读趣网 > 玄幻魔法 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第10章 艾尔德里奇统治区
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  • 恢复默认


1. 尺寸变化:




3. 宇宙实体:


4. 禁忌奥术:


5. 深渊之影:


6. 隐晦的真相:
















James's voice woke her up, but she was still a little scared and didn't have the courage to tell the truth. \"Ah, I feel a little hot. how are you?\"

\"Lo and behold, we've really arrived in South America.\"

\"well, we're still over 1,000 kilometers from Egypt,\" Andrews said, holding up his hand and looking at his watch. \"we'll be there in three hours.\"

\"Yes, we still have three hours to go. You're an adventurer. It's really fun walking around here!\"

\"hahaha, I'm just gambling. A big bet that I'm sure I'll win.\"

\"this is a huge gamble,\" James said, patting Andrews on the shoulder. \"I hope you succeed with this big bet.\"

\"I hope so. otherwise, this voyage will be a waste,\" Andrews said with a sigh.

three and a half hours later, they arrived in the northwestern part of Latin America, in the middle of the Indian ocean. As he approached the maldives island, mr Andrews was surprised to see that the waves had washed his place onto the beach.

\"oh god, why is this place like this? It looks like it's on fire.\"

James was also very surprised and looked carefully towards the distant shore.

\"I think it was caused by the typhoon. If we don't get back soon, we're going to be in trouble.\"

“Right, then…” Andrews turned and looked around, and seeing the nearby beach affected by such a terrible disaster, he felt a strong intolerance in his heart. .

\"what are you worried about, Andrews? this is the first time I've shown this kind of emotion since I've known you. I know you're a kind person, but I think you should understand what you're doing. \"thinking\". ” there are three days left. You can be back in New York in an hour. Since it's a small island, you'll regret it if your trip is delayed.\"

Andrews nodded, turned, opened the cabin door, poured a can of kerosene into the cold seawater, took a bite, started the car, and drove away from the lonely town. As I left the city and drove along the coast, I saw a small black dot in the ocean following the cargo ship, slowly closing the distance.

Andrews hit the brakes and pulled over to the side of the road.

\"what is this?!\"

\"that's not a ghost,\" James said pointing to the rear view mirror. \"that's a seagull.\"

Andrews put on the handbrake and turned to see a black spot on the car's windshield. It gradually bees more apparent as it approaches the distance. It is a black seagull with a wingspan of over two meters. Its wings are very wide, its tail is sharp, and the feathers on its back are like steel needles. the beak is sharp and beautifully shaped like a bird's beak. Fine hair ring Its shiny flakes. It flew in at high speed with a large number of thick wings, flapping its wings twice before landing on the deck.

\"what's he doing? Look, he's lying on the ground snoring. didn't he e to attack us?\" James asked doubtfully, then he kicked the seagull with his foot. the seagull did not react and continued to sleep soundly. \"Strange, drunk it seems. hey, hey, you're not going to sleep to death like this, are you?\" James called softly, but the seagull didn't answer at all.

\"It's not really drunk.\" Andrews looked at the seagull and suddenly felt sleepy.

\"You're too tired. You need to rest. Andrews, leave it to me to take care of it. I don't think it's a threat. Let's get on board quickly and wait for the ship's repairmen to arrive. we might as well restock. food and fresh water.\"

\"well, be careful. It saved us.\" Andrews rolled down the window. \"man, you are a good person! I wish you success forever!\"

\"thank you, Andrews, but I don't think you should pliment me like that because we're both lucky and maybe not just because we're good people.\"

when Andrews looked back, the seagull had stood up.

\"this seagull is so smart!\" James exclaimed excitedly, \"It can actually understand what I'm saying, and it also knows how to help us.\"

\"this is no accident,\" said mr. Andrews, staring at the seagull. \"It is indeed a clever parrot. And, have you forgotten where this is, James?\"

\"oh, yes, it's the Indian ocean.\"

\"So, I think it came to us because it was attracted by some special signal.\"

\"what special signal? You mean someone on this ship called him?\"

Andrews shook his head.

\"Your guess is probably right, but who would do this? I don't think it's necessary. I believe it never received special training to be alert, because this makes no sense at all.\"

\"Right.\" James said, \"then let's go. our main goal - manila, is not far from landing now.\"

\"I know, you said we'll have enough food and fresh water soon?\"

“Yes.” James replied with a smile.

Andrews laughed, then started the car and drove from the dock to the flight to manila.

As the plane hovered over the harbor, the crew jumped aboard and prepared to leave. Andrews followed James and jumped onto the deck, watching as the hatch slowly retracted until it was pletely closed, and the inside and outside of the cabin went dark.

\"this is the silent sign, hey!\" James sighed, \"we need to get the boat back as soon as possible. this place is clearly not suitable for us to stay long, otherwise we will have to spend the rest of our lives on this deserted island.\"

\"No, no, I don't think so.\" Andrews said, \"Although we can't leave here now, we can choose another route to go.\"

\"Another channel?\"

Andrews nodded.

there were dead bodies everywhere. Some were shattered by wallboards and cement, others had critical parts of their bodies pierced with iron rods or sharp broken objects, and others were mutilated and partially amputated. there were blood stains at the scene. It is a river full of despair that flows forever.

here, Li Yingchi saw the bodies of the two mysterious detectives who were already guarding the door of the ward. they were cheap parasites and blood vines, and their corpses grew faster.

At that moment, Li Yingqi was stunned, and later realized that she felt pain in her stomach. when I opened my clothes, I saw disgusting tendrils that looked like blood growing on my white, smooth stomach. Let's dig inside.

there was a trace of panic in Li Yingqi’s eyes. he quickly grabbed the other end of the vine before it entered his body. he gritted his teeth and pulled hard. the pain was excruciating, piercing my intestines and internal organs and stabbing my lungs. this beautiful girl's face was distorted like a demon from hell.

Li Yingchi gasped and felt a large chunk being pulled out of his body, and then he threw the nearly half-meter-long vine far away. Soon, the vine, without its source of parasites, fell to the ground like a grass carp that had e ashore. After struggling for a while, it quickly withered and died.

Li Yingqi’s face turned pale. he lowered his head and stared into the pit of his stomach. beneath the belly of what was once a silky platform, there was now a small piece of shredded debris. he didn't know what flesh, flesh, or organs were missing. he felt that his physical functions were rapidly declining.

“xiao Li…” A faint call suddenly revived Li Yinqi, who had been gradually losing his will to fight. he suddenly turned his head and looked around, shining the flashlight on his cell phone. his surprise soon turned into great joy. desperate.

I saw ex-partners and partners liking each other. At this time, wei Jiang had almost lost half of his body. the cement board below my belly button was split in two. Several vines were eating away at his feet. It was obvious. It was impossible for him to survive, but next to wei Jiang, Yu Lianyun lay almost unharmed. wei Jiang risked his life to protect Yu Lianyun.

“da Jiang!” Li Yingqi endured the unbearable pain and crawled to wei Jiang’s side.

\"I have medicine...\" wei Jiang murmured without saying anything else, his eyes half closed and he slowly took a breath.

Li Yingqi knew that this was wei Jiang's invitation to him. he endured his sadness and searched wei Jiang's pockets. then he found a small black box in a small pocket inside wei Jiang's vest. when he opened the box, there was a small black box inside. Red seeds are valuable.

this red seed was a reward that wei Jiang applied to the higher ups of the organization after pleting his mission. It turned out to be a legitimate book, as it was a medicine registered in the ``Gen pesticides pharmacopoeia.'' It is called \"death Returning Species\" and some medicines are obtained from some rare and normal animals. Red Seeds are extremely valuable as the materials are rare and the success rate of creation is very low.

the death Return Seed has the miraculous effect of healing wounds quickly, but at the cost of this, those who ingest it age ten times faster than normal people after healing. In other words, even if Li Yingqi survives the disaster after taking the medicine, he actually only has a few years left. Less than a life.

Fighting for your life against the King of hell will not give you a happy ending. this is the author's note about this drug in the \"Gen pesticides pharmacopoeia\".

At this moment, Li Yingqi had a deep understanding. his smile was crooked, and his face showed traces of madness, sometimes bitter, sometimes self-deprecating.

he closed his eyes to wei Jiang and finally swallowed the seeds of death's return.

the effects of death Return Seed were immediate. Li Yingchi felt pain in her eyes. the whites of my eyes began to turn red, and my vision gradually became redder. Everything in front of him turned into a bloody world. It was the second ing of death. Another side effect of dan.

After experiencing severe pain and convulsions, Li Yingqi felt that her strength had recovered, the pit in her stomach had disappeared, and her mobility had returned to its best condition. then he quickly grabbed Yu Lianyun's arm and dragged her towards the exit.

After traveling under a very dangerous ruin, Li Yingqi went through all sorts of hardships and finally escaped with Yu Lianyun.

outside the ruins, he gazed out at the blood-red world before him. the sky was no longer black, but red. In the sky, the crescent moon with a sarcastic smile was shining red. In Li Yingchi's eyes, everything looked negative and bloody.

while Li Yingchi was stunned, she heard a sinister whisper in her ear. when Li Yingqi turned around, he saw a bride in a red wedding dress making a strange groan and holding her head high, on top of countless piles of corpses and reinforced concrete, with tendrils of flesh and blood growing out. It wrapped around her whole body, slowly changing the bination of its surroundings, and gradually transforming into the large flower on the other side. half of the bride's body is exposed outside the flower's core, and her eyes are empty and whisper mechanically.

this blasphemous and abhorrent sight made Li Yingqi, who had experienced death, feel fear in his heart again. the corpse of the immortal and powerful woman rose again, stood over the ruins, absorbed the nutrients from the mountain of corpses and the sea of blood, and turned into the most ferocious and evil demon flower in the world.

\"No way...\" Elsewhere, he Jia'an and bu Gao Jun, who escaped with the help of a sturdy transport chamber, also witnessed this scene. Strong and strange pictures caused the strongest excitement and deeply destroyed their sanity.

Even the green flames that ignite the soul cannot burn the corpse of this perverted woman. Female corpses absorb more flesh and blood and bee stronger. So humans are like shrimp to these beings. they can cause short-term pain and small damage to the enemy, but in the end they will consume us.

\"No, that's not true.\" Futaka sat on the ground with his head in his hands, his face covered in blood and his eyes wide, his voice quickly changing from trembling to a wild laugh.

when he Jia'an saw this, he picked up a stone without hesitation and hit wu Gaojun on the head. he controlled the angle by force and knocked takeo out.

Stepping high on his back, he Jian opened his eyes wide and turned and ran. then, countless memories of previous missions flashed through his mind.

\"this feeling, this feeling of walking a tightrope, is rare. I experienced such terrible fear as today. I can't think of anything, and I don't want to think. As long as I'm thinking of that scene, I'm like, look, I feel... \"the voice is trying to drag him into the abyss of eternal destruction.\" Li Jian's rapid breathing was like that of an old man who had finished a long run, as if his life had e to an end. .

behind he Jia'an, countless vines quickly passed through the gaps in the ruins, like a swarm of ferocious snakes chasing their prey, and the beast was gradually able to escape from its fierce natural enemy.

At the same time, the vines growing from the woman's corpse are looking for other life to devour as well. before Li Yingqi and Yu Lianyun could take a few steps, they were surrounded.

the earth trembled, and its surface was like skin, and the flesh and blood of the grapes were like insects that penetrated the skin and gnawed at the earth.

within minutes, expensive, bloody flowers up to 50 meters tall bloomed in human-dominated lands.

Even the 25 gods would fear it.

the large blood-colored flower standing under the red moon as big as a mountain was like a very arrogant signal warning humanity that it was not the wisdom of the ancient world. the most powerful of them all. All races in the universe.

people may not be great, and they may not be great, but they are definitely stronger than others.

the Flesh and blood Flower has a plex root system spread over a radius of approximately 500 meters. In this range, no life can survive, be it humans, surface rulers, or cockroaches, and people praise cockroaches as one of the most stubborn animals. No one is immune, and the smell of blood and cold temperatures slowly rise to the ground.

the failures of he Jia'an and wu Gaojun proved that in the face of absolute power, any conspiracy or conspiracy is nothing more than self-righteous cleverness.

Li Yingqi, who was quickly swallowed by the vines, proved that his temporary survival was only to meet his next death. In front of an unknown power, he will eventually die an unknown death. death is as inevitable as fate.

Amidst the ruins covered in vines, several strange-looking people with three arms stretched out from the ruins and worshiped a gigantic flower standing majestically under the red moon. they made inprehensible movements, bowed their heads respectfully, uttered words that humans could not understand, and constantly praised the God they believed in.

It seems that the flower of flesh and blood could hear the worshiping voices of these distorted people, and the flesh surrounded by tendrils of blood did not devour them, but simply ignored their presence and passed by them. It was just that.

Just when the three-armed ice giants thought they had finally succeeded in invading this world, the great being and immortal god they believed in suddenly exhibited an inprehensible abnormality. the large, regularly coiled flower suddenly trembled, and the strange tremor quickly spread from the flower's core to all the living vines in the area.

the living higanbana suddenly receives mysterious damage from the three-handed ice giant. the three-armed ice giant did not know where the attack came from or why it was so powerful. the injured living flowers suffered a lot, and lost sight of their surroundings due to their instinctive resistance and survival consciousness. In a matter of moments, he transferred his followers - those who transferred their conscious souls and changed human bodies. the three-handed ice giant ate them whole and used them as nourishment to heal his wounds.

At this very moment, the Flesh and blood Flower released a miraculous power parable to the power of a god, and removed the terrifying green flame encroachment, devouring all life around it. however, he did not realize that even he himself had some things that he could not eat freely. It was like a blessing enshrined in Yu Lianyun's body.

when the Flower of Flesh and blood devours all life, it not only absorbs all life's vitality, but also digests all life's memories and souls for its own use. In the process, he realized that one of the people he had devoured in his memories had an inprehensible danger.

they can't understand human emotions, and of course they can't understand human fear, hatred, or anger.

with a long life ahead of him and infinite time, thoughts, feelings, knowledge, and even life and death are meaningless to him. desire is the driving force behind his life. therefore, even though he had previously received their blessings and was in the shelter, when the two incarnations confronted him head-on, he did not take the two blessed incarnations seriously.

to him, it is at best a collection of negative emotions caused by unknown forces. Although it is ferocious and brutal, it cannot cause any real harm or damage its roots.

but now he finally realizes that he made a mistake and that he really met a \"ghost\"!

there is actually a memory called bliss that exists in the heart of the person named Yu Lianyun. on the surface, happiness is a mixture of human malice and negative emotions. It is something between an alien animal and an inanimate object, but it is only when you experience the power of people's blessings that you realize that the blessings are actually derived from the most primitive emotion called fear, one You. I understand.

can God be feared?

when God begins to bleed, you will naturally understand this simplest emotion.

Just now, the living flower, the incarnation of the god worshiped by the three ice giants on the ground, digested Yu Lianyun's memory recorded in the blessing videotape, and was deeply affected by the blessing in the video. contaminated.

Just as the flower of flesh and blood gives blessings to humans, so too does the flower of flesh and blood give blessings.

the power of blessing entwined him, and an endless curse dragged him into the purgatory of evil on the seventh day of Earth's time, threatening to return his heart and soul to the depths of despair.

because living flowers are ``gods,'' they have sharper ``perceptions'' than humans. when he saw a woman dressed in white in a video recording the countdown to his life, he really had a premonition of his own death.

cry! ! !

At that moment, bana no hana's body fell into madness and despair. An almost substantial black, evil gas enveloped his incarnation, taking root in the essence of his being like a plague.

``Are the gods mad too?'' A middle-aged man in a black vest and white shirt stares at a terrifying magical flower that wreaks havoc on Earth, relayed from a mysterious group's helicopter, and shows indiscriminate emotions. Released. his mental state was hysterical, like that of a patient who learns he has an incurable disease.

So-called alien gods, of course, refer to powerful beings who believe in normal life, which is short for normal gods.

At this time, the elegant man who was the leader behind the scenes of the mysterious group and respected as a leader by all the mysterious detectives, seemed surprisingly dull, because at this time he felt human emotions for the first time. supernatural god. From his past experiences, he only felt that ordinary animals lacked human emotions. they were cosmic, indifferent and dangerous. but now he understood that they were not pletely emotionless and that people were too small to reach them. the more my mood goes up and down.

``So...you guys are crazy too!'' the middle-aged man gritted his teeth and leaned angrily against the arm of the sofa. what caught his eye was the destroyed scene of the secret team's headquarters and the scene of all the mysterious detectives who had lost their precious lives. corpse, he cursed, getting excited with his sarcasm.

From that moment on, the leader of the mysterious team makes everyone know that these terrifying foreign gods are not invincible and that these gods are not perfect, who can easily trample people under their feet like ants. I decided that I wanted to. they also had human emotions.

Look, the gods are afraid!

when God predicts his own death and considers that ``even death itself will disappear into eternity,'' to whom is death meaningless?

the Flesh and blood Flower wreaked havoc on the Earth all night long, but at dawn, as the sky brightened and the blood moon shone, the Flesh and blood Flower stopped moving. he seemed as depressed as a child who had accepted the cruel fact that ``Ultraman does not exist in this world.''

big magical flowers flashed everywhere and then suddenly disappeared. the corpse of a woman wearing a red wedding dress fell from a height of more than 50 meters. the bodies disappeared into starry dust in the air, leaving only one thing behind. the red wedding dress swayed and finally covered Yu Liangyun’s naked body.

Next to Yu Lianyun, dozens of naked men and women lay peacefully sleeping on the ground more than 30 feet from the horizon. the members of the secret team hurried back to the headquarters to begin search and rescue operations, and were shocked by what they saw.

26 men are worried

“Last night, a magnitude 6 earthquake occurred in tianfu city. this earthquake caused a large-scale collapse in Shunshu Forest. Experts suspect that there is an unknown hole area under Shunshu Forest. to prevent possible aftershocks and the risk of an earthquake, ``Since another collapse occurred, they have now issued a warning around the Shushima Forest and prohibited people from freely entering and exiting the forest.'' …” Yu Lianyun’s eyes were blank, staring at the tV news with a slightly deranged expression.

on the hospital beds to his left and right, Li Yingqi and he Jian'an were lying with the same expressions on their faces.

the three lost eyes slowly converged until three nurses entered the room pushing a trolley loaded with pill bottles and syringes.

``Are all three of you feeling better?'' three fit nurses came in, followed by an older nurse with a fat face. he smiled at the three of them. the person asked.

Li Jian'an touched her nose and tested the sunlight shining through the window with her hand. At that moment, he felt the warmth of the sun, but still felt a little cold. he replied, \"It's like a dream...\"

As he spoke, countless memories of life and death flashed through he Jian's mind, as well as this frightening experience, which was the most impressive. he rubbed his forehead in pain.

``I'm sorry, did I hurt you?'' when the nurse who was examining he Jia'an's skin saw his troubled expression, she immediately apologized politely.

“No, it has nothing to do with you.” Li Jian realized that her appearance was misunderstood by the little nurse, and said with a stiff smile on her pale face, “I’m just a little dizzy. , I said, ``As long as you're asleep, you'll be fine, you'll be fine.''

of course, Li Jian'an knew that she couldn't sleep at all now. As soon as I close my eyes, a shocking and tragic scene flashes into my memory.

on the other hand, Li Yingqi answered a little bluntly. \"No problem…\"

he was deeply traumatized. witnessing wei Jiang's tragic death was destined to bee an unbearable problem for him. It doesn't matter if ingesting the death Return Seed shortens your lifespan or accelerates aging.

the head nurse nodded and answered, then turned her gaze to Yu Lianyun.

Yu Lianyun's breathing was not calm, and the electrocardiogram on his side pletely showed his restless heart. the little nurse raised her left hand to insert the needle, but she stayed put and unconsciously grabbed the little nurse's forearm.

“Ah!” the innocent little nurse screamed in pain, and the confused Yu Lianyun was brought back to reality. he immediately apologized to the little nurse. \"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that, I...\"

the head nurse looked at the three's performance and secretly nodded, hiding her anxiety in her eyes.

they were found naked in the hole at the time and taken back to another medical base of the xuanmei Group for emergency treatment and examination. he found that those who faced the incarnation of an alien god on Earth had essentially no physical problems. there were no abnormalities, but all of them, without exception, had deep psychological shadows.

Emotional trauma is often the most difficult to heal.

In the eyes of the head nurse of the occult team's medical office, the people who could bee occult detectives were originally those who had the strongest ability to withstand mental stress and psychological counseling, and now they can't even do that. After enduring the truth, you can imagine how awful this experience was. I wonder how long it will take for these precious and honorable people to e out of their inner fog.

however, in reality, among the three people in the ward, excluding he Jian'an and Li Yingqi, Yu Lianyun was not mentally affected by the so-called abnormal situation.

Yu Lianyun's confusion was simply due to slowness of mind and slow reaction, and he was surprised by the soul of a man who suddenly appeared in front of him just now.

At this moment, no one could see the figure that suddenly appeared in the room, but it was the most familiar member of the tiger group, the recently deceased wei Jiang.

he died \"hemiplegic and uneasy looking\" and now he has returned looking like this. how can Yu Lianyun not be afraid and not overreact?

wei Jiang also seemed a little confused. he didn't know why he showed up here. he vaguely remembered that he had died, but then his eyes lit up and the next thing he knew, he was here.

but one thing he can say clearly now is that there is no so-called underworld in this world, so after death people can bee like him, being souls with no destination, and perhaps even after death there is no existence. I discovered that it doesn't.

Soon, wei Jiang realized that no one in the ward could see him, except for Yu Lianyun. the other person didn't have the courage to look at her even if she wanted to, so she continued to avoid his eyes. It was difficult not to attract his attention.

“xiaoyu, can you see me?” wei Jiang asked hesitantly.

hearing the question, Yu Lianyun immediately looked at it and nodded secretly with a worried expression. he seemed worried about something.

wei Jiang's face suddenly brightened, and he wanted to pull forward and drag his lower body.

Seeing this scene, Yu Lianyun panicked and suddenly stretched out his hand and stopped, shouting, \"No!\"

Everyone in the ward was startled by Yu Lianyun’s scream. Everyone looked at him in surprise. the young nurse, who was unable to give Yu Lianyun the injection because he moved too much, felt pain at this moment. , I said, ``I haven't opened the hole yet. can you... have some faith in me?''

when Yu Lianyun heard the little nurse's angry words, she was so sad that she couldn't say anything. All he could say was: \"Sorry, I'm just... a little nervous. I'm really scared of needles, you know.\"

“You remember graduating from medical school, right?” the head nurse looked at Yu Lianyun curiously.

Yu Lianyun’s face turned red, and she felt embarrassed and depressed.

of all the people present, wei Jiang was the only one who understood Yu Lianyun's feelings. because when he blocked Yu Lianyun from ing, he was stunned to see two oval shadows suddenly split under Yu Lianyun's bed. two dark brown figures seem to have e out of the ink, transformed into a woman in a red wedding dress and the corpse of Yu Liangyun's father, with eyes full of lust and a full body full of appetite. and looked at him with longing eyes. It smelled terrible.

At this moment, wei Jiang pletely understood that Yu Lianyun's \"name\" now was not just for him, but for the two insect-like blessing incarnations attached to the bones. .

please do not bring them near or feed them.

when wei Jiang thought he was about to die again, he suddenly felt very difficult. It was bad to be a human, but was it also bad to bee a ghost after death? !

After that, Yu Lianyun also had a chance to go to the bathroom, and finally got a chance to talk to wei Jiang.

trapped in a room only nine feet wide, Yu Lian Yunsheng was helpless and surrounded by \"people.\"

the two blessed incarnations faced him and looked at the wretched wei Jiang with evil eyes.

before wei Jiang spoke, Yu Lianyun answered first. \"I don't know why I see you and why I'm obsessed with blessings, but in the end, it's all thanks to blessings that I survived this time...\"

wei Jiang looked at Yu Lianyun, who spoke faster than before. he waited a long time for the other person to finish speaking, and then said: \"Um...Actually, I'd like to say, could you please not let xiao Li and xiao Li know about my presence?\" they're such a team. ”

\"of course, it's your choice.\" Yu Lianyun breathed a sigh of relief.

After saying that, Yu Lianyun, who was sitting on the toilet, looked at wei Jiang and said seriously. ...About blessings. ”For me, you can be very unusual and delicious food. So, to protect you, I will take you to Itai city and meet Limbos after I am discharged from the hospital. ”

“that person who sells blessings?” wei Jiang was confused and a little unfortable.

Judging by the oute of this strange incident.

Sort in the order of Strength, Abilities, blessings > Flesh Flower God > three-handed Ice Giant.

And the mysterious shopkeeper, whom Yu Lianyun has never met, seems to be a blessing. So how terrifying is boss Lin's true identity?

Volume 1 synopsis

the first volume of the story, “blessings,” is over 65,000 words long.

According to my plan, each story unit will be one volume of varying length.

Actually, the content of the main story was originally about 10,000 characters long, but in order to express the image of \"Yu Lian Yun\", which is the main viewpoint object of this unit, in a more multifaceted manner, an original branch line was added and it became \"blessing\". there is. I added a little more expression to the oriental mystery, but the branching story was off the mark, so I revised the plot. After further consideration, the branch history has been removed.

to summarize at the end of the book, I will not talk about the content of the story, but only the Easter eggs.

As mentioned in the introduction, the main theme of this book is the conflict between Eastern mystery and limited power.

As you know, touhou mystery is mysterious, and the Ke series is supposed to be at the level of science fiction, so basically every volume will feature at least one touhou mystery power and Ke series power unit.

the mysterious power from the East that appears in the main story is a curse called \"blessing.\" the medium of power is videotape. the prototype of the image is, of course, Sadako's younger sister. however, the two are not the same type and have different origins.

there are three main types of powers that appear in this game. the first is definitely the corpse of a woman in a red wedding dress. this story is inspired by the popular conventions of chinese horror and the film \"the Unidentified woman's corpse\". then there are the three-armed ice giants, an extradimensional race of life that exists in another dimension and is extremely aggressive in the real dimension. It is characterized by very thick arms on the ridge of its back. the other is another god worshiped by the three-handed ice giant, another being of the Great dimension. , the incarnation shown on Earth is the Flower of the other Side, consisting of countless tendrils of flesh and blood.

plus, there are some small Easter eggs. the two customers currently appearing in boss Lin's store are Yu Lianyun, the main character of this unit's story, and haimofen.

what happened to high morphen can only be told in a few words. those familiar with Luo Lao's history should be able to guess which story from the famous cthulhu series I'm paying homage to, and which two stories he borrowed from boss Lin one after the other. I think anyone can guess what the prototype is. As long as they dabbled in horror-themed movies.

Finally, a game that summarizes the story of this volume:

oriental mystery VS power constraints.

mysterious touhou won and was temporarily deducted one point.

people...just lie down and that's it.

twenty Seven Single men (2-in1)

on Lihuang National highway today, a dark-skinned, dry-skinned man was squatting in a temporary parking lot eating lunch. As he devoured his food, he watched the cars passing by. his yellow, cracked fingers guarded the crumbs that fell into his mouth. Sometimes he stops chewing and pours the crumbs into his mouth. , the pieces that fell on my clothes licked my finger again, pierced it, and sucked it into my mouth without letting go.

After eating half the food, he choked. the man hurriedly retrieved a bottle of water from a nearby old motorcycle, and Gudugudu slowly drank it. he didn't go too fast because he was afraid of wasting water.

At that moment, misfortune befell the man. A black and white law enforcement vehicle drove by and stopped next to him, blaring a loud police bell.

two police officers, one older and one younger, got out of their car and approached the man.

the older police officer approached the shy man with some apprehension. he glanced at the old bike, not in a hurry to speak.

At first glance, this is a bike that does not pass vehicle inspection and must be used on public roads. Loess and mud are almost everywhere on the bike. Luggage is tied to a box. there are some flags on the left and right sides of the front of the car and in the trunk. the flag is clean and brand new. ...Seeing this, the experienced former law enforcement officer immediately understood something, and his eyes looked at the man with a slightly more plex and sympathetic look.

Just as the young police officer was about to say something to the man, an older police officer raised his hand to interrupt him. then he seriously stepped forward and said to the man, ``Sir, you can't stop or take a break for no reason here. You have to go to the gas station to buy food.'' yeah.\"

the man shyly shook his head and said with a dry smile. \"Sorry, my bike ran out of gas. I got a little hypoglycemic while pushing, so I stopped to get something to eat.\"

``what's your name? please show me your Id and motorcycle license.'' the senior police officer's face remained unchanged, showing no emotion. Like a stern, fair-skinned statue, he held out his white gloves.

After nodding several times and saying yes, the man turned around, rummaged through his luggage, pulled out two documents from an outer zippered bag, and handed them to the other person.

After receiving the certificate, the older police officer asked the younger police officer to check the certificate using the authentication machine he was holding and check it against the man's identity. After confirming it was correct, a senior law enforcement officer returned the certificate and an unfrozen sign appeared on his face. Express emotions such as: “where is Li Jiahong going?”

\"I'm going to Itai city,\" Li Jiahong said frankly.

\"what are you doing here?\"

“Find someone, find a master.” Li Jiahong was as frank as ever.

when the two police officers heard this, they fell silent. the young police officer pointed to the missing person's picture on the flag and said, \"what are you asking my master? can I ask you to help me search?\"

Li Jiahong smiled brightly, showing two rows of yellow teeth under her lips. he nodded and said, \"Yes, he said he had something that could help us find them.\"

while speaking, Li Jiahong suddenly realized and quickly added another word. I'm lying. others do nothing for his reputation. ”. ”

when the police officers heard this, their expressions became even more grim.

Li Jiahong felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere. he scratched his head and looked a little worried, but he was reluctant to talk and didn't know how to explain it.

``I can't ride the bike anymore. It's old. Just leave it on the side of the road and someone will tow it, take the luggage, and ride the bike.'' but in the end, the former police officer said, did nothing about the matter. he didn't make any judgments, just spoke matter-of-factly.

Li Jiahong was stunned for a moment. he obediently followed the instructions and unloaded his luggage from the bike. Finally, he picked up the four flags and the missing person notice and said, \"rade, would you... please take me to the police station?\"

\"No, I'll give you a ride when you get off the highway in Itai city,\" the former law enforcement officer said calmly as he got into his car.

hearing this, Li Jiahong's eyes became agitated, and he bowed seriously to the two policemen, stroked his clothes, and carefully got into the car with his luggage and flag.

In the car, the two law enforcement officers exchanged further words with Li Jiahong. Li Jiahong answered all questions honestly and without hesitation. the atmosphere, which was originally a bit reserved, gradually became more peaceful.

At the agreed final spot, Li Jiahong got out of the car and bowed deeply to the two law enforcement officers again. then he carried his baggage, hoisted his flag and moved on.

\"master, can you recover from this situation?\" during the U-turn, the young police officer looked at his bent back in the rearview mirror and couldn't help but ask.

the older police officer let out a quiet sigh and slowly uttered the word \"difficult.\"

\"Is it worth it?\" the young law enforcement officer wondered.

\"For someone like him, the moment he decides to go on a journey to find someone, he stops thinking about value. It's pletely a matter of will.\"

\"...damn, this master must be a liar. what a despicable trick! he can't believe he defrauds even the poorest of money!\"

\"It's hard to say.\" hearing the young lawman's sense of justice, the older lawman shook his head. \"burning incense and worshiping buddha are all for peace of mind, and they are also legal. do you think mr. Li didn't want to do that? do you?\" have you ever met a liar? Is there? he no longer cares whether he will be deceived or not, he just bets on a glimmer of hope. ”

hearing this, the young law enforcement officer couldn't help but sigh.

At 8:23 p.m., Li Jiahong finally arrived at Yonghu town, Litai city. Seeing that it was getting late, he found a cheap hotel to stay in temporarily and went to find the owner the next day.

After putting it down and bowing, I went to a nearby soba restaurant, ordered sumashi noodles, and ate them deliciously. Garnishes included chopped green onions, thin garlic, and chili peppers, soup with hot water, and large noodles with hand-pulled noodles. fish and meat.

``we're closed, brother. today, we have some vegetables that a customer returned. do you want to eat them? If you don't want to eat them, throw them away.'' the noodle shop owner was cleaning the noodle shop and had a big stomach. , had a plate of hot and oily food. he asked, the stir-fried vegetables and meat ing out.

Li Jiahong was stunned for a moment, but without thinking about it, he directly agreed: \"okay, okay, thank you, thank you...\"

the noodle shop owner smiled obediently, placed the vegetables in front of Li Jiahong, then turned and returned to the kitchen to continue packing. but what he didn't know was that after he returned, Li Jiahong took a notebook on his arm and wrote it to him. the noodle shop's address and name were recorded, with two police numbers above the line. two police officers helped him in the morning.

this notebook is thick, with almost three-quarters of the pages used. written there are the names of people and places that Li Jiahong felt grateful for and missed while searching for his family.

\"According to the latest reports, relief efforts for the magnitude 6 earthquake that occurred in tianfu city are still continuing...\" After writing the file, Li Jiahong continued to eat noodles happily. when he heard the most disturbing news in china in recent days, he couldn't help but look up at the tV hanging in the corner of the store. when he saw the words ``xx person missing'' in the subtitles of a news program, a look of sadness appeared in his eyes.

the owner of the noodle shop was lying in front of the serving window, looking at news photos, and said with deep emotion: work. \"

As soon as Li Jiahong finished speaking, he said with a serious expression: \"boss, the noodles you make are delicious, and the vegetables are delicious too. You have great technology, so your business will definitely improve!\"

the owner of the soba shop was surprised for a moment, then laughed out loud, scratched his face in embarrassment, and said: barely enough to feed a family.

Li Jiahong gave a thumbs up and said, \"It's really delicious. Your noodle shop will definitely bee popular.\"

the soba restaurant owner smiled and nodded.

before I knew it, the tV news had changed to the next news.

the beautiful and dignified female presenter smiled in front of the camera and said, ``Good news. heimofen, a famous and talented musician and the greatest violinist of this century, who has been silent for a long time, has finally appeared in the munity. posted online, to express his silence over the last few years, he is currently working on a new masterpiece, which will be released soon... the audience will be happy to hear that he once again brings a perfect musical feast I'm waiting for you. ”

“Ah, high morphen is finally ing back.” Li Jiahong couldn’t help but sigh when he saw the news.

when the owner of the soba restaurant heard this, he was a little amused and asked, ``do you also listen to this kind of classical music?''

Li Jiahong showed traces of recollection and said, ``when my wife was pregnant, I heard that during prenatal education, playing beautiful music to a child who was still in the womb was good for the child's growth and development.'' he said with a smile. our prenatal teacher remended heimofen's music to us, and we were very moved. As a result, a very healthy child was born. ”

hearing Li Jiahong's words, the noodle shop owner couldn't help but look at the other party again. he looked carefully at the face, exposed to the wind and sun, a little earthier than a peasant worker ing out of the field. he realized that he could not find anyone else as wealthy as he was. Seeing the traces, I momentarily felt a little sympathetic toward this unknown guest.

At this time, this customer, who was showing a certain sense of happiness and reminiscence, wondered what kind of hardships he encountered after that, and how he wandered here and became what he is now. I didn't know what it was.

Is he a gambler?

did something happen to your family?


the noodle shop owner couldn't help thinking like this, but he couldn't bear to think of Li Jiahong in a negative way. because Li Jiahong had sincere eyes and really liked the sincerity of his customers. many.

It wasn't until the next day that the noodle shop owner finally understood why his customers had fallen into such a dire situation.

Li Jiahong came to the noodle shop just like last night and ordered qingtang noodles. only this time, he's also carrying a briefcase containing several missing person notices. two of the missing person notifications involved children. , there is a child who looks very similar to Li Jiahong.

Li Jiahong smiled happily as she recalled the children she spoke to yesterday.

the owner of a noodle shop felt that his mind was like a dishwashing sponge. No matter how fast I hurried, the bitter waters were still there.

Is it because the child lost?

Eating white noodles is like ending today's brunch. Li Jiahong set out on a journey again. he will find the master who poured water on tieva. there is a little hope that he will find this master.

Stepping down the narrow stone steps and walking through the misty forest, Li Jiahong thought about many things.

e to think of it, I didn't think to go to that master at first, and the one who came first wasn't a suspicious master.

It all started 15 years ago. he once had a happy and warm family. he was born into the middle class and had a good position and career. he had a decent and ideal job. he also found a patible wife with a beautiful temperament. he and his wife treat each other with respect and love... and soon news of a child will arrive.

the whole family is very happy and waiting for the arrival of children.

the child was born without any problems. he was a strong child who never had any illness. he and his wife cherished their son and took great care of him.

Unexpectedly, bad news arrived on the child's third birthday.

A woman suffered an accident by falling from a height. he fell into a vegetative state and fell into a deep a. After that, her 3-year-old son also went missing.

Li Jiahong could not understand why someone would harm his family and wife and take away his children.

After feeling depressed for a while, Li Jiahong made a big decision. he wanted to find his children. he entrusted all his savings to elderly people on both sides and asked them to care for his unconscious wife. Follow the path of finding orphans until you get your child back.

however, 15 years have passed since this research.

he doesn't see hope, but there is hope in his heart. In the process, he ends up not only looking for his own child, but also helping others find theirs. when he first saw someone else's child found, he became very interested in finding his own child. my confidence has also increased a little.

If someone else's child can get one, why can't I get one?

And in the 15th year, Li Jiahong received the good news that his wife had woken up.

he did not stop visiting and returned to the hospital, wanting to ask for the truth, for which even law enforcement officers could not find any clues.

however, when he saw his wife again and saw her current state, he burst into tears and cried hysterically. there was a sense of remorse and despair in her cries that made him unfortable.

he had a private conversation with his wife, and in that chaotic and emotional speech, he finally found out what had happened that year. It was a breathtakingly insane and hopeless truth.

when my wife said, ``the child wasn't taken by human traffickers, but by a normal animal called a puffer fish,'' my wife felt a bit crazy, thinking I was crazy.

In his wife's confession, he learned that she was not as well-behaved as he thought, or that she was not necessarily a well-educated person. he also acted recklessly in his youth, and in college he had chance encounters with friends and classmates. he joined a mysterious coven and performed blasphemous and taboo rituals with its members. It turns out that it was this ritual that caused the disaster 15 years ago...

hearing the strange and mysterious truth, Li Jiahong was confused and despaired as he felt that he could not see the light even at a glance.

I can't seem to find the child, because the child is not in this dimension at all...

28 pens (2-in-1)

After learning the cruel and hopeless truth, Li Jiahong was stunned for a long time, but when he came to his senses, he did not harshly criticize his wife. he has been locked away in a vegetative state for 15 years, and his recurring nightmares have already paid him back for the crimes he mitted when he was young and frivolous. error

Also, how could an ordinary person living in a time of peace expect that so-called mysterious rituals were real?

Ignorant people are not innocent, but they should be.

Li Jiahong forted his wife and asked her to undergo rehabilitation treatment at a hospital in the city. Fifteen years have robbed my wife of her health and beauty. without treatment for years, she won't be able to get out of bed, walk, or lead a normal life. .

And even if hope is slim, he will continue to search for his child.

So Li Jiahong started researching the university club to which his wife belonged at the time. his 15 years of experience searching for orphans was not in vain. At the very least, it gave him a very keen ability to take in information and a great ability to research it. Although he is depressed now, he used to get top grades at a prestigious school, so he is not bad at thinking.

After doing some research, Li Jiahong discovered that the university club his wife belonged to had long been disbanded. when he visited former members of his wife's club, he was shocked to learn that almost without exception, the members who participated in the mysterious ritual were members of his wife's club at the time. the same \"accident\" happened, but everyone died except for the wife.

After paring the accident victims, Li Jiahong found that these people had many things in mon.

one, I participated in this year's mysterious ritual.

Second, all of these people got married and had children, and then they had accidents when their children were three years old.

third, something happens that both adults and children miss.

Looking at the three summarized information, Li Jiahong reflected deeply and came up with three basic questions from these three important points.

what was this mysterious ritual?

If this ritual really summons an unknown mystical creature, why does this thing called a puffer fish act only when the child is three years old?

why kill adults if you just want to take away children?

Li Jiahong was very surprised. he researched on the internet, returned to his alma mater to read the library's secret collections, and even visited famous professors. he only found the origin of the animal named \"hoogu\".

According to various classical fragmentary records and oral traditions, blowfish are vile creatures that live in another dimension. No one has ever seen him in his entirety. All they know is that he probably resembles some kind of rat-man. they seem to take pleasure in nurturing the genes of all living things and bringing those genes back to their nests.

No one knows where they came from or why they raised their children.

If Li Jiahong wants to find the child, he must find a way to find Fugu, but it is not easy. At a loss, xun Gu accidentally discovers a strange \"water character\" from a missing person's post on an online bulletin board. friend\".

this netizen's online name appears to be based on his own name. that's a little ridiculous. to be more precise, it is called \"Ling Ling's magic house.\" the other person left a message under the post of such a serious missing person, and the content appears to be a request for help. however, it seems that he is actually promoting his own store.

Initially, Li Jiahong also felt that this water friend was a liar, and his deception was very professional.

but then, as I was browsing other posts on the forum to gather clues, I kept ing across \"Ling Ling's magical house\" in other posts.

what's interesting is that this netizen's ments are different every time he posts, and he patiently discusses with other netizens. It is clear that other netizens did not use machines to send mass messages, but rather typed them with their own hands. this time, he also angered Li Jiahong. I was a little impressed and thought that even if the other person was a liar, at least he proved to be a very persistent and patient person.

Until the day before, Li Jiahong saw Linlin again in the sinking pillar. the difference is that Linlin did not discuss the distance with netizens this time, but received a message of \"depression\". thanks to the \"Yun\" water friend, the response time was not too long, just a few days before the date. .

It's confusing to know what \"Gloomy cloud\" wants to thank the other person for, but this kind of response is genuine enough. At least these two people must know each other offline.

Li Jiahong couldn't help but be surprised by this. he doesn't think this is a broadcast because the odds are too low. After all, scammers don't intentionally choose these unpopular posts to show you. If he wasn't intentionally asking for information for the sake of information, this post probably wouldn't be found.

Li Jiahong couldn't help but rewatch \"Ling Ling's magic house,\" so he decided to give it a try, so he went back to the missing person notification post where he first saw Ling Ling and posted it there. . the floor where the opponent was. Ask, \"how can I find someone?\"

After receiving the news, Li Jiahong felt that his actions were a little foolish. he was always unlikely to believe such things, but now he spends a lot of time each day in online forums and actually believes people who are suspected of being liars. Netizens.

It was really a little crazy looking for kids.

however, within minutes, Li Jiahong received a reply from \"Lin Ling's magic house\". Just seeing the message made his heart almost jump out of his throat.

Ling Ling's magic house: Rent some here. If you are looking for a child, these costs will cost you 50 per day.

\"Are you looking for a child? how did you know I was looking for a child? I have never used this account to post anything about looking for a child on this forum.\" Li Jiahong was very confused. It seemed like he was momentarily frightened by the children hiding in the darkness. his eyes were fixed on her, but when he looked back, he saw that he was in a dimly lit internet cafe, an ordinary and poor environment.

A feeling of tension and panic arose in his heart, and he did not have the courage to connect to this forum again for several days. he was worried that he would not be able to log into this forum again, fearing that all the messages he saw when he logged in were replies from \"LingLing's magical wonderful house.\" the other person talks about themselves in detail.

however, after a few days passed and I calmed down, I logged back into my forum account and found that I had not heard from \"LingLing's magical wonderful house\" at all.

After receiving this result, I had some mixed feelings for some reason.

After thinking about it, he decided to ask the other person a question. “teacher, what are you talking about?”

Linlin did not directly answer the question in this post. Instead, he privately messaged her the address and told her that if she was sincere, she should e to the address and find her.

After receiving the address, Li Jiahong tried to search for the address on maps Navigation, but found that the navigation had no record of this address at all.

So Li Jiahong decided to go there directly to find Ling Ling's magical house.

of course, he was 100% honest about having kids.

Li Jiahong stood in front of a small house in the forest surrounded by locust trees, looking at the two faces that were negatively affected by the mahogany door. he calmly knocked on the door and, with permission from the person inside, pushed it open.

the lights in the house were bright, and it wasn't until I stood inside that I realized that the house wasn't actually small, but rather spacious. Rows of shelves were lined with all sorts of unusual objects. these objects seem to have no particular order or price. Attach the label.

cthulhu's body can twist and expand. Even a god of noble weapons, like Regis the defiler, was not safe from the body of an evil god.

After being defeated by the evil god dagon, the wise demon slayer immediately lost his ability to fight as the god of demon weapons was swallowed and dissolved into cthulhu's flesh and blood. I said I don't want to continue. however, concerns remain about quality.

If lightning and thunder were the force of the past, the force of animals in this world today is chaos.

however, the real evil god, the temple that summons the evil god, is eternal.

trion's ghost weapon god continued to use magical power, and the water god transformed by magical power tore into its body and carved a path for itself. with his unique ability to change divine bodies, trion's magical power was not pletely lost, and an impossible part of him appeared in his flesh. tion turns into a sword beam and stabs him.

the next place is no longer a pile of meat, but one that is beginning to take on the characteristics of civilization.

It looks like an ancient kingdom, but if you look closely, you will see that the symbol of this civilization es from blood and flesh, and the buildings are not civilization, but blood and flesh. Like the buildings of civilization, they are made of flesh and blood.

trion saw the place and knew that it was the body of a god, but he never expected the situation to be so special, to see such a place with such a body. A big animal.

If the flesh and blood around him were not accepted as the divine body of cthulhu, tryon would have thought he had traveled to another dimension.

but a negative atmosphere, an aura not unlike cthulhu's \"will of God\" prevails here as well, and tryon does not understand it.