读趣网 > 玄幻魔法 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第13章 扭曲的森林
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\"If not, why did boss Lin demand that all the feathers be collected immediately after discovering the second one?\" Yu Lianyun swallowed and chewed the words, \"Everything.\" I concentrated.

For a moment, the two were speechless. the truth killed any vestiges of innocent luck, and a strong sense of suffocation nearly severed the three's sanity.

the curse...the curse has spread again! ?

\"hey,\" Linlin said, putting feathers in a potted licorice plant and bravely decorating it with licorice, giving off a strange sense of beauty. ``It's really beautiful, isn't it?''

\"boss, why don't you burn all the feathers?\" weijiang lit the stove in the front door, took out the impeller, and asked Lingling inside the house.

Ling Ling said with a smile. \"Yes, that's enough.\"

Sanjuku hokusho tunnel

Li Ka'an quickly instructed local organizations to at least retrieve the feathers before the second out-of-control bird was born, and collect all the feathers from other birds they could.

the curse called \"blessing\" has already spread to the world once, and Gufuo Niao's curse must not be spread to the world again.

this seemingly prosperous human world cannot afford to have problems!

And who is Limbos? Is he a madman or a supernatural god in human skin?

the mysterious detectives didn't expect tonight to be so lively...

when it es to finding bird feathers, I can always count on the members of my lower organization to help me out. Li Jiang and the others can only do their best not to think about the possible serious consequences, as they have to focus on dealing with the immediate disaster.

of course, when it es to processing, Li Jian et al. cannot 100% solve the usual problems with puffer fish. After all, they are facing an unknown extradimensional race. how can you be successful if you don't even know the details of the other person? what about probabilities?

however, this is the mission and responsibility of a mysterious detective who risks his life to face an unknown number of successful people, and he must never look back, even if he never returns.

According to huang qitao, the place where he and the victim police officers were attacked by Fu Gu's modified beast was in an abandoned tunnel called beixiang tunnel in Shenzhou.

At this time, huang qishao followed the clues of a member of a mysterious society whose wife had also died, and finally found information about the beixiang tunnel from the information left behind by the deceased member.

the first chairman of a mysterious society appeared 50 years ago. At that time, the hokusho tunnel had not yet opened and it was still an unknown mountain. when we took our members camping and picnicking in Arayama, where the hokusho tunnel is located, one of the members happened to discover a suspicious cave in the mountain.

Led by the chairman and brave club people, they decide to explore deep into the cave. by chance, they discovered a bottomless pit beneath the cave. they went all the way up the spiral staircase. After many hours, they finally reach the basement, where they find a tomb inscribed with unknown runes. In one of the tombs, an altar with ancient books was discovered inside, and the shocking photographs and texts revealed \"advanced\" knowledge about ancient disasters.

Relying on their intelligence and amazing perseverance, these people, later deciphered from ancient books of pufferfish, left behind rituals that granted wishes by making deals with the pufferfish, a race of extradimensional life. they tried to perform the ritual... Some were frightened by the strange phenomena that appeared during the ritual, but they will never forget the joy of having their wish e true.

It is a pity that it turned out that this ritual is performed only once in a lifetime.

In order to share this secret, the first president decided to pass it down from generation to generation within the club. however, as time passed, and in the generation of mrs. huang qitao and mrs. Li Jiahong, the president was a romantic, so there was no time to pass on to the next president. , died according to the will he had made, and society ended.

huang qishao looked at old maps at a local library in Shenzhou and pared them many times to confirm that the mountaintop where the beixiang tunnel is located is the same mountain that the first president and others explored at the time. however, a tunnel had already been developed in this cave. hidden in a landfill.

After the tunnel was opened, the tomb was vandalized by humans, which enraged pufferfish. therefore, ever since the beixiang tunnel opened, a series of strange and bad things happened, and finally the tunnel had to be closed.

I don't need to mention what happened next. huang qitao and other law enforcers invaded pufferfish's family's location and were mercilessly killed by modified animals sent by pufferfish.

After that, what he Jian and the others will face is the same as what happened to huang qitao back then, and maybe even worse.

they have the experience of occult detectives dealing with ordinary events, but that does not mean that they have supernatural powers and can survive all unknown and unusual events unscathed.

we finally arrived at the entrance to the hokusho tunnel, and the car stopped in front of the entrance. As the three of them got out of the car, looking at the entrance to the dark tunnel in front of them, the strange feeling in their hearts began to activate again. Yu Lianyun seemed to hear a sound floating in the air. they spoke a strange language, and the sound was louder than a flying mosquito, confusing people.

before the action began in earnest, the three of them were nervous. they opened the trunk of their car, armed themselves, and slowly entered a tunnel as deep as a bug's mouth, their hearts racing.

before leaving for the last time, Yu Lianyun did not forget to look back at the sky. At this time, the huge bird hanging Li Jiahong was floating in the sky far from the ground, silently observing them, as if waiting for them to leave first before landing. .

Sure enough, after Yu Lianyun and the others entered the tunnel, the Gufuo bird transformed by Jiang Gu finally landed on the ground with her husband.

Li Jiahong looked at the car in front of him where he Jiaan was parked, and found that the trunk door was not closed, and there were several sets of armed weapons inside. It was obvious that he Jia'an and Yu Lianyun had kept it intentionally.

After Li Jiahong put on his weapon, he said to his wife, who turned into a strange bird, \"honey, let's go too.\"

I didn't know if Gu huoniao was still conscious. her eyes, which were always indifferent to everything, were intimidating, but Li Jiahong still insisted on calling her to be his wife and asking for her opinion.

And maybe Gu xiniao still had the will to be Li Jiahong's wife, so she obediently followed Li Jiahong into the tunnel.

there was darkness in front of him. Li Jiahong grabbed a flashlight from the trunk of his car and used the limited light to illuminate the road ahead. Gu huoniao led the way and led him deeper into the tunnel. Gu huoniao seemed to sense the right path.

Li Jiahong followed Gufuo bird, walking very slowly. he was interested in how the Gufuo bird was able to walk smoothly down stairs, despite having sharp claws like a bird of prey. his big black eyes still allow him to walk up stairs. You can see even at night and chase your opponent in the dark without fear of hitting something or missing your mark and falling into the \"abyss\".

I don't know how long it took, but after going down the stairs, Li Jiahong's whole body hurt, and finally reached the basement. It was a dark underground tomb space inscribed with mysterious runes.

As if sensing something, Gufuoniao turned his head and looked at the tomb illuminated by the light from the door. then he flapped his wings and flew low. Li Jiahong followed him into the tomb where the light was shining. middle

In front of Li Jiahong was a coffin that had just been pushed open. Inside lay the corpse of a tall rat-man. Under the light, the shadow beneath the rat-man's corpse made lively waves like a black lake. .

According to the letter, Fu Jian and his friends succeeded in entering another dimension, the world where Fu Gu existed, from the shadow of Fu Gu's corpse.

magic city in 40 different dimensions (2-in-1)

when his toes landed in the shadow of the corpse, Li Jiahong felt the softness of soft jelly and rotting meat. when I applied pressure, the soles of my feet began to flow, as if I had entered the corpse of a giant and was covered in fat. absorbed fat.

Feeling like he was being swallowed up by an unknown world, Li Jiahong felt anxious and hesitated in his movements.

Suddenly the bird gave a cry, spread its wings, embraced him and took him with her to the bottom of the shady sea.

Li Jiahong was surprised by Gu huo Niao's actions, but at the same time he became convinced that it was his wife who had moved the monster's body. having kept his loved ones by his side and faced the hardships of life and death together, Li Jiahong felt that in this cold country and foreign mud, there was still room for warmth in his heart more than anything. .

Li Jiahong felt that the water was flowing continuously, as if passing through the esophagus of an unknown animal. the soft barrier around him had incredible force pushing his body back and forth. Although my body was not damaged, the intermittent feeling of suffocation was extremely worrying. disfort

he felt better because the Gufuo bird supported him with its wings, cutting off most of his power and opening up space for him to breathe.

Fortunately, this disfort did not last long. Li Jiahong immediately felt that her legs were empty, and finally felt that the soft mucous membrane was torn.

Li Jiahong called, and a ray of light finally shined at his feet. A red light spread in front of me, and my vision became clear. he and Gu huoniao fell into a world full of red eyes.

towering in front of you is a huge stone monument that reaches up to the sky. At your feet are strange and ornate buildings. Invisible hieroglyphs are carved into the surrounding stones and black walls. this place has slimy green liquid everywhere. From all sides of a strange city...Li Jiahong was in an ancient majestic black stone-like city, but he felt ridiculed by these buildings that violated human aesthetics and the logic of three-dimensional space.

the strong visual impact of the extradimensional urban environment made Li Jiahong feel dizzy and the soles of her feet feel cold. Fear of the unknown was like a black wind flowing through the city, thrusting back and forth through his fragile human brain.

there is also a wave of ominous whispers from demons that have invaded the great black stone city. All sorts of strange and inprehensible syllables and sounds seem to e from the most evil curses of the underworld. I can't understand it, but I can feel it. In great malice.

Living in such a city, Li Jiahong was still able to maintain some sanity. he kept telling himself that he was here to look for his children.

these barely functioning thoughts made him forget about good and evil, love and love. the only thing that kept him going was an obsession buried deep in his subconscious.

Get the kids... Get the kids... Get the kids...

Li Jiahong couldn't think of anything. his wife, who had transformed into a Gufuo bird, was still nearby, but he did not seem to notice her. I was walking on a road that I didn't know whether it was flat or sloped. the dead in a city full of silence and crisis.

Slowly, slowly, Li Jiahong walked to the center of the city. there, crouching monsters of countless terrifying shapes awaited his arrival. they don't know how many years have passed since an intruder like him came to their world. perhaps to the animals living in this strange city, it was like an ant that had wandered into a starving region. In the eyes of predators, they are all specialized fields of novels and games.

\"wake up!\" Just when Li Jiahong was about to fall into the tiger's mouth, a human palm blew away Li Jiahong's red face, and a strange deformation began.

the severe pain and deafening slap woke Li Jiahong immediately. he stared blankly at the three faces that suddenly appeared in front of him, \"mr. Li, mr. Yu, mr. Li?\"

\"don't ask, don't look around,\" Li Yingqi said as he took out a metal ball from Li Jiahong's armored vest. when I pressed the button, the ball became oblate and split in two from the middle. , he placed two half balls half flat on Li Jiahong's left and right ears respectively.

A blast of intense sound waves seemed to pierce their eardrums. After Li Jiahong let out a painful scream, the whispers that had pierced his eardrums and continued tormenting his brain basically disappeared. his head was held down and all he could see was the ground. Strange and unusual sights disappeared from his eyes, and strange messages that occurred in this underworld were temporarily expelled from his brain, which allowed him to slowly recover. reason

Li Jiahong took a deep breath. he now realized what he had done. he walked through the city for two hours without stopping, eating or drinking, and without conserving energy. he was on the brink of death at the hands of a monster that might appear in the future. however, death may occur from respiratory failure due to exertion.

\"wife!\" Li Jiahong suddenly remembered the bird that came down to earth with him. he couldn't help but look back, but his brain almost broke again at the indescribable wonders of this city, so he hurried back.

the bird that was always by his side is gone, and so is his wife.

\"when we met you, he was no longer with you. I don't know where he went, but the cruel carcasses of animals on the ground that I saw on my way here... It must be your wife's doing.'' Li Jia'an Li said with a relieved expression.

\"where are we now?\" Li Jiahong asked.

Yu Lianyun asked Li Jiahong to put the night vision device in his other pocket. After adjusting the observation distance and mode, in Li Jiahong's eyes, except for the creatures, everything else looked like the cold outline of the lake. I don't know why. Environments that have great rational effects on people bee ineffective.

then Yu Lianyun said, \"we don't know where this is. there are very few people here who can help us... we can only use the cold machine to record the spatial direction when we came. withdrawal. has been tested. Get out.'' this is a place where you can exit again through the entrance. ”

Li Jiahong felt anxious. he was now worried about his wife's safety and didn't know if he would ever find his son and xue hanley's three-year-old daughter, who have been missing for 15 years, but he knew he couldn't act alone. So I read it again. what do you do now? ”

“please find your wife, Gufuoniao,” Li Jian’an said, patting Li Jiahong’s shoulder.

``Gufuo bird?'' Li Jiahong was surprised for a moment, but then he heard from he Jian and the others about the origin of the monster that his wife had transformed.

Li Jian'an said, \"only your wife can fight the modified animals here. we tried to fight one of the modified animals here before, but we almost failed to explain it here.\" I explained. he bowed his head with a wicked grin and said, he glanced at his left arm. It appears that he was attacked by a modified animal and suffered a fracture in his left arm. Even though I could hardly move now, I felt pain every time I moved.

Li, Yu Lianyun, and Li Yinchi almost did their best, even using forbidden weapons, and finally killed the modified animal, which may or may not have been modified by humans. And no one could kill such a corrupt and powerful creature. this exotic city and rugged rocky landscape is home to countless people.

human power is still small. pared to blowfish and their shapeshifting animals, they are as fragile as toilet paper, tearing and being manipulated at will.

hearing that the three members of the secret team in front of him wanted to rely on their wives, who had turned into monster mothers, to act as bodyguards for thugs, Li Jiahong still felt an indescribable strangeness, but at that moment, he I wasn't there. I was in a playful mood and couldn't laugh at all. All he could say was, \"So how do I find it?\"

\"Follow the path of that monster's corpse and keep searching. You will definitely find it.\" Li Jian'an smiled and said, \"And he must be close to you. he protected you. No doubt, otherwise you would never have found him.'' please keep this place safe and sound. ”

Li Jiahong also agreed with he Jian's statement, so Li Jiahong and the xuanmei group formed a temporary team and began investigating the battle scene left by his wife after killing the modified animal.

After a while, Li Jiahong and the others finally heard the special cry of the ancient tiger bird and the sound of the battle between the ancient tiger bird and the modified animal.

Some people picked up the pace. on the way, Yu Lianyun said to Li Jiahong: \"mr. Li, the main purpose of our ing here this time is to rescue a 3-year-old girl who is xue hanlei's daughter-in-law who has just been captured.\"

\"I know.\" Li Jiahong answered without hesitation. he gritted his teeth and said: \"I see modified animals lying here and there with their corpses. After reading the suicide notes left by the survivors, I was already thinking about the worst possibilities. my child has been modified .he could be one of those modified animals.''they are trying to kill us and he could have died because of you and my wife.''

So I don't really need to remind you. If I save the girl first, I will never look for the child again. You would think he was dead, just like huang qitao…”

hearing Li Jiahong's reasonable words, the three mysterious detectives present deeply felt the other party's painful mood.

there is nothing crueler in this world than ending the life of a loved one. Needless to say, Li Jiahong is a father who spent 15 years of his life searching for his child.

but in reality, Li Jiahong's mood was sadder and sadder than anyone had imagined. because after that night, he may lose not only his children but also his wife forever.

his wife has exceeded the limits of using Gufuo bird feathers. As the merchant who gave him the pen said, he would suffer the pain of ``separation from his wife and children.'' this is a unique curse for him to break the contract.

After a while, everyone arrived at the scene of the sound.

birds with thick wings are light like swallows and attack like eagles. Its weapons are sharp claws and sharp feathers at the ends of its wings.

As it dug its claws in and waved its wings, it seemed as if an invisible blade of wind had appeared. the evil beast of flesh and blood, which had undergone an unknown transformation, did not even touch the feathers of the nine-hu bird. their bodies were torn apart and they screamed in agony. Even in amber.

\"Legends only record stories and rumors about Gufuo bird, but the power of Gufuo bird is not recorded... Look now, it is really powerful and should not be underestimated.\" Li Yingqi realized that Guhuo's bird was easily killed. You can't help but sigh at these modified creatures that make humans so difficult to handle.

Although everyone still appreciated the violent aesthetic scene of Gufuo bird's fight with the modified beast, Yu Lianyun noticed something strange about the scene.

there is a large platform where Gufuo birds and modified animals are fighting fiercely. there are a series of strange magic circles and text on the platform. Several gaps were carved in the center of the magic circle, which vaguely looked like doors, and from these gaps, the blood that the modified animals shed after killing or wounding flowed onto the floor like water. Access the platform and gradually fill in the hieroglyphs that you do not understand.

whenever a hieroglyph is filled with blood, it emits a strange light. Gradually, more and more words came to mind. Yu Lianyun noticed that the door, which used to sit flat or straight, seemed to be loose. , there are weak signs of reopening.

Yu Lianyun suddenly had a bad premonition and immediately cried out. \"wait, there's a strange magic circle here. there's a problem here. I can't kill you anymore!\"

After Yu Lianyun called attention to it, everyone quickly realized that something was wrong here.

however, Gu huoniao seemed to have pletely lost his mind and had always enjoyed killing people. Unable to stop his movements any longer, he crouched down on the field and killed one by one the creatures that had changed into disgusting shapes.

Seeing blood pouring out on the ground, more and more flaming hieroglyphs, and the cracks on the door being looser and looser, everyone's fears almost fell to the bottom.

\"wow! mom!\" but suddenly, the girl's loud scream seemed to echo throughout the city. For a moment, Li Jiahong and the others were surprised, but Gu huo Niao also seemed to like it even more after hearing this. he stopped killing after hearing the child's voice.

In an instant of surprise, a huge, thick arm grabbed one of Gufuo bird's long legs.

the bird suddenly got up and struggled so hard that its claws broke from its grasp.

however, Guhuoniao underestimated the power of these modified animals. Although he had more strength and speed than these modified animals, his defenses were not as strong as theirs. one of the long legs that had been grabbed by the giant hand was quickly pinched and broken.

when it lost one leg to attack, the bird's attacks not only weakened, but even controlling the balance of flight seemed a little difficult.

\"Let's save the child first,\" Li Jian'an said. he looked at Li Jiahong and did not want to leave immediately, as if he had received a choice from Li Jiahong.

when Li Jiahong saw his wife struggling, and then saw the girl being lifted above her head by a deformed animal, he felt very confused in his heart.

After some time, he decided to take a step and made the choice to save the child.

Everyone was silent without saying a word, and ran as fast as they could towards the girl whose head was grabbed by the modified animal.

when they reached the modified animal who had deliberately tried to use the children to sabotage the fight of the Gufuo birds, the modified animal unexpectedly opened its mouth and said in human language, \"die, bug.\" ta.

As soon as he finished speaking, a fat beast with a glassy head raised a soft, heavy fist and crushed it.

\"don't hurt my child!\" when the fat beast started attacking, everyone was surprised to see that the neck of a human woman was actually embedded in the fingers of the modified beast that suddenly started attacking. on the finger, xue hanlei's head screamed at everyone with a crazy face and a sad voice.

Forty strange underground gods

when Li Jiahong saw that xue hanlei, who was once a human and fought alongside him to find the missing children, was now only an insane and fierce head, he said, ``don't feel sad.'' \"I couldn't stay there.\"

perhaps he shouldn't have allowed this mother to enter the forbidden realm of humans in the first place, and maybe he shouldn't have blindly given her any hope of finding her child.

hope is the straw, sometimes the rope that saves the lives of those who fall into the torrent, and sometimes the ultimate weapon that breaks the camel's back.

he trades his stepdaughter's life for the chance to be reunited with his biological child, and he succeeds. Not only was she reunited with her child, she also became physically attached to him. but this is all an evil plot, they are playing a derogatory word game, and these creatures are deliberately misinterpreting the mother's true wishes.

Li Jiahong felt a great deal of anger. No matter how advanced and powerful the race that built this magical city in another dimension that transcends space and mon sense, in his opinion, they are a group of demons even more corrupt than hell. , a race of bastards who stink worse than the beasts of the underworld.

but his anger is futile and ineffective. people are not on the same level as them from the beginning. Just like when people see an angry ant, they usually just ignore it and ignore it, but once they notice it, it es teeth and claws to them. when you play with xiao's little ones, you will feel as if you have seen some kind of unusual sight, and you will play with them with great interest, leaving the darkest bad taste in your heart.

Faced with the huge problem of modified animals, everyone could do nothing but hold their heads and run away.

A girl who is almost 4 years old was raised above her head by her adopted brother who has strong moral values. his rough hands gripped her relentlessly, controlling her dangerous life.

Li Ka'an and three other mysterious detectives tried to fight back by firing their weapons, but even with the blessing of a special bullet, the three did no effective damage to the deformed human monster in front of them. I couldn't.

this modified animal was clearly more advanced than anything seen before. the blowfish brought about an even deeper change.

Li Jiahong didn't know where she got her courage. he picked up debris from the destroyed battle site and threw it into a specially modified animal. but with all his strength he threw it like a dragonfly over the water, and it landed in a modified animal ripple cylinder. on top of that.

Not very dangerous, but very insulting.

the specially modified animals appear to have suffered considerable humiliation. he let out a roar and suddenly attacked Li Jiahong.

Li Jiahong was so frightened that she fell down the back stairs. this careless step saved his life.

the rock-hard human monster passed through Li Jiahong's rotating vision, flew over his head, and landed on the platform where the bloody battle between Gufuo bird and other modified animals took place.

It seemed that Gu hao Niao still had Jiang Gu's wishes in his heart. when he noticed that Li Jiahong had fallen from the big platform, his anger was like a bomb ignited, and an even more violent attack exploded in an instant. defeat the monsters that escape one after another, and scatter their blood on an altar full of taboos and strangeness.

when a special human monster landed, an unknown magic circle was activated on the altar that absorbed a large amount of blood and life. with a loud roar, the stone door of the platform broke and fell. , and the countless corpses unfolded into modified animals fell into darkness and lost their depth.

Instantly, an unknown roar from the past startled everyone present. the specially modified human monster also seemed to lose consciousness in an instant.

the next moment, a slime arm and an infernal claw covered in an unknown earth-like organ extended out of the black square hole. he raised a claw and struck the corpse of a monster lying near the edge of the black hole. break it into pieces.

the human monster that kidnapped the girl was not saved when another giant claw, equally violent and ferocious, crawled out of the ground. he died under their claws and died on the spot.

Gufuo, who considered children to be treasures, had quick eyes and quick hands. before the girl could fall into an endless abyss and a mass of helpless carrion, he jumped over and snatched the girl back from the monster's grasp.

At that moment, he Jian and his friends were unaware of the forbidden life they had inadvertently released, when they saw a winged dragon of unspeakable evil crawl out from under the stone door and extend its head. I did. the tentacles and eyes sent out the world's most insane and ancient roar, as if releasing excited emotions from the universe and the past that made him sleep here underground.

In the face of such an abominable and blasphemous beast, Li Jiahong was so frightened that he forgot to breathe. he Jian, who still had some sense of reason, grabbed her arm and got up from the cold, sticky floor to meet xuan, who was also panicking. Secret agents run around aimlessly.

\"what, why is there a god sleeping in this city? what on earth do these blowfish believe in and serve!\" while fleeing, he Jia'an shouted curses to fight off his increasingly tense emotions. continued. he didn't want to think about anything. when he saw the monster, he didn't have the courage to look back. he was afraid that if he ever met the monster's eyes again, its entire eye would destroy his tiny brain and vast knowledge.

Yu Lianyun gritted her teeth and continued running, her thoughts confused. when he first heard the roar of the underground god, he already felt that his heart was tied to an invisible fishing line. he just seemed to know how to do it. the moment the fish caught the hook, it became the most delicious breakfast for the god of power who had been dormant for some time.

An indescribable, inprehensible roar echoed throughout this demon world. the roar spread through the air like a shock wave, blowing away every inch of land around the unknown alien god. majestic buildings were shattered by the sound waves, and stone buildings and monuments were instantly destroyed. fell

while running away, Li Jiahong and the others suddenly felt an amazing pushing sensation in their backs. I felt weightless and surrounding sounds seemed to be masked. one by one they flew forward and suddenly lost consciousness.

I don't know how much time has passed, but when Li Jiahong wakes up from the darkness, he finds himself trapped under the ruins. he struggled to crawl out of the cracks in the ruins, and stood sluggishly on top of the ruins, which were strewn with black stones with mysterious inscriptions. the majestic foreign city was largely destroyed by a ravenous and ferocious alien god, but the giant evil crotch beast was still in its ruins. wreak havoc among them.

“%#@…%kuthuen)**” An unknown language came out from beside Li Jiahong. when he turned around, he saw the rat man, half of whose body had been destroyed, whispering in a daze, as if he was giving his condolences, but also saying his last words.

this pufferfish may also be the last pufferfish in this extradimensional space. his eyes were filled with fear and piety towards a foreign god, and he tragically died crying.

Seeing how the beast race he hated so easily perished at the hands of the terrifying beasts they worshiped beneath the cities they built, Li Jiahong thought all of this was too cynical and absurd. Felt.

42 people burned incense and asked for directions.

Li Jiahong did not know the identity of the giant beast that was destroying and devouring the city, but judging from the last words of the dead beast, he realized that one of the syllables that appeared many times in the other person's words was . I noticed. \"Kutuen\", perhaps this is the name of this strange god that frightened all the ancients.

“damn,” Li Jiahong murmured quietly. I tried my best to imitate the ancient beast's pronunciation, but I had no choice but to filter out the sounds humans couldn't make and call the ruler of another dimension that way.

on the ruins, Li Jiahong called out the names of others, hoping that he was not the only survivor in the ruins of a city full of death and loneliness...

``he has finally encountered deadly danger.'' wei Jiang, who was dressed in red, seemed to have sensed something. he suddenly stood up from his seat and said to Ling Ling, who had the same expression as before and a fake smile on his face.

Ling Ling slowly closed the book, pushed the black cat who was teasing Amaryllis to the table, and said, \"Now that you have given her your business card, it's time for you to choose.\"

wei Jiang took a deep breath and said quietly, \"A good person should not die easily. A good person who I approve of should be blessed and live a long life.\"

\"Yes,\" Linlin nodded slightly, \"then do what you want.\"

wei Jiang bowed respectfully, quickly walked towards the door of the store, and placed his hand on the red devil mask on the door. Red light began to emit from his fingertips as he touched the red devil's mask and continued to spread. Red light slowly outlined the armor and shirt of his body.

\"teacher, let's go.\" wei Jiang pushed open the door and went out.

Li Jiahong dug into the surrounding ruins and saw shocking corpses one after another. the conditions of death were extremely tragic. he endured the disfort as he continued to search for signs of the creature.

Immediately after that, Li Jiahong felt like he heard a girl's scream. he immediately stopped carrying, listened carefully, and quickly found the direction the sound was ing from.

he painstakingly digs black stone out of the broken wall and finally finds a large fleshy wing.

Li Jiahong was shocked in his heart and moved the pieces of the building with his wings like crazy. then he saw a wounded bird trying his best to protect the girl. he knelt down and used his wings and lower legs to protect the girl. Girls create a living space.

perhaps he sensed the arrival of Li Jiahong, and Gu huoniao also lost the last strength to support himself. Its body inflated little by little, and the feathers, like blown dandelions, fell to the ground in the blink of an eye, covering it like a blanket. About the crying girl.

“wife!” Li Jiahong hugged Jiang Gu, who had returned to human form, with red eyes.

Jiang Gu’s pale face was full of death. he smiled slightly and said to Li Jiahong, \"our son is no longer here. Among the children I killed with my own hands, one of them is our son...\"

mary, you have to live with this child...\"

After saying this, Jiang Gu's body became lighter, and in Li Jiahong's sad and desperate eyes, the corpse in his arms turned into white and black feather fragments and flew away on the wind.

Li Jiahong cried bitterly as she held the girl who had fallen to the ground in her arms. he muttered incoherently as he seemed to be hugging the warmest, sweetest thing in the world. \"Awesome...amazing...you're still alive...this is amazing.\"

I don't know if Li Jiahong's tight embrace brought much fort to the girl who endured endless fear tonight. the little girl, who had been crying in fear, calmed down, murmured, \"daddy,\" and suddenly fell into a deep sleep, leaning on Li Jiahong's shoulder.

\"Li Jiahong!\" As Li Jiahong hugged the girl and gradually strengthened his belief in survival, another voice appeared, making Li Jiahong happy. Yu Lianyun, who luckily managed to survive, discovered him and secretly ran to him. other than being a little tired and embarrassed, he didn't seem to have any major injuries.

Li Jiahong escaped safely with the help of Yu Lianyun.

\"where are his captain and deputy?\" Li Jiahong asked.

Yulian Yun smiled bitterly and shook his head, \"I can't contact them either. most of the time, I found the child. Let's quickly escape from this world.\"

hearing this, Li Jiahong also heard Yu Lianyun’s subtext. Li Jian'an and Li Yingqi were probably in danger. the deaths of his wife and son had already had a huge emotional impact on him. At that moment, he could no longer grieve for anyone. he just wanted to take the innocent child in his arms outside, so he gritted his teeth and nodded, \"okay, let's go.\"

Yu Lianyun's tactical night vision device was no longer damaged and he could still see the recorded spatial coordinates, so he took the lead and Li Jiahong followed closely behind.

boom boom boom...

the ground shook again. when Yu Lianyun and Li Jiahong looked at the epicenter of the earthquake, they were immediately frightened to death by the terrifying beast, which was so huge that it almost covered the sky.

this ancient god, Kusun, was destined to eat everything in this dimension. At this moment, he smelled Yu Lianyun's unique \"blood\" smell and wanted to capture Yu Lianyun without hesitation. swallow in the mouth.

Facing the approaching shadow of the giant claw, both Yu Lianyun and Li Jiahong felt great despair, but in the next moment, the shadow under Yu Lianyun's feet appeared, and the two evil spirits who were the embodiment of blessings appeared. A black figure emerged from the shadows. Lee. Run towards the huge claws of dangerous animals without fear of death.

the giant claw of Kusun's ability did not appear to be made purely of flesh and blood, but contained an unknown mystical ancient power, a blessing that could not be harmed by physical attacks. the incarnation of could not even be touched. there. opponent's giant claws.

the bliss Incarnation used all its strength to push the giant claw away to a certain distance, and then suddenly disappeared. the pest's giant claw deviated from its trajectory and landed next to Yu Lianyun and Li Jiahong.

Although the two were not directly shot, they were still shaken by the strong wind pressure from the Giant claw's downswing and flew away.

Li Jiahong carefully protected the child in his arms and flew upside down several meters away from Yu Lianyun.

Yu Lianyun, who lost the protection of the blessed incarnation, had the misfortune of falling and getting a sharp black stone pierced her collarbone. At that moment, I didn't know whether I was alive or dead.

And Li Jiahong was not as lucky as Yu Lianyun. his armor had been damaged for a long time, and a large area of his back was exposed with tree roots and numerous stones and sharp stones, and blood was flowing out.

his arms were a little weak and he could only gently lean the child into his arms and put him to sleep.

``It must be some kind of chance to die so ignorant.'' Li Jiahong thought as he looked at the innocent children, and then saw xuen e towards them again with a condescending attitude. A large shadow dashed his hopes of escape.

“his!” Li Jiahong was feeling desperate when she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her thigh. with my trembling right hand, I pulled out a crumpled red business card from my thigh pocket, and it glowed red under my fingertips. Generates a lot of heat.

\"business card?\" Li Jiahong suddenly remembered the unique business card that the clerk at this small store had given her and was surprised.

the glowing business card suddenly broke and turned into two red lights. one fell in front of him and turned into a burning incense, and the other gathered in his hand and turned into three sticks of incense.

\"Li Jiahong\"

Li Jiahong heard a voice from another dimension, across thousands of mountains and rivers, and beyond other time and space in his heart. And he also recognized the owner of the voice: \"mr. wei Jiang?\"

\"do you remember me?\" wei Jiang said matter-of-factly.

As if he had grasped the last hope, Li Jiahong held his breath and followed wei Jiang's instructions without doubting that he had it.

Seeing the evil claw ing again, Li Jiahong's heartbeat became faster and he repeated an unknown prayer to wei Jiang. when there was only a thin line between him and the giant claw, Li Jiahong pursued wei Jiang to the end. this was also the only sentence that Li Jiahong clearly remembers reciting.

“General Zeng… take off!”

Add incense!

when Li Jiahong put three sticks of incense into the incense burner, a red flame suddenly exploded and shook the ground. A red light appeared under the censer, and an arm of divine light grabbed the soft arm that had fallen from the giant's claws. the beast's claws suspended a powerful and heavy evil in the air.

the fiery temperature of the light made Li Jiahong's heart warm as she knelt on the ground. when I looked up, I saw a strong man wearing a red devil's mask on his face, a golden crown with red gold trim, and burning incense on his head. he wore armor of red flame and wielded power with one hand. As the evil beast raised its claws, a red light slowly appeared at his feet.

the red general's angry eyes glowed with golden light, the red light illuminated his red face, and the iron in his mouth moved with his angry face...

43 additional generals

Under the blazing hot dark red light, Li Jiahong seemed to have found an oasis in a lost desert, and a fire of life in a dark night. positive emotions such as relief and excitement naturally arose in people's hearts, and fear and confusion gradually disappeared.

In front of me stood a strong man with the face of a red devil, wearing gold-shaped armor of red flame, resembling a general who was the god of war. Standing before him, it is as if all the dirt and dangers of the world are swept away by him. It seems that that horrifying, terrifying, gigantic, majestic pest monster from another dimension is among them.

``General Zeng, is this General Zeng?'' Li Jiahong seemed to finally feel the weight of this title. It was worthy of the mon word, at least in terms of strength and power.

hearing General Zeng's voice, he gave a strong push with one hand, and the winged god, which pufferfish called Kusuun, flipped over and pushed him a few steps away.

the tumor-like head, covered with naked eyes, seemed to express incredible emotion, each eye filled with surprise and anger. he didn't seem to understand what this human-like, non-human thing that had suddenly appeared was, or why it had such a large body. strength

Li Jiahong took the girl and walked next to Yu Lianyun, checked Yu Lianyun's injuries and breathing, and breathed a long sigh of relief, but she was still alive.

At this moment, General Zeng removed the chain from his waist. he grabbed both ends of the chain and pulled it out. the two holes in the chain suddenly separated, and a red chain appeared in the middle. he loosened the chain with one hand, turned it with the other, and it flew like the hook of a sickle. he tossed it aside, split the other end of the chain in two, and headed straight for either side of the ruins.

there was a loud sound like a mountain breaking, and the chains entered the ruins full of solid rocks. due to General Zeng's strong gravitational pull, two broken dolls flew into the air. Under General Zeng's mand, they fell lightly. Li Jiahong side.

\"his team, his agents!\" Li Jiahong was excited to see he Jia'an and Li Yingqi again. Seeing their chests swell a little, he couldn't help but exclaim in joy, ``Good, everyone's fine!''

Seeing this scene, Kusun let out a roar of anger and stepped forward, trembling as he tried to pinch and kill the arrogant and bright mysterious man.

however, even in the face of a beast as huge as a mountain, General Zeng remained fearless from beginning to end. In fact, the scowl on his face became even more intense. his whole body was shining with golden and red light, like a walking sun. he moved forward and gathered a group of people. Following the trend of the world, he suddenly showed tai chi Liang Yi on his back and stepped on the nine palaces and bagua. All I could hear was the sound of an explosion tearing apart space. General Zeng's figure disappeared from the scene, turned into a golden-red glow, and walked through the ruins, actively greeting people. monsters from another dimension rush toward him.

No one could clearly see General Zeng's movements. Suddenly, chains and hot chains were released in succession. the chain instantly stretched hundreds of meters and closed Kusuun's arms under General Zeng's control. on the front legs.

Suddenly, his two front legs were caught in a large chain, and the chains shrunk and suddenly merged, causing Kusun to suddenly lose control of his running body and suddenly grab the ground with his head.

xuen's eyes were blurred, and the Sight boy, who was able to cross dimensions and travel through time, could not clearly see how General Zeng flashed behind him in his red flaming gold armor.

I saw the chain in General Zeng's hand suddenly fly towards the sky. the melted chain broke away again, and the other end flew straight into the sky and into a curtain of red light that suddenly opened. Suddenly, several roars were heard from all over the space at the same time. , A ring of red-black light curtains tore the space, and a total of ninety-nine, eighty-one chains, and eighty-one chains shot out at the same time.

Faced with chains stretched around him, Kusun tries to resist, but when he accidentally touches the red-hot chains, he feels so much pain that his soul is torn apart. he had no choice but to flinch and step back, knowing that if he accidentally touched it, he would touch the chain around his back and experience the pain again.

Gradually, Kusun realized that he was trapped in the mystery of the chain. Although he felt angry, he finally felt a slight disfort at not being able to control his freedom. It was an emotion called fear deep within his heart. cross anywhere.

A disturbing sound was heard in the air, and the chains surrounding Kusun's body closed, red-hot chains wrapping around him. the scorching heat that scorched my soul was like the waves of the ocean, and the chain continued to shock me one after another.

c'thun let out a pitiful scream as the chains and shackles restrained him.

“burn your pain in the fire of karma, you evil beast!” cried General tseng. he tugged with difficulty at one end of the chain in his hand, lifted the great beast of immeasurable weight, and threw in the other end of the chain. At that moment, another ring of curtains of light appears from within. beneath Kusun, another chainring entered Kusun's body, sealing his heart shut.

As a result, the chains in Kusun's body formed a plete closed loop due to the influence of spatial manipulation. At the same time as my strong heart lifts my entire body, its weight drags my heart and tightens my body. the slightest movement of the chain will add to the scorching heat of the chain, and at the same time increase the tightening force.

As a result, Kusun could only endure the severe pain, his whole body stiffened, and he did not have the courage to move. If you move even a little, the chains will repeat the torture even more intolerably.

Kusun was scared. he was clearly afraid of General Zeng, who was small and human-like. I could clearly see my opponent, and although his appearance was difficult to tell, he happened to be stronger than me.

this foreign god, who had never experienced weakness since his birth, was worshiped blindly and acted on instincts straight out of his memory. After encountering someone who supports him and controls him, he finally learns what fear is and what it is. I would say it's humility...

“You are blessed to have been born, you have very great power, but you are uncivilized, you have mitted countless murders, you are full of karma...this power is yours. It's a waste of time.'' General Zeng shook his head and sighed, feeling a little angry. In other words, when he waved his hand, a sign of fire appeared on his right hand. he threw a lot of fire, and a lot of the fire landed on Kusun's head. A large amount of fire then flows out of the firelot and is injected into each chain. on top of that.

the increase in temperature and chains caused Kusun to experience even more severe pain, and the inprehensible noises gradually turned into short, pitiful screams.

\"the atonement for your sins is here. having undergone the baptism of karmic fire, you will gradually lose your original powers and turn into a pletely harmless and simple creature. this is your revenge.\" General Zeng tells him not to pay heed to the evil beast that begs for mercy, and burns incense, and the golden crown on his head is almost pleted. he glanced at Li Jiahong, who was taking care of the mysterious detective and the girl, nodded, turned and left. Escape from nothing...

44 debts

Li Yingqi, half conscious and half conscious, felt as if she saw a familiar face. the other person was now wearing strange clothes, but the many times he looked up at his old back, he realized again whose face had saved him from danger. who?

“oe…” Li Yingchi murmured.

his spiritual brain is not strong enough to think about why the dead appear here, why a person who died under the influence of the power of a foreign god suddenly has the power to destroy the foreign god. he just hoped this whole thing wasn't a dream. the first half of the dream was so bad that I thought it was the end of the world, but once I was able to meet the person I wanted to see again, I no longer feared such negative things.

\"I'm back, captain,\" wei Jiang pushed open the door and entered. the red-faced ghost mask quickly moved from my face to my hands, then from my fingertips back to the door.

Ling Ling seemed to have been anticipating his return, and said with a smile, ``when you e back, please sit down and rest first.the temperature of the tea is just right now.''

wei Jiang dragged his exhausted body and sat down in front of the coffee table. In front of Ling Ling, he lifted the teacup with trembling hands. his body gradually became transparent and weakened. he poured the tea and drank it, which made him feel embarrassed.

Ling Ling looked at wei Jiang's puzzled expression with a smile and asked, \"I finally have a chance to meet an old friend in my life. wouldn't you like to have a nice chat with him again?\"

hearing this, after just taking a sip of hot tea, wei Jiang's body gradually regained its stiffness and stopped shaking. he took a breath and said, \"No, there is a difference between life and death. we are divided into two sides. I do not want, because for temporary pleasure , because it will make things difficult for them and me later.”

As he said this, he looked at the skin of the amaryllis still on the table with plicated eyes and said, ``currently, people think that I am some kind of abnormal person. It's a detective's mission. my presence was standing nearby.\"

\"oh, that's good. You really think of me.\" Linlin looked happy and couldn't help but cheer for weijiang's answer. then he smiled and said, \"but that sounds interesting. If you're really interested in continuing your career as a mystery detective, you can work with me as an undercover agent.\"

“boss…” wei Jiang was a little moved. he felt that Ling Ling was obviously kinder and more reasonable, but for some reason Yu Lianyun always spoke badly of boss Ling.

In this case, your salary will also be reduced by one. Ling Ling added the next sentence, and wei Jiang's emotions sank to the bottom. Ling Ling also smiled and said, \"by the way, you can also try Infernal Affairs.\" his eyes were eager for the challenge.

“No, my acting skills are very poor.” wei Jiang refused with an evil smile.

hearing this, Ling Ling let out a slightly disappointed sigh and murmured, ``what a joy...''

when mr. wei Jiang heard that his tooth hurt, he immediately distracted his boss and changed the topic, saying, \"president, the pen that mr. Li Jiahong borrowed probably won't heal. what should I do?\" .

\"do whatever you have to do. If you lose something you borrowed, of course you have to pensate and pay the debt.\" Linlin actually said this. he pinpointed a helpless black cat in the darkness, placed it on his lap, and stroked it. away

wei Jiang felt a different kind of thrill in Ling Ling's strange smile and couldn't help asking, \"how can I repay you?\"

“It depends on whether it is money or something else,” Linlin said with a smile. “the pensation will be twice the product price. otherwise, you just e to the store and work.” .

“…but Li Jiahong is also a human being.” wei Jiang’s lips twitched slightly.

\"huh, what a coincidence, me too,\" Linlin replied with a surprised expression.

wei Jiang “…”

how was boss Lin able to speak so harshly until now?

Everything about this store is wrong inside and out. he collected a series of little-known anomalies. Linlin can perfectly control all abnormalities. this is clearly something that normal people cannot do. case.

however, wei Jiang also knew about president Lin's attitude, ``did you intend to hire Li Jiahong as a store employee from the beginning?''

\"No, Li Jiahong has e this far. It's all his personal choice.\" Ling Ling said with a laugh, \"I didn't take the initiative to find him. he found me. ” he said.

It was so true that wei Jiang was speechless. he was shocked to see someone actually asking Ling Ling for help.

As for Ling Ling's third-rate speech, any discerning person would have thought it was a scam, but Ling Ling still enjoyed it, but didn't expect anyone to actually take the bait.

\"he was obviously able to investigate on his own, but he could not bear the kindness and joy of contacting other families who have lost loved ones. After much cause and effect, Shwe hanlei 's death was his own choice, but he was unable to do so.'' Escaping participation. '' Linlin said, ``Actually, after I handed the pen to my wife, he himself noticed something strange about it, but he blindly prayed that nothing would happen and did not follow my instructions. \"I realized something was wrong,\" he said. I made a mistake and wanted to restore it, but it was pletely too late. ”

hearing this, wei Jiang sighed and said, \"he is a good person.\"

\"Not necessarily,\" Linlin said calmly. \"have you ever wondered why he isn't around when his wife and children encounter unexpected events?\"

wei Jiang sat straight and listened carefully.

``At that time, Li Jiahong was a young and promising person, and he spent more time attending dinner parties with wenwencun than spending time with his wife and children.'' Linlin stroked the sole of the black cat's paw. I said. \"Now, isn't it because the person who encouraged him to look for orphans feels guilty in their hearts?\"

It was also the first time for wei Jiang to hear this truth, and he couldn't help but be silent.

“hmm-” Yu Lianyun woke up from a nightmare. when he woke up, he was lying in a hospital bed with a medicine bottle and a blood bag dangling from his shoulders. his memory gradually recovered and he remembered his last moments. what on earth did I see before I passed out?

At that moment, Li Yingqi, whose entire thigh was bandaged and plastered, came in from another ward and said, ``You're lucky, you almost died because of this person.''

\"You are very lucky. I thought you and captain Li would have died,\" Yu Lianyun said.

hearing this, Li Yingqi asked directly and seriously: \"Is it wei Jiang who saved us?\"

“You must be reading it wrong.” Yu Lien was silent for a while, thinking about fulfilling the non-disclosure agreement, and said, “how can a dead person still be alive and bee more powerful than a foreign god?” could it be? that's impossible.''

45 years old is not god

the strange events associated with this ancient disaster were the stuff of nightmares. After waking up, there seemed to be no evidence left other than moff's memories and fragments.

the pufferfish are a cowardly and despicable race from another dimension, but their vast knowledge and advanced biotechnology are treasures that humans dream of and aspire to, even if there are taboos that prevent them from being touched.

when the leader of the mysterious group learns that an extradimensional space where a certain Fugu tribe is located has been destroyed by an alien god, leaving behind ruins and devastation, the leader of the mysterious group seems to smell the delicious cake and immediately orders them to leave. did. A member of tiger team, who was injured and hospitalized during this operation, and the remaining Zodiac team members took experts into ancient extradimensional space to collect recyclable \"knowledge\" and \"materials.\"

however, what people did not expect was that when everyone gathered and prepared to leave, a strange subsidence of people suddenly occurred. the entire hokusho tunnel was destroyed, and the underground tomb beneath it was also destroyed. disappear from the world together.

the leader of the mysterious team who heard the news from the front line let out a sigh of both frustration and joy.

It is a shame that humanity has lost the opportunity to take a leap forward and further advance and develop, but at the same time the leader of the mysterious group is also clearly aware that this opportunity is dangerous. will it lead humanity to prosperity or destruction? we still don't know what will happen next. Judging by the quality of current human populations, it may be too early for humans to make contact with them, and losing the opportunity to discover ancient civilizations may not be a bad thing.

Aside from the regret of missing out on another dimension of civilization, this sudden earthquake was also particularly strange.

Shenzhu's geographic location in the world makes it difficult for such violent tectonic movements to occur, and the epicenter of the earthquake actually began under the hokusho tunnel, so people made surprising discoveries during subsequent epicenter investigations. , this leads people to believe that this subsidy is \"man-made\" rather than a natural disaster.

this discovery cast a dark cloud over the entire xuan mei group, and everyone thought about various unpleasant possibilities.

could it be that the \"Red General\" sealed away an alien god in order to escape from his captivity?

or are the blowfish still alive in this terrifying rebellion of foreign gods, destroying the passageways to prevent the secrets of their people from getting out?

Later, when sightings and rumors of \"rat men\" and terrifying monsters appearing and attacking people begin to spread in southern china's cities, everyone in the mysterious group realizes that the remains of the ancient disaster still survive. I did.

think about it, even people like he Jia'an and Li Yingqi were able to survive the disaster of foreign gods. Needless to say, the rat-people, who were naturally shy and stronger than humans, had no need to prepare for this.

definitely not all of the puffer fish carcasses that Li Jiang and others saw, and some that are still alive today, like real rats that make things in the shadows and sewers, are used by people. It's probably living in a corner where you don't notice it.

I believe that when the time es, these rats will spread, just like the rats that unleashed and spread the black death and plagues that brought unimaginable catastrophe to humanity.

So if you start noticing red eyes creeping up on you at night, it could be your keen brain's warning signal before the pufferfish poisons you...