, flesh, and brain tissue. It broke. the head exploded, the human skin and flesh torn apart, a tangle of white, green, and red flesh and blood.

the sudden resurrection of human will by the Son of God and the sudden death of ma hong, the leader of the Ankai divine Society...happened in just a few minutes, but this was unexpected.

they looked up to the sky. the Aquila meteor shower has ended, and the approaching storm on the sea has quietly and slowly disappeared.

the messenger from the stars did not arrive, the sea was calm, and the god called Ankai did not revive at the expected time.

they failed and their predictions were wrong.

At that time, the prediction that truth School huangsha told them was wrong. his predictions were not pletely wrong, but they were also inplete.

the god Anhai cannot lead them to rule this world, and at the same time cannot fulfill the prophecy of awakening. Is the “god” they believe in no more than an overrated exotic fish? !

Unable to bear the reality of what was happening, some members of the Ankai Shinkai mitted suicide at the scene. he could not withstand drake's wrath and kill his enemies himself. most of them were about to die alone. what remained was no different from the dead. they are crazy.

drake was ruthless and personally killed all the crazy ones.

After killing all those damn believers, drake stood on the edge of the promontory, feeling the sea breeze blowing behind him, feeling numb and melancholy.

Everyone is dead, he's dead too, he's not ing back...does he still need to live?


A gunshot rang out from far behind him, and before he could turn, drake felt something fly past his shoulder, leaving a searing wound in his shoulder.

derek turned around and saw a group of mysterious detectives dressed in black, led by Yu Lianyun, running towards him.

In response, drake just stares at them with a confused look on his face, before finally choosing to jump off the cape without looking back, falling into the nearby rocky water.

when Yu Lianyun and the others arrived, drake had disappeared. Under the hood, waves were crashing on the jagged, rock-lined shore. waves continue to crash against the shore due to ocean currents blowing along the shore. In such turbulent conditions, in sea water, even if the drake did not die, he would not be able to swim out of such a dangerous place.

\"count the number of victims at the scene and look for useful clues.\" Seeing the only survivor jump into the sea and disappear, Yu Lianyun secretly breathed a sigh of regret and gave the order. I put it down.

he turned and looked at the boy's face on the altar. his body had been bitten and mutilated, and he felt a little uneasy in his heart that a young life had died like this.

this time, the person who came to Liuhua port and was entrusted with meeting by the leader was Li Nuwei. however, he did not municate with her normally.

A series of mysterious disappearances occurred at Liuhua port, and Yu Lianyun wanted to know the details of Li Nuwei, who was almost taken away by fishmen, but she never expected Li Nuwei to be found. I never expected to be taken away in the end. pass by the fishman. the fishmen were sacrificed, but the fishmen's prophecies did not e true one after another.

\"I don't know what happened, but I am very grateful for your contribution to protecting humanity.\" Yu Lianyun was quietly thinking about the corpse, but suddenly a man crawled out from his shadow. I caught a glimpse of the blessings of these two. Incarnates and pulls towards Lee Noway.

Seeing that the two gourmets focused on Li Nuowei, Yu Lianyun immediately scolded him: \"don't eat it, you definitely won't eat it.\"

hearing this, the two blessed incarnations stared at Yu Lianyun with cold and bitter faces for a while, but then quietly retreated, as if they had really heard Yu Lianyun's simple appeal.

Yu Lianyun breathed a sigh of relief. he feared that the two men would gain something important from him and that the gain would outweigh the loss.

wei Jiang, who was cleaning the store, suddenly felt a stinging sensation in her ear. he looked back at Lingling in shock, “boss, did he fail?”

on the contrary, it is a great success. Linlin said with a smile.

133 fortunes e to the bar

Good Luck Liver on the bund in Shanghai is always a thriving business, and there were no shortage of customers today.

A group of young men and women gathered together to go out drinking. there were indoor and outdoor entertainment parties. For them, there seemed to be no difference between getting drunk in a store and getting drunk on the street.

most of the customers are foreign tourists and university students, but there are also many regular drinkers who live nearby.

the store is not large and there are not many people inside. these steady ines are inseparable from the quality of the wine in the store, as well as the skill of the bartenders. the wine list has several cocktails. there is only one branch in the magic city with no other branches, and no other store can imitate this technique. of course, you can also lead the way to a magical city with thriving bars.

the most unique and delicious drink at Good Luck Lai bar has to be the Lady Luck.

countless drinking buddies e here just to sample Good Luck Rye bar's magical wines. It is said that those who are lucky enough to drink it bee addicted.

but \"Lady Luck\" glasses are hard to find. because only one bartender can perfectly prepare the taste of this glass of wine. At Good Luck bar, the only bartender in the world is ``crystal,'' and crystal is a volunteer bartender who only works three days a week, and each time she works, she bees the only bartender in a particular group. only a maximum of 3 customers are allowed per night. therefore, whether or not the wine is drinkable depends on the client's own luck and this. Attitude as a bartender.

however, in recent years, the trend of bringing good luck to bars has changed, and it is no longer difficult to find a ``Lady of Luck''.

crystal accepted an apprentice, taught him the treasure shop Lady Luck's recipes and recipes in a short period of time, and asked him to serve alcoholic people in her place while she was away from work. we created the wine that our guests would most like to drink.

of course, that doesn't mean they don't belong to the same family. this apprentice's ``arrogance'' and ``will'' are the same as crystal's. She can only make up to 3 cups of Lady Luck per day. If I don't do it more, I won't do anything that doesn't suit my tastes, and I'll be in a bad mood. I don't want to do it anymore, and I don't want to spend any money on it.

this apprentice has his own arrogant capital, his craftsmanship is not inferior to his master crystal, and he has a beautiful mixed-race face that attracts thousands of women.

petent and good-looking people can forgive anyone no matter what.

Since he works at a bar, the apprentice naturally has his own stage name, ``Shun,'' but pared to his appearance and bartending skills, this stage name is quite ordinary, so his drunken friends often call him ``Shun.'' teased. Let's add earth to the title as ``Fresh Four Seasons.''

brother Shiji is a man of will. In a sense, you could call me a casual person. he doesn't mind making fun of these guests and happily accepts them.

the Siji brothers are still active today. crystal, the beautiful bartender at the bar, has a talented apprentice, so she has another excuse to \"show off\" and her appearances are getting shorter and shorter.

``brother Siji, let's have a glass of Lady Luck.'' A young urban white-collar man who had just finished a hard day's hard work smiled kindly at the handsome bartender who was wiping glasses behind the bar.

when brother Shiji heard this, he raised his head, threw the opponent, shook his head flatly, and said very simply:

on a summer night with temperatures exceeding 30 degrees, the white beauty's smile froze, but since this was not the first time she had been rejected, she was not surprised by her reaction. he looked a little angry and grumpy. : \"then, could I have a mojito?\"

\"wait a minute.\" brother Shiji readily agreed this time and went to prepare the ingredients and mix drinks for the guests.

Seeing this scene, his friends and close friends who came with the white-collar beauty laughed and made fun of the white-collar beauty. \"Let's just say I can't do it today either.\"

``would you like to try it then?'' the beauty in the white collar rolled her eyes angrily.

my best friend smiled and said, \"try it.\"

my best friend immediately ordered Shijige's Lucky Lady and received the same reaction as the white-collar beauty.

\"stop it.\"

“then give me a margarita.”

this time I received a positive response from brother Shiji.

then my best friend extended his arms to the white-collar beauty and said, ``congratulations, I can't do it either.''

the white-collared beauty pursed her lips and quickly asked brother Siji, who was mixing drinks. \"brother Siji, how many cups of Lady Luck did you make today? how many cups of Lady Luck are you planning to make?\"

\"I haven't made any yet. As for how many cups I'll make tonight, I'm sticking with the old rules,\" Shiji-nii-san replied with a laugh.

that means there are still three cups left. the white-collar beauty answered the phone with a smile and said, ``then I will ask some friends nearby to e and see who is so lucky that you can make a move.then you can also have a snack.'' I can do it.”

\"please.\" Shiji-hyung was already talking to the white-collar beauty, laughing, making a mojito, and sending it to the white-collar beauty. Enjoy your ordered mojito.

``please take a photo, and then I will call you.'' After the white-collar beauty saw the delicious mojito in front of her, her eyes suddenly lit up, but she still didn't realize that she was lucky. Not forgetting the goddess, I asked my best friend to help me take pictures. call a friend nearby and head out.

birds of a feather flock together, and so do humans. while not all of my wine-lover friends may like to drink alcohol, most of them definitely do...

there were still three seats left on Lady Luck's night when she heard that her beautiful white-collar girl friends were ing to the bar to seek their fortune. At first, these people were looking for various excuses to avoid drinking that night. Suddenly everyone got excited and immediately said that he would arrive soon.

however, the white-collar beauty found herself suddenly slipping her hands while typing and ended up calling a friend she had no intention of calling.

\"oops.\" the white-collar beauty was about to hang up, but unexpectedly the person on the other end answered the phone faster.

\"hey, Arlene, what's wrong with calling you so late?\" brother Sigi was delivering a newborn margarita to his white-collar girlfriend when he heard a deep male voice ing from the microphone of the other person's cell phone. I heard. the other person laughed out loud and tried to hide it, but he seemed to be in a bad mood.

\"well, it's nothing. I was just calling to see if you had time for a drink...of course, it doesn't matter if you don't have time. After all, you have to take care of yourself. No, kids. \"the white-collar beauty said with a dry smile. this friend of hers is a single father and usually takes care of the child alone. the child is only 8 years old and has just entered the third grade of elementary school. .

hearing this, the man in front of him was silent for a moment, but the beautiful white woman gave him an unexpected answer.

\"what? don't you have to take xiao peng with you?\" the white-collar beauty was surprised.

the man smiled sadly, laughed a lot at the story, and said: \"xiaopeng sent a letter to my grandmother recently. I...I forgot. Let's talk when we meet.\"

``okay, okay, I'll be waiting for you, Yuu-niisan.'' hearing this, the white-clad beauty was a little surprised. he immediately gave the address of the bar and hung up on the caller.

A friend you haven't seen for a long time suddenly es over with \"drinks\". I'm always surprised by drunk people who like to talk and gossip.

Less than 30 minutes later, the friends summoned by the white-collar beauty began to arrive, including \"brother Yu\" who came with a story.

Yu-hyung was a man in his 30s wearing a striped polo shirt that looked out of place, but it was obvious to everyone that he had done some preparation for today's trip, including shaving his beard. Although it was a bit sketchy, there were still a few \"weeds\" growing wild in the chin that hadn't been cut yet.

Yu-nii is not handsome, but he has a friendly face that makes people feel safe and want to approach him.

``can I have a glass of Lady Luck?'' brother Yu was sitting next to a beautiful white woman who was also one of his friends at the bar. After taking his seat, he gave his orders. I didn't forget the instructions from the white-collar beauty over the phone, and I asked them as soon as I arrived at the store. handsome mulatto bartender orders Lady Luck.

Everyone who failed in the Goddess of Luck's mand looked at brother Yu with hope, and brother Siji also looked at him with hope, thinking in their hearts, ``I'm sure I'll succeed this time.''

\"Agreed,\" brother Shiji answered and agreed in his drunken mind.

tonight's first glass of Lady Luck has been successfully ordered!

\"brother Yu, I'm going to go buy you a drink,\" the white-robed beauty said angrily, then smiled and pinched brother Yu's shoulder, \"but I have to give you a snack later.\"

\"damn you Arlene! I want to drink too!\" my best friend and her friends were suddenly summoned and got excited and started fighting over each other.

brother Yu laughed as he looked at the group of drinking friends he used to hang out with. \"okay, let's all share a drink. Um, Shiji-nii, give me another martini, please.\"

“Yu-nii-san is fair!”

\"Yu-nii-san is beautiful!\"

“Yu-nii-san, I’ll buy you this martini!”


hearing brother Yu generously serve wine, everyone was ecstatic and blew brother Yu's rainbow-colored legs one after another.

Soon, the restaurant's legendary treasure, Lady Luck, came out to dine. then, with the consideration of the Shiji brothers, small cups were shared among everyone so that everyone, including the Yu brothers, could drink.

brother Yu stared at the smoky pink wine in front of him, wondering why everyone was so excited about this glass of wine. No matter how good it tastes, where does this wine go?

Strangely enough, after drinking a glass of wine, the Yu brothers just felt a refreshing and deep aroma that blossomed from the tip of their tongue, exploding from both the top and bottom at the same time, one in the brain and the other rising. was. It sank into his stomach. he was a little drunk, smelling like wine, and his eyes were red. he also cupped his cheeks, covered his eyes warmly, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

hearing that sigh, the drinkers suddenly perked up as they were enveloped in the aroma of wine. while drinking the rest of the wine, I asked brother Yu why he was sighing and what troubles he was having lately.

brother Yu stroked his forehead, threw everyone away, and hesitated to speak. he went back and forth between sighing and opening his mouth for a long time, making people anxious.

After a while, brother Yu said hesitantly. \"As you know, my wife died of cancer five years ago.\"

\"Yeah, what's going on?\" my best friend asked.

``Recently, xiaopeng's art teacher challenged his classmates to draw their own version of paradise.''

\"Very nice.\" the white-collar beauty didn't do anything wrong, but the context felt a little strange when he said it.

\"Yes.\" brother Yu licked his dry lips, \"but xiao peng is still young, so he doesn't know some things. he asked me where heaven is, and I said, my mom said that's where she was going, and I explained it to her.''It was what I had imagined heaven to be like.''

xiaopeng understood the meaning of the sky, but looked at me very confused and didn't say anything. he didn't talk much. then he started painting. After an hour, he said he had finished the painting and showed it to me. ”

\"what did he draw?\" Everyone realized that something terrible was approaching.

when everyone thought that xiao peng would draw something shocking and terrifying, they didn't expect that brother Yu would say something that would make people's hearts tremble.

“he painted my attic…”

and history

there is no better word to describe everyone's emotions at this moment than awe. the scary part behind the story is like a ray of light on people's backs, as if someone who doesn't exist is breathing into their ears. , the cold in my heart froze everyone's heartbeat for a moment.

why does the daughter of the Yu brothers think about heaven in the attic? heaven is the place where the dead go. So in xiao peng's eyes, is there something in the attic that should never appear in the world again? what about “people”?

\"So... did you send xiao peng home?\" the white-robed beauty swallowed the air stuck in her throat and asked with difficulty.

\"Yes.\" brother Yu said with a wry smile, \"when I asked him why he drew the sky in the attic of his house, xiaopeng asked, ``didn't your mother say that the sky is where you go?'' .

\"...Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, in the attic?\" my best friend speculated nervously.

brother Yu shook his head and said with a plicated expression, \"I don't know, I can't confirm, but he suddenly died of illness in the attic, and I haven't told anyone about this, including xiao peng. hmm. xiao peng.” Let his grandparents take care of him. ”

hearing this, everyone fell silent again. I couldn't help but believe that there were indeed strange things in this world that couldn't be explained using mon sense.

Yuu-nii-san sighed. he has been very worried about this matter lately.

\"martini of the deep sea.\" brother Shiji, the bartender, brought a freshly brewed dark blue drink to brother Yu, with a small smile on his lips, and said, ``this story is good, you deserve a glass of Lady Luck. .\"said.

hearing this, brother Yu stared at brother Shiji in surprise for a while, then shook his head helplessly and said, \"I hope this is really just a story.\"

\"I'm not saying I'm making this up. I just thought your experience was interesting,\" Shiji-hyung explained with a smile, realizing that his words had been misunderstood.

Seeing the Siji brothers, who are always quiet and rarely talk to others, the white-collar beauty suddenly joked. I'll teach you every day from now on. ” It’s a change in circumstances. I could have one more cup, but could you please make me another cup of Lady Luck? ”

\"I don't think so,\" Shiji said calmly, \"I'm only interested in real experiences and the emotions that e with them. but I don't really feel like a fable, no matter how scary.\" Nothing will change, because as long as it is real, everything is empty and is a lie after all.”

\"In this case, brother Shiji, you have mixed many cups of Lady Luck, so you must have heard many of these 'true stories'. You are wele to share them with us. \"huh?\" the white-collared beauty bit her red lips, and her heart fluttered as she looked at Siji's strong, straight face and handsome figure. he wanted to interact more with this rare and beautiful man in this world, and thought about building a deep relationship with him.

In response, Shiji-hyung said with a smile, ``I don't talk about guests because it concerns the privacy of other guests, but I have something special to tell you.would you listen to it?'' he said with a smile. ……what do you think? ”

when he smiled, the curve at the corners of his mouth was sharper than a sickle, showing a slight disfort.

\"what? I have something to do, so I'll go home first.\" I don't know if he intentionally created a space for men and women to chat, or if he felt something strange about the ambiguous atmosphere. A customer in front of the bar suddenly left his seat. they announced their departure one after another.

however, the white collar and the beauty of brother Yu remained until the end. they were the only ones interested in the stories told by the Siji brothers.

\"by the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. my name is Linda. You can call me Arlene like everyone else.\" Arlene smiled.

“Zheng Yu” Yu brother honestly said his real name.

\"call it Season.\" brother Shiji nodded and smiled slightly, as if recognizing the identity of these two guests and friends.

Aaryn pursed his lips with a smile and said, \"brother season, brother season, even if you don't tell me your real name, you can tell me your name.\"

brother Shiji thought for a moment and answered, \"my surname is wu.\"

\"what did you want to talk about now? tell me, we just happened to want to hear it too.\" Arlene put her chin in her hand and said okay.

Siji looked at them carefully and then told them the story he had prepared. \"once upon a time, there was a man named Li Nuowei...\"

I don't know if it was brother Shiji's charming voice that made people so intoxicated, or if they were immersed in the ups and downs of brother Shiji's story. Suddenly, their eyes became blank, and they stood there, expressionless, like statues, breathing as if they were all debilitated, just listening quietly.

before they knew it, it was almost time for them to hang out at the bar. they checked out and left looking deflated. the cold sweat running down my back became even colder as I walked outside against the cold night wind. .

``Is what he told true or false?'' Arlene suddenly asked.

\"...I don't know.\" Zheng Yu shook his head violently. Stories about fishmen and sea monsters were so rare that I didn't want to believe them. but why did he feel as if he had personally experienced these stories? what about the feelings?


After Arin and Zhen Yu left, the Siji brothers were doing the last cleaning before going abroad. Almost every day, he would stay for a while and wait until the bar was cleaned before leaving. however, there was a hanging hanging in the entrance of the bar. Seeing a sign for foreigners, a young man and a young woman pushed open the door and entered the store.

he is a bination of an ordinary man and an amazing beauty. the man has a plain face, and his clothes are very ordinary, but the beautiful woman around him is wearing a deep green chinese dress made of plenty of fabric. the chinese dress was tailored to the waist of the other person. there are many types and styles of flowers, and they are very beautiful.

but the amazing thing is that even though there are gulf-like differences between them in terms of walk, voice, appearance, etc., when they stand together, it somehow feels mysterious and inexplicable. It's about feeling the perfect fit.

\"drake, let's have a drink.\" xin Junmao sat in front of the bar with a smile and casually ordered, \"two glasses of the best Lady Luck, please.\"

brother Siji and xin Junmao seemed to know each other well. hearing xin Junmao mand him, drake said, \"You are lucky, there are still two glasses of Lady Luck left today.\"

mr. Zhao took a deep breath as if he had smelled something. he lowered his eyes and said with a smile, \"I smell a curse. It seems like you had another grudge talk today?\"

drake was not proactive and said, \"Stabilize the seal and let Re Novi, who lives within the story, breathe.\"

135 narrators

After Li Nuwei's death, drake regains consciousness from his fishman state and feels that a mysterious power resides within him. this power definitely came from Li Nuwei.

when a story is told in an infinite loop, the consciousness of the target animal bees trapped within the story. the more a story is told, the deeper the animal's cognitive awareness bees, the harder it bees to detect a \"false\" story, and the more the animal bees deeper and deeper into the fabricated story. So-called narration does not only refer to verbal narration, but as long as it involves ``munication,'' it induces abilities such as language, eyes, and touch.

Note, however, that while this power also affects storytelling, its influence is a little weaker than that of the listener. the deeper the narrator goes, the more involved he bees, and gradually he forgets that he is telling the story.

If both the narrator and the listener forget the original truth, they will definitely fall into another world, and will actually enter a vegetative state, gradually starving, being old, and dying.

when drake discovered this power, he also discovered another characteristic of this power: a \"legacy of stories.\"

the last story told by an old storyteller before his death is passed on to a listener to whom his abilities have been transferred. however, in order to preserve a story, it must be told consistently and with a certain frequency, otherwise the story itself will disappear.

originally, if drake had acquired this ability, he would not have inherited Li Nuwei's story, but when he learned that Li Nuwei was still alive in the story, he was shocked again. It was a people of sea monsters and a divine being. Anhai wish didn't know when he was trapped in Li Nuowei's story.

In other words, the sea monsters and Ankaijin that humans actually see can only be thought of as normal animals that have only instinctive reactions. their souls and wills are trapped in the unbreakable \"story\" of Ri Novi.

this is a sticker! drake thinks so.

the consciousness of two supernatural gods are trapped in the world of the story. No one gets hurt unless people actually take the initiative to go into their sleeping areas. they continue to sleep, both their followers and their volumes...the tribe calls them back, and they too bee trapped in the story.

drake didn't know how or when Re Novi did it.

but in short, if we want to avoid chaos in the world and prevent disaster from reaching the whole world, we as humans must keep this seal. All he can do is carry the seal and tell the story to all who will listen. .

but justice is only part of the reason he continues Li Nuowei's story. In fact, for him, this part of the reason is even solid. A bigger part of the reason is actually that we want Li Nuwei to live well in the world of the story. At the same time, only by keeping the world within the story will he be able to avoid the resurrection of God in Ankai, and the fish-man bloodline will no longer be easily awakened and will continue to maintain its human identity.