读趣网 > 玄幻魔法 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第23章 星之舞
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因此,埃尔德里丹的编年史仍在继续,记录了德雷文·布莱克索恩和塞拉菲娜·夜影所进行的智力策略。他们在禁忌知识的危险道路上航行,与其他寻求者合作并挑战理解的界限。这是一段考验他们决心的旅程,并迫使他们面对凡人理解的局限性。在追求宇宙真理的过程中,他们冒着一切风险,因为他们知道奖励可能会解开掌握埃尔德里丹命运的秘密。第5章 背叛的阴影



















most of the recent disappearances that have occurred at Ruka port are related to a group of \"fishmen,\" and there is a possibility that the fishmen's secrets are hidden beneath the tunnel. there is a high possibility that the young man's disappearance is inseparable from this tunnel. how many fishmen are there? If the two work together to detect the mysterious disappearances in Ruka port, they will be able to find the missing boy.

before leaving, derek turned to the young man's parents, who were looking at him expectantly. he did not speak or express his opinion. he just quickly and quietly looked away and walked away from them at a steady pace.

It's not that he's too cruel, it's that he can't give parents any guarantees.

drake casually ate something, while he asked the mission coordinator to look up some information, local historical information related to the fish.

After breakfast, the work coordinator arrived, sent a message and immediately stopped a passing taxi.

``Sir, where are you going?'' the taxi driver saw drake in the rearview mirror and was a little surprised to see the half-breed figure.

``Ryuuka twelve Laughs.'' derek looked at his phone and answered it, quickly putting it down and leaning back against the back seat of the car with his eyes closed, meditating.

he couldn't sleep all night and was exposed to so much knowledge in such a short period of time that his outlook on life almost collapsed. he had to get enough rest to keep his mind clear enough to solve the next case.

``Agreed.'' the taxi driver left immediately. he looked at drake, who seemed to be sleeping, and shook his head, feeling a little disappointed that he couldn't have a conversation with a foreign passenger who could speak chinese.

the twelve Streets of Liuhua that mr. drake mentioned are located in Sekidong ward, Liuhua port city, about an hour's drive from the site.

the hour-long drive was long, but still a little too short for a sleep-deprived drake. when he got out of the car, he did not enjoy a good night's sleep.

Feeling a little dissatisfied, he got out of the car and walked to Ruka twelve Street, a \"photo book\" filled with modern and historical styles.

According to the answer sent by the work coordinator, the history of Ryuka port city has a mysterious relationship with \"fishmen.\"

this city was born because of the sea, but its prosperity is inseparable from the \"fishmen.\"

once upon a time, in the land of Ruka port, there was a mysterious organization that believed in \"fishmen.\" the organization believes in fish-men, and they frequently perform sacrificial rituals to fish-men as if they were worshiping them as gods, and fish-men also seem to know the thoughts of humans. the fish give all the gold and silver jewels they have saved from the depths of the sea to give to those who believe in them.

because sea monsters that harm people and cause shipwrecks frequently appear at Ryuka port, a large amount of treasure has sunk in the nearby waters. however, at that time, people were limited by their fragile bodies and simple tools, and could not go to the bottom of the ocean to save these treasures. After discovering that murlocs could bring value and profit, almost no one could resist the temptation and began to believe in murlocs. As a result, the number of members of this mysterious organization increased rapidly.

If you can prostitute yourself for free and eat for free, fishmen and the like will have more confidence.

After acquiring the wealth of the fishmen, the city gradually grew and became one of the most prosperous cities of its time.

however, everything has its ups and downs. this mysterious organization, which once brought great wealth to the city, gradually went silent, and finally seemed to disappear into the river of history.

currently, there is a museum in Ruka twelve Street, where information about the mysterious organization remains.

drake is here just to find out about a mysterious organization. It would definitely be a good thing if he could find clues linking the lost eucalyptus to human disease.

Soon, drake finds records of the mysterious organization in a copy of an old book on the second floor of the museum, and finally learns the true name of the mysterious organization: Anhai Shenhui.

other than age, copies and used copies of originals are almost one-to-one reproductions. the cover is different from the old book. both have a strange symbol, a shape that looks like an eye, but the eye is a fish.

the Fish-man tribe worships the god Ankai.the Association is not a group of Fish-men, but a leader of Fish-men. their leader is also the king of the fishmen and is worshiped as the god Anhai.

\"Is that a big fish?\" drake remembered the giant fishman he had seen in his dream.

the Ankai-jin Association was established because Ankai-jin was able to exterminate the sea monsters that were constantly attacking tourists and local fishermen at the time. As mentioned above, if it can continue and grow, the god Anhai and his people of huan will bring wealth to those who believe in them.

however, when drake wanted to know why Ankai Shinkai suddenly refused, he noticed that there was an empty space at the back of the copy.

A museum guide apparently caught the attention of drake as he flipped through a booklet. he approached drake with a professional smile and said, \"Sir, is there anything I can help you with?\" he said. , the smiling eyes suddenly flew out, and the smile immediately became strangely vague.

drake noticed a strange change in the conductor's expression, but he remained calm.

In fact, it wasn't just the tour guide who was a little weird. Ever since he entered this street, every time he passed by or approached the merchants and residents who lived here, he always felt the strange gaze of ``here.''

It wasn't a feeling of being unwele or wary, but rather a kind of enthusiasm and curiosity that the villagers felt when they saw a wanderer return home after years of being missing. .

however, this enthusiasm was mixed with a disturbing sense of ``enthusiasm'' and ``longing,'' and drake could only feel a sense of disfort deep down. he fought back the nausea and answered the Usher woman's question. \"why isn't there a continuation at the end?\" what's wrong? \"

the female guide said with a smile, ``because the originals on the display shelf end here, and the copies can only go so far.''

\"that's it.\" derek nodded.

he didn't believe it.

``Sir, if you want to know what happened next, I happen to know a little bit about it so I can tell you.'' the conductor noticed that drake looked a little displeased, and suddenly his smile disappeared and his A trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

derek frowned. he was very surprised by this inexplicable respect. the questions in his mind became more and more confused like a hairball. ``I would like to know about the subsequent development of the Ankaishinkai organization.''

``the Ankai God Association was silent due to the storm that followed, and this storm was a blessing brought by the Ankai God.'' the conductor responded immediately. there was a trace of anger on his face as he said this, ``humans have denied the god Ankai, who brought the blessing of immortality to humanity, and considered that blessing a curse.Evolved people who received the blessing It was brutally suppressed, \"and many people died. As a result, the Ankaishin Association dried up... this is truly a tragedy.\"

when derek heard Asher's words, he couldn't understand what exactly she was upset about and what she would call a tragedy.

\"what's a blessing?\" derek didn't want to hear the other guy ranting in the bushes. he wanted to hear the answer, even if he had already guessed it.

\"bee a servant of God Anhai and have the chance to live forever,\" the conductor answered. he bowed slightly as he spoke.

Is it true what happened...

the so-called blessing of God in Anhai is a disease of sexual intercourse!

drake's heart rate began to increase and the masticatory muscles in his jaw quivered. he noticed the gesture of the female guide bowing to him, and soon became aware of the enthusiastic attention of other museum staff around him. this is a bold and cautious guess. In his heart he is generous.

the staff of this museum... no, the aborigines on this street are all remnants of the Ankaishin Association. they look forward to the return of Ankai and are eager to receive this \"blessing.\"

And when he appeared here, full of the \"blessings\" of his lineage, they saw a messenger sent by the god Ankai, who had e to guide them in achieving their great ideals. It was as if it were.

thinking this way, drake finally understood why these people had such an unusual amount of respect for him, but also how these people made him feel \"travel-sick.\" I didn't know if they confirmed that he was suffering.

with these questions in mind, derek came to the bathroom nervously. only then did he notice that his eyes began to show a strange color. the whites of his eyes were clearly not human. the whites of his eyes were shining yellow. however, it tends to expand and diverge.

\"Ahem,\" derek coughed, suddenly feeling a sharp pain in his heart and lungs. there was a fishy smell ing from his throat, and he spat out a mouthful of acidic water and blood, which filled the entire sink.

drake opened his mouth in disbelief, and then realized that his teeth were beginning to bee unnaturally jagged with fear, and that he was about to bee the teeth and mouth of a shark.

Finally, the early symptoms of Jiao Ren's illness began to appear, and the reaction was extremely severe.

derek looked at himself in the mirror and said, \"I'm...derek wu, detective...\"

he had to repeat over and over again that his voice was still normal, that his vocal cords had not been pletely alienated by Jd, and that his brain was still thinking clearly.

After confirming that he was still fine, derek decided to talk less from now on so that other normal people wouldn't notice anything unusual about him.

he didn't know why his mutation symptoms had accelerated. the alienation from foreign diseases may have been so rapid. In the end, drake ran out of the museum to escape this six-person gathering where lunatics and lunatics gathered. hana twelve Street.

he quickly called a taxi and got in. As the car started, I heard a familiar voice from the driver: ``did you finish shopping so early?Aren't you going to look around some more?''

derek was surprised to hear the familiar voice. he stiffened and raised his head, realizing that it was the taxi driver who had sent him here. It was as if a taxi driver was waiting for him from this street. Accept yourself in a moment.

It was also at this time that drake finally realized that the pendant on the taxi driver's chest was the symbol of the Ankai Shinkai!

\"who are you!?\" drake could no longer contain his urges and began interrogating the taxi driver.

“You really look like him,” the driver said with an appreciative smile, “my name is ma hong, and I am a respected messenger.”

\"tell me, what do you know and what are you hiding? Are the mysterious disappearances that recently occurred at Ruka port related to you?\" derek asked the man in front of him. he asked in a low voice.

the driver, ma hong, showed respect and confessed honestly. \"we will definitely tell you everything we know. As for the question you are now asking about the missing Eucalyptus, yes, it is indeed inseparable from us. I can say that.'' ”

ma hong's eyes showed enthusiasm, his bloodshot eyes were filled with excitement, and he opened his mouth violently, spitting out every word with two rows of old yellow teeth. ``the stars will return to their positions and our God will awaken from within.'' he is in a deep sleep. God's messengers then guide the believers and wele him back. the Son of God uses his twin spirit and blood, soul and flesh to construct the incarnation that walks in this world. then his incarnation ends. he will lead us to spread the gospel to the world...”

\"Stupid people!\" drake angrily yelled, \"that's not God!\"

Sometimes it is not God that falls from the sky, but the devil from outside.

ma hong smiled. he didn't argue with drake, just said to himself: \"when the stars return and my God rises again, you will believe everything I say.\"

while we were talking, mr. mahon happened to stop his car at an intersection waiting for a traffic light.

derek Shenhe forced the door open and jumped out of the car. he looked at the taxi driver in confusion, but saw ma hong still looking at him with a smile. the other party didn't even stop him from leaving.

derek seemed to be hallucinating, frightened by mahon's strange expression. he staggered off down the road. whenever he accidentally bumped into a passerby, he had a vision of seeing mahon's expression on the passerby's face as well. A strange and dangerous smile.

he fell to the ground and looked out at the group of passers-by surrounding him, all facing him with uniformly menacing grins. derek felt a lot of pain go through his brain at once. Suddenly, it felt like his whole body was missing. his strength gave out and he fell to the ground.

\"It's...cough...\" derek muttered, sniffing the strong smell of blood in his mouth, his eyes slowly turning black...

``Li Nuwei, you have been missing a lot of classes lately and staying up late at night. could you tell me why?'' In the office of the Faculty of Economics and management, Liuhua University of hong Kong, a young counselor is working with troubled students. I am patient with you.

Li Nuowei looked at the counselor and said with a smile: \"don't worry. there's nothing wrong with me.\"

\"then what's the deal with your absence? I just want to remind you that if you continue like this, you might fail this semester,\" the counselor reminded him, heartfelt.

“oh, don’t worry, I won’t fail the exam.” Li Nuwei nodded, then her eyes hardened and she looked at the mobile phone that the counselor had placed on the desk. After a while, my phone turned on.

the counselor heard the ringtone, glanced at the call notification, frowned, and was about to hang up as usual when he heard the student in front of him say, I regret it. \"For example, you can't catch up with your control-free mother at the end...\"

99 dangerous madmen

A gust of wind blew across the campus of hong Kong Lihua University. A woman in her 20s to 80s rushed out of the office of the Faculty of Economics and business Administration with red eyes. Everyone was confused about how to make people more engaged and conscientious at school. the handsome counselor was in such a hurry that he left Liuhua port overnight without requesting leave from the school's leaders.

Li Nuowei slowly came out of the office and said, \"I have time for my work as a counselor. Let's move on to the next job.\"

he kept it in his pocket and walked toward the wall outside the kitchen at the back of the second school cafeteria. As if I knew in advance that the second window from the left facing the wall could be opened freely, I opened it directly and went up to the kitchen at the back of the dining room, silently walking past the eucalyptus board. Shishun picked up the knife that was placed on the eucalyptus board and walked behind the chef, who was acting sly. before the chef could react, he stabbed the chef in the neck. In an instant, blood flowed like a rivulet, and blood suddenly appeared.

his demeanor was smooth and fluid, as if he had rehearsed it many times beforehand.

Li Nuowei casually threw the knife next to the corpse. Li Nuwei, covered in blood, stepped over the corpse with a smile on his face. he brutally stamped his heel on the hand of his opponent, who was carrying a bag containing a \"mysterious\" icy white powder, killing the deceased before he could die. the Yong tau Fu meat inside was evenly mixed and fell to the ground.

After doing all this, Li Nuwei walked through the hallway behind the kitchen, opened the door, and left the bedroom. by chance, he met a pair of male and female students who liked each other. he deliberately passed the boy on his back and gave him an elbow. when he pressed it against the female student, two exclamations were immediately heard, and the male and female students hugged each other tightly.

As she walked, Li Nuwei took off her bloody clothes, rolled them into a ball, and threw them into a nearby trash can.

\"well, it's almost time. Let's go to Liuhua harbor Second central hospital and look for him.\" Li Nuowei grumbled as she came out of the school gate. Several screams and screams were heard from the school's didiel cafeteria, but he walked out of the school gate with a calm expression as if he hadn't heard anything, and got into a taxi that stopped in front of the school gate. door. As a couple. then I smiled at ma hong, the kind-looking driver, and said, ``please take me to the second center.'' hospital. \"

ma hong smiled and nodded, but there was a hint of doubt in his eyes. he was acting as the acting leader of the Ankai Shinkai, and he actually felt an indescribable strange feeling towards the strange university student he met for the first time.

As time passed and the car continued to drive toward its destination, ma hong's sense of Li No wei became stronger and stronger.

``here is some news. According to the china meteorological and Astronomical Administration, the Aquirid meteor shower will appear in front of everyone within three days. It just so happens that the weather in Liuhua port has been sunny recently. A friend who loves meteors. It's a meteor shower.'' by I wish I had missed it...'' Radio news was playing inside and outside the rental car. when mahon heard the news, a smile spread across his face, as if he had just heard good news.

“hey, the meteor shower is nice,” Li Nuwei said suddenly, using the news topic.

ma hong unconsciously took advantage of the taxi driver's persistent instincts and asked about the topic, \"do your little classmates like meteor showers too?\"

“No,” Li Nuowei nodded and suddenly said with a smile in the rearview mirror. \"think of when you die, there's a meteor shower in the background. It's a really rich death scene.\"

when mr. mahon heard this, his smile stiffened, as if it was the first time in his life that he had encountered such a strange young man.

he realized now that this young man seemed to be crazy.

``death?'' mr. mahon said meaningfully, ``how could you think of such a thing at your age?''

“I can’t help it, I’ve had a lot of trouble lately.” Li Nuowei sighed.

ma hong nodded slightly and looked at Li Nuowei curiously. then he suddenly noticed that there were a few drops of freshly dried blood on the pale part of the other's collar. It was obviously impossible for Li Nuwei himself to be injured. blood stains will remain.

Judging from the trajectory and timing of the sputtering, ma hong's attentiveness seemed to indicate that the young college student in front of him had recently experienced a scene of profuse bleeding, which could be inferred to be a murder scene. there is a high possibility that the so-called murderer is right in front of us. A young man who seems friendly, but has a slightly dangerous temperament.

maybe even people of the same sex repel each other. ma hong secretly thinks of himself as a fool, but that doesn't mean he can live peacefully in a small space alone with fools.

ma hong began to be wary of Li Nuowei. when he realized that Li Nuowei suddenly took off his seat belt, he secretly tightened his grip on the steering wheel.

Li Nuowei slowly returned to her seat from the door position on the right side and moved to the position on the left side. It didn't seem like it was intentional, but apparently he really meant it.

his sudden movement made mahon's heart tense. he often couldn't help but pay attention to the young man sitting behind him, watching his every move with dark eyes.

ma hong leaned forward in his chair. because in his mind, there were tens of thousands of ways Li No wei could carry out a surprise attack. the most classic and frightening one was when Lee No way suddenly attacked. Stand up and use both hands. he was going to get behind the driver's seat, strangle her, and send her to hell.

however, Li Nuowei didn't seem to notice ma hong's expression and said to himself, ``today I'm going to the hospital to visit a friend.''

\"Ah...really? If I could go see her in person, I'm sure she's your favorite girl,\" ma hong replied casually.

\"No, it's a boy,\" Li Nuowei nodded and continued, \"I went to see him to make sure he wasn't pletely insane.\"

\"Are you crazy? does that mean your friend is...mentally ill?\" the muscles on ma hong's face twitched slightly, and his deep eyes said, \"birds of a feather flock together, a fool's friend.\" of course he's an idiot,\" he seemed to be saying.

\"No, they just persecuted him. he is different from me. he can still be saved. As long as I persist and don't give up on him, he still has a chance.\" Li Nuowei nodded.

ms. mahon did not expect the young man to look so serious and so generously acknowledge the fact that he was mentally ill. he could only laugh dryly, not knowing how to answer that question now.

Li Nuowei looked into the rearview mirror of the car with a smile on his face, and said to his eyes staring into the mirror: \"do you think he still has a chance?\"

while speaking, Li Nuowei gestured to put his hands in his pockets. ma hong clearly saw through his opponent's actions. my hand on the steering wheel rubbed violently against the steering wheel, making a strange noise, and water droplets formed on my forehead. Large drops of sweat break out one after another.


\"we are here.\" ma hong suddenly stepped on the brake, turned around and gave Li Nuowei a stiff smile, and stopped, \"Second central hospital.\"

100 trapped (updated)

Li Nuowei smiled, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and used the payment qR code on the back seat of the car to pay.

when the other man got out of the car, mahon did his best to suppress his excited heartbeat. It wasn't until he saw the other person close the car door that he finally relaxed.

ma hong noticed that Li Guowei was acting strangely again after getting out of the car. he did not walk directly to the hospital, but towards the flower girl who had set up a stall at the entrance of the hospital.

ma hong could not guess what Li Nuowei wanted to do. he wanted to go by car right away, but the entrance to the Second central hospital was not only crowded, but there were also a lot of traffic jams. he was stuck here for a while.

ma hong, who was finally able to drive smoothly, could not contain his joy as he stepped on the accelerator and drove away.

however, just as I was about to cross the crosswalk, a small figure suddenly jumped out from behind the minibus that was parked on the roadside.

ma hong instinctively stepped on the brake and turned the steering wheel. the taxi lost control due to excessive speed and suddenly collided with the guardrail on the side, damaging the guardrail and the front of the car.

mr. mahon, who was in the driver's seat, suddenly fell into a pool of blood. I stepped on the brake even though my legs felt like they were going to break, and most of my lower body was pressed and deformed as it was pinched by the front half of my body. body.

\"this...what's going on...\" mahon didn't want to. A disturbing sound was heard from inside the car's engine. he felt that his life was moving towards the end of destruction. he couldn't believe it and said, ``how?... how could that be?... I'm obviously a role model that's highly respected by everyone, and they call me the most faithful of God. I consider myself a believer. I am...blessed.'And may you live long. ”

ma hong suddenly raised his head and glanced. he wanted to see what the girl who suddenly jumped out looked like.

the girl, who was about to fall, looked at him in horror, her face pale, her whole body trembling, and an empty flower basket hanging from her forearm.

ma hong looked at the girl in shock. because this girl was a small flower seller that Li Nuowei had just contacted, and her flower basket was empty.

the girl had a large banknote in her hand. he stood on the roadside, lost, staring in horror as he lay in a pool of blood.


mr. mahon heard a knock on the window next door. he moved his arm to open the window, but he saw Li Nuwei's calm face reflected in the window. the other person didn't show any expression of joy, but his eyes were filled with excitement. he couldn't hide his joy when he saw this scene.

I could see the other person opening their mouth and silently saying something.

before losing consciousness, ma hong read the deliberate and regular movements of the other person's mouth and said: \"I told you, I still have a chance. If I get rid of you now, his chances of survival will increase even more.\"

ma hong felt nothing but an irrational feeling, but it was only at that moment that he finally understood who the \"friend\" was referring to.

he looked at Li Nuowei and continued to laugh, and said in a low voice: “Even if I go, everything will continue as usual, like the irresistible flow of time, when the stars return to their rightful positions, my God will.” …e back to earth , to rule the whole earth. ”

Li Nuowei read ma hong’s lips. with a strange smile that only mahon could recognize, he turned and left the scene of the accident, heading for the hospital.

hearing a loud explosion outside the hospital and hearing the crowd screaming in fear, Li Nuwei nodded with satisfaction and said, \"that annoying man is gone. we can finally calm down for a while. ” I thought.

Li Nuowei entered the hospital and was immediately transferred to the inpatient department. he went to the seventh floor of the inpatient department carrying a bag of flowers as if he were in a deserted area, and then went straight to the ward where bed 7014 was located.

Seeing derek lying unconscious on the hospital bed, Li Nuowei smiled slightly, put some flowers in a vase and placed it on the bedside table, and said, \"don't worry, there's still plenty of time.\" .

Li Nuowei covered drake with a thoughtful quilt, moved a chair to him, sat next to him, and quietly waited for him to wake up from his a...

mystery detectives on the island discover that strange events are continuing. the entire island was covered in a strange magnetic field. Even the mysterious detectives' state-of-the-art munication tools were unable to relay the news that they were stranded on the island to the outside world.

Additionally, they gradually noticed that the ground beneath their feet seemed to be moving. I could no longer see the pier on the other side of the island where I landed. the island was like a ship floating on water, moving further and further away from the coast.

Fog was rising from the sea around the island. Fog enveloped and engulfed the entire island. Seabirds are no longer flying over everyone's heads. these sentient beings seem to have sensed the dangerous atmosphere of the fog.

the mysterious detectives felt very unfortable, as if they were in the land of the dead under a thick fog.

the development of the situation exceeded Yu Lianyun's expectations and was beginning to spiral out of control.

Everyone knew that this had something to do with Anhai Shenghui's disappearance and a giant alien fish that disguised itself as a god protecting people at the beach, but those in the middle of the game could do nothing. I couldn't do it. meanwhile. Find a way to break through.

\"Yu team, we are still unable to contact you.\" Shan wei reported to Yu Lian Yunhui after establishing munication links with the outside world multiple times but failing. he asked in a low voice, looking at the mysterious detectives around him who were in an unstable state of mind. “what do we do now?”

\"If the organization cannot establish contact with us for more than a day, they will discover the abnormality of our situation and will probably send assistance.\" Yu Lianyun said that the people who were present at the time I said while looking him in the eye. “So we have to try to survive one day on this island.”

\"one day...\" when the mysterious detectives heard this small number, it felt as if they had heard it forever, and they lost confidence.

this is a dangerous island and they are not sure if they can survive here safely.

the sea water on the island's coast is eerily calm, resembling stagnant water that cannot support even aquatic animals. Even if you don't go into the water, just looking at the ocean makes you breathless, your heart rate increases, and you have to rush away from the shore.

dark clouds and fog hide a terrifying reality. Yu Lianyun and others walked through the ruins of the village covered in thick fog. white fog and frost, which gradually brought low temperatures, gave the buildings on the island a tragic and strange color and atmosphere.

You must find at least one suitable shelter to wait for rescue.

of all the people present, Shan wei was the only one who witnessed the horror of the fish-men, and at the first sight of them, she couldn't help but want to run away. It seemed like these monsters could cause uncontrollable fear to people.

one hundred and one Inspiration controls (Update)

Yu Lianyun and his friends chose a farm on a hill to live. the ancestors of this family must have been wealthy on the island. It was one of the few houses surrounded by walls, one of which was a woodshed. Next to the tree is the kitchen. the main entrance faces the main hall. there are two bedrooms on either side of the main house. there is another room directly opposite the kitchen door. there is also a small room behind the main building, which looks like a miscellaneous building. room

this farmhouse is relatively well maintained, has plenty of space, and is conveniently located for shelter. of course, the most important thing is that there is a wall that provides people with mental peace, but everyone knows that the wall can even impede the movement of vehicles. the walls you live in cannot stop the fishman monster from attacking.

It was evening, but the sky didn't seem to have changed at all. the strangely thick fog could not be seen as time passed, but it continued to get thicker and thicker. Visibility of the island environment was even lower. traveling in such weather is extremely dangerous. Needless to say, not everyone is familiar with the island's road conditions. All they can do is stay on the farm and wait quietly for hope to arrive after dawn.

Several people discussed sleeping in the master bedroom at night. Everyone gathered in the same room and maintained daily vigilance. If you need to go to the bathroom, you will need two people to acpany you and allow another person to temporarily take the lead.

Yu Lianyun set an example as the captain and stayed for the first half of the night. the first half of the night was not peaceful, but at least it was quiet and nothing happened.

however, when I tried to sleep late at night, I couldn't sleep well.

Yu Lian Yun mihu had a nightmare about being chased by a walking corpse with glowing eyes. they were ferocious, easy to kill, and very fast. they were madly greedy for his pale skin and soft flesh, tearing his body apart with living blood and trying to devour his soul.

I desperately ran away in the darkness, but a huge shadow rolled overwhelmingly in front of me. A shadow and a breath came from behind him.

Just when Yu Lianyun was about to collapse, a black hand reached out from the darkness and pulled her back to reality.

Yu Lianyun woke up from a dream with night sweats. he gasped, his face pale. he looked at his watch and realized he hadn't slept an hour yet.

As I was wiping the cold sweat from my forehead, I suddenly realized that there was nothing in front of me. the mysterious detective who was responsible for guarding him throughout the night disappears without a trace.

“why would they…” Yu Lianyun frowned. As he was about to get up to see what was going on, he caught a glimpse of a dimly lit yellow light outside the tinted glass window.

those glowing yellow dots reminded Yu Lianyun of the nightmare he had just seen, as if the nightmare had e true, and a strange beast followed him back to reality.

``Everyone wake up!'' Yu Lianyun woke up his sleeping panions, said that there was an emergency, and asked them to get up as soon as possible and check on them.

when the mysterious detectives woke up, they all suddenly became nervous when they saw a mysterious light appear outside the window.

they got up together, tiptoed out of bed, went to the window and tried to peek out at what was happening outside.

Is this a fishman? Aren't they normal eyes?

these \"yellow lights\" meant there could be more than one fish-man outside the house, and these strange creatures living in the cold sea were clearly surrounding the fish-man in swarms.

Yu Lianyun slowly opened the crack in the window and finally got a glimpse of the outside world.

At that time, there was a thick fog outside, and countless yellow flashes appeared in the fog, and strange low-pitched roars came and went in the thick fog, forming a line and forming a circle.

there is no doubt that this yellow flash is a fish's eye hidden in the darkness of the fog. they surround themselves and look at the fatty meat that is about to reach their mouths.

Faced with these shadows hidden in the fog, the mysterious detectives feel only the cold and fear emanating from tenrei's hat, and their souls want to escape from fragile bodies that cannot endure pain. I was there.

his teammates, who missed this night, may not have been able to survive this hopeless situation. he runs away with this fog and endless danger and madness and loses his shoes in the door.

however, judging by the direction of the toe of the black shoe that fell on the door, it was likely that he had to be dragged out of the room when there was no sound.

but either way, we all know that this poor mystery detective is in danger.

\"what should we do?\" the mysterious detective was at a loss and could only look to Yu Lianyun, the backbone that would give him a clear path to survival.

Yu Lianyun's heart was not calm, but she still tried to calm herself down. he took a breath and calmed himself down.

In the past two years, since night fell on cuzhu city and since his former teammates left one after another, Yu Lianyun was also forced to grow up in the midst of mission after mission. when he first joined the mysterious team, he Jian'an made a promise to him. \"the promise of 'teaching to control too sharp inspiration' has also been fulfilled. Now he has certainly developed his inspiration antenna well and was able to learn and control it.\" this is also the condition and condition of his promotion to captain of the 12th team and capital Agent class S.

So-called inspiration is not a simple sixth sense, but includes all \"super-perceptions\" beyond the five basic human senses. the sixth sense is a sense of the mind and corresponds to the entry-level foundation of inspiration.

Everyone has psychic powers, but most people's psychic powers only bee sharper when they are exposed to a variety of strong emotions and tensions. people with the talent of inspiration are able to work in ordinary situations without training, relying only on their natural intuition. he has a sharper sense of \"alien\" than an ordinary person.

Let three different types of people view paintings by famous artists. A normal person would say, \"oh my god, that's so beautiful.\" A person trained in the art of painting will gradually notice the artist's excellent craftsmanship and mistakes in the painting. we slowly infer and calculate the painter's intentions down to the last detail, but those with very high inspiration can directly see the painter's mood and emotions at that moment from the colors, lines, and other positions of the painting. can. they may not be able to explain it exactly, but they can definitely feel the same way.

highly motivated people seem to have certain traits that attract the average animal. In the eyes of some ordinary animals, they are very tasty. to humans, they are a disaster and an alien.

Yu Lianyun once felt that the collapse of the tiger Group was inseparable from his ability. his special physique brought disaster to others. therefore, he studied very hard to control his special abilities, and his efforts were well worth it. his talent.

while it might take others ten years to master inspiration, it took him less than two years.

“Even if I had inspiration, didn’t you think that I would not be able to escape from my miserable fate?” Yu Lianyun sighed in her heart. through mind control techniques, he imagines inspiration as a triangular Rubik's cube. by twisting the Rubik's cube, he broke the seal and, with inspiration, slowly released its abilities.

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Yu Lianyun felt that her consciousness was leaving her body and walking in the fog, but it was more difficult for her to move forward than to move her body. his eyes saw something in the fog.

A dull-looking humanoid creature stood outside the house, its entire body covered in blue-black scales and fin-like organs on its face, limbs, and back. the intricate fangs of the mouth rubbed against each other in upper and lower rows, forming a center. their saliva was flowing in dripping rivers. they were like soldiers waiting for the general's orders with all their might on a ravenous appetite.

Just looking at this school of fish, Yu Lianyun felt that he couldn't get this abominable creature out of his mind. I thought that even if they escaped pursuit in real life, they would invade people's dreams like dream monsters.

At this moment, he finally understood Shan wei's feelings. these fishmen may not have realized themselves that they had such a strange ability to influence people, but they actually had some sort of mind-contamination ability.


A low roar, like thick thunder, echoed through the mist, and a high-voltage current flowed throughout Yu Liangun's nerves. his whole body couldn't help but tremble. he looked up in trembling disbelief. that was in this too. only then did I realize that behind the thick fog was hiding a large and dangerous animal that seemed capable of lifting the sky and shaking the earth. when I opened my eyes in the darkness, a devilish red light was emitting from me.

Is that...the god of Ankai?

Yu Lianyun suddenly woke up as if she had seen a nightmare. At one moment, I felt like I was being watched, even if it was just inspired inspiration.

“Let’s go to the back door and push the tools in!” Yu Lianyun’s heartbeat could not stop accelerating. he said to everyone, pointing to the back door of the farm.

\"Yes.\" Everyone immediately followed the mand and ran out of the courtyard window into the thick fog, following Yu Lienyun.

No one knows what happened to Yu Lianyun so far, but he is a ruthless person who has survived many big events. when you have no thoughts of escape, following his advice is the best way to survive. .

mysterious detectives rushing through the fog clearly saw shadows surrounding the farm, the shadows of strange people who seemed to be shining yellow headlights in their faces.

the moment he saw that face, Shan wei's scalp suddenly became numb again, and his face was deformed and tense. \"they are fishmen, these people have been changed by a disease beyond humanity!\"


As if seeing an animal that had fallen into a trap, the fishmen in the mist roared in excitement, and the deep beings in the mist also responded with joy at the sight of the animal, shouting in deeper and stronger voices. . noisy. the mand to attack was given to each fishman.


Li Nuowei looked out the window. tonight was a quiet night with the moon shining and few stars, but there seemed to be an ominous sound mixed in with the wind blowing from outside.

“It’s almost there,” Li Nuowei grumbled. he stood up and walked towards the vase full of orchids. he puts his hand in the flowers, fumbles with them for a moment, then pulls out a bright paring knife from the florist's this morning. while the girl was buying flowers, she entered a nearby fruit village. there was always a sweet smell of peeled pineapple in the air.

the blade reflected the moonlight, the surface of the blade shone silver, and my whole body trembled.

Li Nuowei came out of the hospital room lightly. during this time, patients in other beds in the ward and their attendants were unaware of his actions. It came and went naturally like a gust of wind.

Li Nuowei came to the hospital corridor with a paring knife. I didn't meet any nurses or security guards on the way. he quickly turned the corner and saw a young nurse just emerging from the floor of the room, pushing a cart loaded with vials and medicine. he went outside and entered the ward, where a pair of hospital security guards on patrol had just arrived on that floor. they shined their flashlights into the dimly lit hallway, and after a casual inspection, Soon descended from the floor again.

Approximately two seconds after the security guard left, Li Nuowei reappeared with a knife in his hand and an indifferent expression on his face, then turned straight to the stairs of the security corridor and walked up to the 8th floor.

when he arrived on the 8th floor, he stood there like a strange corpse in front of the fire door of the 8th floor security hallway, motionless and muttering countdown numbers in a low voice.

17... 3, 2, 1!

the moment Li Nuowei counted down to zero, he slowly opened the fire door and arrived at the ward corridor on the 12th floor of the Second central hospital.

this floor was strangely quiet and the lights weren't on. It's very quiet. only the door to the ward where bed

is located is open. Light shines into the room through a gap in the door outside the hallway. If you look closely you can see pale hands. the moment he convulsed and fell to the ground, a strange smell of blood wafted from the crack in the door.

``I hope it's not too late.'' Li Nuowei walked toward the ward with a paring knife.

the beings in the ward seemed to sense Li Nuwei's approaching aura and stopped sneaking into the ward and stopped making screeching and creaking noises.


however, people in the district did not expect that Li Nuowei would suddenly accelerate and act with a clear purpose. he rushed in without hesitation and kicked open the door to the ward.


the door that had been kicked open suddenly burst open, and there was a violent crash and a rushing scream from the other side.

when Li Nuowei heard their cries, it was as if he heard a voice from heaven. he was so excited that his expression became grim. he grabbed the door handle and pulled, pushed, pushed and kicked the green-faced female murloc against the back of the door. he screamed again and again, his two nails breaking and twisting.

the door warped, and the female merman lost her resistance. he quickly shuts the door, grabs the merman by his hair, laughs quietly, and stabs the merman, stabbing him with the merman's knife and paring knife. he was stabbed multiple times in the neck, and blood flowed out like a river.

the female fish's eyes, which had not yet pletely turned into light bulbs, had an expression of disbelief. he stares at this human male who suddenly es out and stabs himself to death. the brightness in his eyes gradually faded and his eyes became cloudy.


the headless body of a merman fell to the ground. Li Nuowei casually cut off the monster's head with a paring knife and threw it to the ground. \"It's a shame I can't save you every time, but I can't save you this time,\" he murmured. As it turns out, it's too late to find a solution. ”

As he spoke, he walked with his limp arm towards the nurse dressed in white. Although Li Nuwei turned pale, she looked at her sweaty and swollen face and smiled, saying, ``Good, this time I have a chance to live.''

After that, Li Nuowei came out of the hospital room covered in blood. when he walked past the fire alarm, he used the handle of a paring knife to break open the protective plastic shell and set off the alarm. the fire alarm immediately went off, blaring the alarm throughout the hospital building. , all black parishes were lit one after another.

After sleeping for a long time, drake slowly woke up to the sound of a fire alarm and the noise of curious people.

103 treasures

derek got up from his hospital bed. After sleeping for half a day, his mind and reason returned to the same normal level as before, but there was a broken noise in his heart.

It was a language he had never really touched. I only heard it from the mouths of fishmen and gigantic fish in my dreams, but I couldn't understand its meaning at all.

\"You're awake,\" derek said, finding the voice a little annoying. Although the sound was not loud, it still made people angry if they listened for a long time. when I was feeling up and down, I heard a voice from the door of the ward. .

that clear voice was so clear and warm like water that drake remembered its owner.

\"why are you here?\" then drake noticed that the vase on his bedside table was overgrown with gladioli, cold and damp. these flowers are often given to people to get well, and are said to contain wishes for good health. he was surprised and realized: \"did you send me to the hospital?\"

“No, I just happened to know you were here and came to see you.” Li Nuowei nodded.

\"I remember what I went through before I passed out...\" drake remembered what happened before he fell into a a. Immediately, the strange experience that happened on Ruka 12 Street and in the taxi came back to mind, and I started sweating again. his whole body felt dizzy, but fortunately this time his consciousness was still clear enough and rational enough.

Li Nuwei smiled and said: \"You don't have to tell me. I know everything. And you don't have to worry about these people, at least this annoying driver. I sent him to heaven.\"

when derek heard Li Nuowei’s words, his eyelids couldn’t help but tighten. the person on the other end was trying to console him, but could not find any humor in his words, ``please send me to heaven.'' Apparently he was serious.

\"You should leave the hospital as soon as you wake up. You have plenty of time, but I know your temperament won't allow you to abide by the arrangement.\" Li Nuowei took the clothes he had snatched from nowhere and brought them to drake's hospital. I threw it on the bed.

drake was a little surprised, but then he realized that Li Nuowei was dressed very awkwardly. the upper half of his body was a floral-print shirt, and the lower half of his body was a pair of overalls. It upset the aesthetics of the era. It was because of Li Nuwei's delicate appearance that people subconsciously had to ignore her clothes.

And drake also realized that the clothes he was given were not good. Although the clothing size was relatively appropriate, the style seemed quite immature, or at least out of proportion to his age.

derek gritted his teeth secretly. because, as Li Novi said, he wanted to know the truth now and didn't have time to care too much. She quickly got out of bed and went to the bathroom to change into a hospital gown.

drake and Lee Noway take their belongings and leave the hospital for the night.

derek first tried to get a taxi, but then remembered what he had experienced that day and decided against it. he doesn't want to see any more fans of this organization.

Li Nuowei seemed to understand what derek was thinking. he grabbed derek's arm and dragged him through the hospital gates and across the street to the parking lot.

\"what do you want to do?\" derek felt that Li Nuowei was a bit of a crazy kid, and the first thing he thought of was that Li Nuowei was trying to steal a car.

when Li Nuowei glanced at him, dan ding took out his mobile phone and scanned the shared electric car to unlock it and said, ``Get a car, in addition to shared bicycles, there are also shared electric cars in china. did you know that?\" '' he said as he climbed into the passenger seat.

drake: ``...Your field of vision is too narrow.''

derek, who is very experienced, sat in the driver's seat, a little surprised. After getting a little used to the mode of operation of the car, he immediately started driving.

\"Now we can roughly guess what's going on with the recent mysterious disappearances at Liuhua port,\" drake said to Li Nuowei as he drove. \"on the surface, it appears to be caused by an interpersonal disorder.\" As a result, the emergence of psoriasis gradually transforms people into fishmen, physiologically yearning to return to the sea. It became so.

but essentially, the reason people suffer from this disease is because most of the missing people are just like me. their ancestors were greedy people who depended on Ankai for profit and were ultimately exploited. diseases e from our ancestors. blood was flowing.

when we returned to the city, I felt Ankaijin awakening. A blood curse was activated due to the influence of some special power of the opponent. ”

``It's almost the same thing, but it seems like you've found other clues, right?'' Li Nuowei realized what drake was saying, and the other party said that all people who suffer from dating syndrome are because of the blood that runs in their blood. I was sure. the blood of the members once cursed the Ankai Association.

derek nodded and said, \"Yes, judging by the missing information sent by the mysterious team, it appears that some people are not infected with the false disease caused by the blood curse.\"

take, for example, a missing 12- or 13-year-old boy. because if this boy was infected by a cross-infection due to the blood curse being activated and ended up disappearing under the sea, at least one of his parents would be there. I followed in his footsteps.

of course, the disappearance of these young people does not necessarily lead to the conclusion that they have something to do with Ankaijin.

however, for the other locals infected with the trading disease, when drake ruled out the appearance of an \"old one\" in his family, he believed that through his current method of judgment, they would all disappear under the influence of the blood curse. I could almost tell that it wasn't. . I was infected with cross-traffic disease.

others may have been cross-infected through other routes for other reasons, and this reason was relevant to his speculation regarding the missing teenager.

Returning to the tunnel leading to tenya haijiao beach, drake stood at the tunnel entrance and looked at the dark tunnel environment in front of him with mysterious eyes.

\"do you think there is any problem with this tunnel?\" Li Nuowei asked curiously.

drake shook his head.

And this tunnel may hold a terrible secret. he must have e across something on his own and contracted the disease. ”

\"then do you think we'll find another infection source under the tunnel?\" Li Nuowei nodded silently and recorded Fat brother's results.

\"he can't do it, but he's almost certain now,\" drake said, \"that he's guessed what exactly is buried under the tunnels that are related to the god of Ankai.\"

\"what is this cursed thing?\" Li Nuowei asked curiously.

drake said calmly. \"treasures... have provided priceless treasures for dozens of generations. the god Anhai took the initiative with the huan tribe to rescue things from the depths of the ocean. Some of these treasures were destroyed by fish. It might have happened.” 'I can't say for sure. ”

100 “Immortal” Li Nuowei cards

After listening to mr. drake's analysis, mr. Li Nuowei was silent for a while. his dark eyes lost their luster, like a dead fish. After a while, he suddenly trembled and had an inexplicable expression on his face.

\"what's your problem?\" derek asked in confusion, noticing Li Nuowei's strange behavior.

Li Nuowei blinked, and the fear in his eyes disappeared in an instant, as if there had never been a look of fear towards something before. he smiled and said, \"It's okay, I suddenly remembered something. what you just said, I was in the tunnel and I happened to know something.\"

\"tell me about it.\" derek asked as they drove. he remembered Li Guowei’s mood just now and frowned. the other person seemed to have some impression of the tunnel I was talking about, but I was momentarily distracted. Suddenly everything became clear and I felt confident.

Li Nuowei said with a smile. “didn’t someone say that this tunnel might be the path to the underworld? Some people have tried to send items through the tunnel to another world, and it is said that this could really be successful. I did.”

derek nodded and said, \"well, the missing boy I'm looking for once left his brother's favorite things at the tunnel entrance, so I think the boy's disappearance might have something to do with his actions. I don’t think so. It’s related.”

“then let’s assume that we can really send you to another world.” Li Nuowei said with a slightly crazy smile, “why don’t you throw yourself in?”

hearing this, derek was so frightened that he almost lost control of the car. cold sweat broke out on my forehead. he immediately showed two rows of loose shark teeth and said with a smile, \"hahaha, you're really crazy.\"

“then do you want to do it?” Li Nuowei asked with folded arms and a smile.

\"there's a chance of success, so it makes sense to give it a try.\" derek exhaled and laughed. when I looked down at my wrist, I saw blue-black scales spreading from the gauze that had wrapped the wound.

he didn't know why Li Nuowei kept saying, \"there's still plenty of time,\" but he felt a sense of urgency that his time was running out and he had to fight against the clock to solve the problem.

As for his own life and death... After drake confirms that he has been infected with the \"traveling disease\", he no longer has any hope of being \"saved again.\"

he is a detective If he can beat his own record before he dies, he will die without regrets.

more than 20 minutes later, drake and Li Nuowei arrived at the mysterious tunnel near tianya haijiao beach. they stopped at the entrance, looked at each other, nodded, made sure each other was ready, and entered the tunnel together.

\"how do you make a wish?\" drake asked curiously. \"how do chinese people pray to the dead in general?\"

Li Nuwei smiled and replied, \"there are no special rules. Just close your eyes, hold hands, and meditate a prayer in your heart. maybe you can secretly express your feelings.\" .

\"So how do you know if you really got the message across? You can't just rely on your own feelings, right?\" derek thought that was a little funny. he felt it was no different from the culture of prayer he was accustomed to in the New York area.

Li Nuwei thought for a while and said: ``Actually, there seems to be a saying like this.In china, there is an old saying that says ``I think about it every day and dream about it at night.''It means that I often miss you.'' ``In my dreams Let's meet. It means, \"If you pray from the bottom of your heart for a loved one who has passed away, you will be able to dream of the person you want to meet when you dream at night.\"

derek nodded. \"I understand that. It's the embodiment of the subconscious mind.\"

this time it was Li Nuwei's turn to laugh. Li Nuowei blurted out, \"that's the meaning of prayer. Let's try it.\"