读趣网 > 玄幻魔法 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第1章 黎亚历纪
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the Library of hell: As Laresia begins the Library of hell, you're still hiding there in the middle of nowhere. Aron joined that hunch, scientists eager to join the hunch ug would make secrets more accurate.tanum ug Animals: Leishia's clans use a bination of nocturnal equinox ug to stimulate kapelirohan. And it's actually getting rid of the players, and it's getting rid of the insects that are ghost-shaped by the fetuses that are surfing on the seabed, and it's getting rid of the future.the Immortal Spirit: R'lyehxia went away without even stopping sneezing ropes in the woods. Good, the girl did. the fishery-based villagers, you know, you're a fairy goddess and you're throwing seahorses as far as cthulhu's grasses go.Even the latest enclave celebration, it doesn't make any sense that you're even delusional about secrets. If we were to sneeze in the middle of nowhere, laughter would end up in the ocean in the sky. \"the Enclave\" is a fairy tale you've been smoking in hell, and it's been drinking so much in fiction that I can't even touch you so much.the screaming at the maelstrom Enclave is going to blow. In terms of reference, the unified worm is going to mean that ocean lives are going to fall into laughter in recent times, the key mistakes are going to fall into just a few rainforests, a little bit of pliments.In the chronicles of the maelstrom Enclave, you're a supernatural series, the first chapter of william thurston. You've forgotten about the edges of the neighborhood, about the edges of the night when you can't find anything to match the edges of the neighborhood.Ambassador curioso, williams is on a trip to maelstrom's talking gym. the sky is filled with humour a little bit, the sky is filled with eleven degrees of humour and even brighter celestial holes, including the stars are filled with constellations that are ridiculous.he sounded like he's got stories ing up on you in the bush next to the yellow one called Vivhi Forest. It's because the leaves are bitter, the secrets of the wooden walkway, the structure of the teeth is supposed to cover the leakage of a dug lung on the porch.on the other hand, thurston es along and he's hungry and he's choking on the trees with the copies of the oak. You're like a plant. their old worm brings you together, even if you're really old, because it's not funny, because they bring you messages that help you, even if it's true.when our oil helped the others, the trees grew alive. wele to thurston. Against the helmet of the billionaire chaos, he burst his bluff in tone at once.

A cabin in the forest that doesn't exist on the map

Yu Lianyun was walking along the coastal road in Yonghu town, Itai city, her head bowed, her hands folded on her chest, and a thick three-layer cotton jacket between her legs as she walked silently.

It was a summer dog day, and many tourists who had e to the coastal cities to escape the heat came to this tourist city in Itai. It was difficult for tourists ing and going from the beach not to notice the strange woman.

Even in this summer climate, some people choose to dress as if they are wearing winter clothes. without mental illness or videotaping, it would be difficult to justify such a sensational act.

however, all the tourists who passed by this woman frowned. Some of them expressed similar eerie feelings after running back to their panions.

\"Is it a psychological effect or something? whenever I stand next to this crazy person, I feel numb. I feel cold to the core.\"

``I saw someone spewing out white steam just now, but isn't this a sight that can only be seen in winter?''

Yu Lianyun ignored everyone and continued forward with her eyes closed until she reached the end of the coastal road.

the noisy sound in his ears gradually died down, but when he could no longer hear people's voices and the environment became quiet, another sound began to increase in intensity, bringing more sounds at the same time, which made him feel relieved. did not. An inexplicably low, soul-piercing temperature.

“Sun…I have to find this store before the sun sets.” Yu Lianyun stared at the sun at noon, as if it had dawned, panic flashed in his eyes.

After crossing the coast road and crossing two roads, we arrived at the bottom of the hill, in front of a narrow stone staircase. I then put my phone and navigation on it. Since there was no record of my return, I had no guidance as to where I wanted to go.

they could only piece together a general location based on information gleaned from netizen ments on the Internet, and then use only the most primitive methods of finding it: using their eyes and imagination.

the stone steps have no hand guards and are narrow. when Yu Lian Yunruo tries to climb the stone steps, only half of his foot can walk up the stone steps with each step. It was so dangerous that he had to climb the mountain sideways. Like a worker, a clumsy teddy bear had to hold on to his clothes to keep his balance.

the height of the stone steps is only about 10 meters, but after climbing the stone steps, Yu Lianyun felt that he had used up most of his energy for today, but he did not have time to stop and rest. he revisited what he had written and memorized it. the guide quietly recited, ``walk 66 steps down the gravel road in the middle, reach the corner, turn left again and continue walking 44 steps, and you will see a small house that bines chinese and western styles.''

he followed the guide along the gravel road. he started counting his steps in his head. he first walked 66 steps straight, then turned left and walked 44 steps straight. when I looked up again, the view of the forest had pletely changed.

Not far away I saw a large grasshopper tree growing inside the house, bright and shadowy. In front of the house, eight ghostly willows with twisted branches were planted firmly on the edge of a cold pond. Each willow tree's bark resembled human skin. they were all torn apart, revealing

their \"sad faces\", as if countless souls who had died an unjust death were tied to the willow tree.

Yu Lianyun’s legs and feet trembled, and her teeth chattered. he was truly afraid that such a simple and majestic castle was hidden deep in the mountains and forests. And when I saw a rustic store sign that was mon in the 2000s placed in front of the mansion. After that, he could no longer doubt the correctness of his journey.

the red tape on the store's signboard had colorful words written on it, including ``LingLing's wonderful house,'' ``10% for fakes,'' ``Invalid Refund,'' and ``medicine cures diseases.'' Neon special effects available only in the room look very casual.

Is this a haunted house? Is it a doll house? or is it the exorcist he's looking for? why does it look like a cheat store?

but now he has reached his destination and there is no way out.

As the saying goes, you have to e and see it no matter what.

As we approached, two menacing fanged figures, one red and one green, appeared eerily painted on the mahogany door. An \"open\" sign was hung on the door handle, indicating that customers should press the door. Liang Yun did as he was told and entered the store.

Entering the old house paved with gray bricks, Yu Lianyun's eyes were shocked by the crowded shelves in front of her. It felt as if I had entered a well-stocked library, but the bookshelves were lined with more than just books. there is also an assortment of all kinds: , books, antiques, modern household appliances, church secrets and ordinary everyday items...

there seems to be no logic in the placement of objects. Valuables such as antiques and cultural relics can be juxtaposed with modern defective items, or biological objects resembling specimens can be juxtaposed with modern industrial dolls. , the exhibition model is a plete mystery.

but strangely, Yu Lianyun feels that there is no problem with the placement of these things. because they all seem to have something in mon that cannot be explained. It is this rare monality that makes them seem so harmonious.

wearing fluffy clothes, Yu Lianyun carefully walked through the aisles between the narrow shelves, browsing the strange products on the shelves in front and behind her, and looking for the store owner. he thought this at the same time. A strange thought occurred to him: ``Are these all the magical exorcism tools in this store?''

After finally reaching the shelf, Yu Lianyun, tired from walking for so long, took a deep breath and rested on the ground, hugging her knees.

``ma'am, if you are so tired, why don't you sit down and rest?'' A clear, gentle voice suddenly broke the silence in the store.

Yu Lianyun looked up from the sound, saw a young man around 17 or 18 years old sitting in front of a coffee table not far away, and smiled at him. the other person has a delicate voice and an elegant posture. It's like a beautiful yet strange wax figure, deeply embedded in this strange shop. It is almost difficult for people to notice someone before they speak.

there is a shrine behind the young man. the two white candles lit on either side of the shrine are not the usual red candles. A halo of candles shines behind the young man, as if two watchful golden eyes are watching him. Yu Lianyun can’t help but hold his breath unconsciously.

In the past few days, he had e across too many essential things. At this moment, Yu Lianyun's heartbeat couldn't help but accelerate, and she felt an inexplicable fear.

but...this kind of fear seems pletely different from the terrifying events he's experienced recently.

Suddenly, a strange voice was heard from behind the young man, and a black figure jumped out of the darkness beyond the reach of candlelight and stood on top of the shrine. out of nowhere, it turned into a black cat with an unusual thickness. If you don't see a cat, you won't know what kind of cat it is.

the cat is probably beautiful, but people don't dare think so. there is a little darkness in the golden cat's eyes, and a spiritual sparkle flows in its intelligent eyes.

Someone says that cats have psychic powers. A cat has nine lives. pared to dogs, dogs have a more independent personality. As cats get older, they begin to exhibit more human-like emotions. this is how this cat made him feel. .

the black cat stood on the eucalyptus stand and wagged its tail. he reportedly handed over a statue of a decapitated official in military uniform and a statue of a Zen monk draped in blood-yellow cloth. he looked at him, looked back indifferently, and slowly backed away. In the darkness, he slowly closed his glowing golden eyes.

At this time, Urien finally realized that there was no main deity carved in this shrine, only two guardian statues with broken limbs on the left and right, and there were no so-called offerings.

that's funny!

why is there a special shrine inside the store if it doesn't enshrine a god? If they worship God, why are they treated with such contempt?

Yu Lianyun felt that the store was unusual, just like the products inside.

hearing the young man's words, Yu Lianyun only thought that the young man was an employee of the store. he shook his head and asked, \"Isn't the boss here?\"

the young man lowered his eyebrows, straightened his eyebrows, looked a little disappointed, and said, \"my name is Linlin, boss.\"

only then did Yu Lianyun realize that he had misunderstood, and immediately apologized.

``drink some tea and rest. You must have sweated a lot.'' Ling Ling smiled gently. It gave off a faint scent, the kind of fireworks Yu Lianyun had only smelled in taoist and buddhist temples. Although they burn incense, Yu Lianyun has never seen an incense burner in the house. the smell seemed to e from inside the young man's body.

Yu Lianyun wanted to refuse, but when she remembered that the young man had said that he was sweating, she couldn't help but be surprised. only then did I understand why my body had bee so heavy. the strange illness that had been plaguing him lately wasn't getting any worse. however, his sweat soaked his thick cotton clothing, making it heavy and \"mushy\" and extremely unfortable to wear.

“No way…” Yu Lianyun muttered to herself. confusion did not deepen his despair, but rather gradually revealed a bright light in his eyes.

She took off her coat and cotton hat, revealing her curves and a slightly shy but gentle face.

Yu Lianyun, who had regained a sense of normalcy in his body, seemed to have grasped the straw that would save his life. he bowed deeply to the young man and begged him, ``president, no, sir, please help me.''

Ling Ling's smile was as calm as before, and she said, ``If you have something to do, please sit down and have some tea first and talk quietly.''

Yu Lianyun no longer had the courage to refuse and sat respectfully opposite Ling Ling. he took a sip of the fragrant tea and said it was delicious. he drank from a hot mug and told his story. It was an excruciating experience.

Yu Lianyun said that something terrible happened half a month ago. Even now, those memories are like nightmares. Every time I close my eyes, I can remember this experience in every detail.

In line with the background of world unification and large-scale integration of the world's nationalities, Yu Lianyun, who graduated from one of the world's top 50 medical universities, became a legal doctor. together with his father, who has been in the industry for many years, he opened a private anatomy clinic in Jian'an city. position.

It is likely that their families have been afternoon workers and coroners for generations. they have great traditions, exquisite craftsmanship, and outstanding abilities. their skills help local police solve many serious crimes, making them one of the few resources available locally. fame. therefore, whenever a problem arises regarding a body in the local area, law enforcement personnel almost always e to the home for help.

but just half a month ago, Lao chen, an old friend of Jian'an city police team 4, sent him an unidentified body as usual and asked him to help with the autopsy.

Lao chen said that during a recent prisoner arrest operation, a police officer accidentally fell into a sinkhole while chasing prisoners and engaging the enemy. Fortunately, the prisoner fell to his death on the spot. Law Enforcement officer he was safe, but at that moment law enforcement officers made a new discovery at the scene where the prisoner had fallen to his death. It seems that this place was once a place where grand ceremonies were held, but it has been abandoned for a long time.

he managed to make a hidden hole in the place where the prisoner fell and died. It seemed like there was something underneath. when they dig a hole, everyone discovers that a young woman wearing a red wedding dress is buried inside.

the girl's body was visible to the naked eye, and even a layperson could tell how fresh the corpse was, less than two days after her death.

Law enforcement officials believed the girl was from several nearby villages. According to senior police officers who were raised in the area, police officers went to a nearby village because the girl's appearance closely resembled that of local residents. they investigated the village to see if there were any missing people, but later discovered that there had been very few missing people in several villages recently, and even if there were, they did not match the appearance of the dead.

there is no way. to facilitate the subsequent investigation, the unknown girl could be sent to the autopsy only for the first autopsy.

So Yu Lianyun and her father began dissecting the girl.

however, what no one expected at the time was that by dissecting the girl, they would learn a horrifying secret hidden within the girl's body. this secret led him and his father to endless horror and even destruction.

two videotapes filled with blessings

the first step in an autopsy is to examine physical characteristics. the girl appears to have been strangled to death. there are clear strangulation marks on the surface of the neck. In view of the strangulation injuries and the force applied, suicide or hanging cannot be ruled out.

they removed the corpse's red wedding dress and took photos of her entire body. In the process of handling the body, Yu Lianyun and her father were surprised to find that the body, which had been dead for a long time, was unexpectedly soft and elastic, as if it had just died. however, the other person's gray and cloudy eyes indicated that the girl had been dead for at least several days.

because of this, Yu Lianyun and his father started to feel a little unfortable, but they did not think deeply and did not intend to continue their work.

According to information sent by the police, the woman's body had no fingerprints and was not registered in the dNA database. Initially, police were unable to find the identity of the woman's body in the world population database. to confirm again, Yu Lianyun checked again. An examination of the unidentified girl's 10 fingers revealed that the surfaces of the threads on the 10 fingers of the deceased had been severely cut before she was alive.

when I went to check her toes, I was shocked to find that the girl actually had her feet bound and all 10 toes had been brutally shaved just like 10. I received it.

From this it is not difficult to infer that the girl was baptized from an early age by a very backward dogmatist and was brutally abused shortly before her death. In the end, he died of direct suffocation.

As they analyzed the unknown girl's body more deeply, Yu Lianyun and her father gradually saw more and more mysterious phenomena in the girl.

the girl's gastrointestinal tract was extremely clean, as if she had not eaten for a long time and had undergone a thorough gastric lavage before her death. therefore, Yu Lianyun found a clean jade pendant with some clean intestine fragments in it. It's obvious that the skin and meat are separated and loosened.

tests revealed that the pieces of skin and flesh were not separate pieces, but the surface of the girl's severed fingers and toes. the girl, with black hair and hanging from a string, swallowed.

what kind of demon could do such a horrible thing to a young woman? both Yu Lianyun and his father thought so at the time.

If you look closely at the jade pendant, you can see that it has some kind of magic circle drawn on it. the red cord under the jade pendant is connected by two wooden plank strings. one wooden tag says ``Jin xiu,'' and the other one says ``wang Zhongming.''

After seeing a pair of wooden signs, Yu Lianyun immediately remembered where the girl in the red wedding dress she wore when she \"just arrived here\" had appeared, and immediately made a bold guess. did.

behind the scenes battle!

before giving this answer to her father, Yu Lianyun noticed that her father was staring at the corpse in shock.

he looked down, following his father's gaze. the beautiful sight in front of me was terrifying! the nameless girl whose skin was accidentally injured by them eventually put on her red wedding dress again. when Yu Lianyun opened the hem of the dress to check, he found that the abdomen, which had been cut open, was now smooth and fair-skinned, as if he and his father had dissected a woman's corpse. It was as if it wasn't there.

At this moment, Yu Lianyun and her father felt their scalps go numb. without saying a word, they dropped the dissecting tools in their hands, turned around, and tried to run from the room.

but it was already too late.

Suddenly, the lights in the autopsy room flashed on and off, and singing and crying could be heard ing from everywhere. they went full circle. the scene in the entire dissection room suddenly became a pure white, spotless, normal scene, and then became a normal scene, with flesh and blood everywhere, and unknown granulations appeared from each room. It crawled out of the cracks and began to grow steadily...

Yu Lianyun and his father tried hard to survive in the strange and crazy environment, but within a minute, Yu Lianyun fell into a field of red meat and pletely lost consciousness.

he felt his body bee very cold and his vision froze before his vision went dark. he was as cold as a corpse in a morgue freezer.

he thought it was a nightmare and that when he woke up everything would be the same as before.

however, when Yu Lianyun woke up again, she found herself lying in a hospital bed, and soon learned from her grieving mother that her father had slipped in the hallway three days earlier, slipped into a a and died. It was done. he died from skin-to-skin contact with a woman's corpse in the autopsy room. the scene was still clean and there was no evidence that an autopsy had been performed.

Yu Lianyun was sad, but still retained a trace of reason. the coldness of his body told him that everything that happened in his memory was true. he warned his mother not to approach the body of an unknown woman. , they have to burn the bodies... No, don't go into the building, it's better to burn the entire dissection room!

At this time, Yu Lianyun also felt that he was crazy, but he knew that this was the most rational and insane action.

As soon as the story of the woman's corpse came up, the mother's face became strangely ugly. he hesitated to talk, but in the end I didn't ask him what happened that day. he tells Yu Lianyun that the woman's body has been transferred and asks her not to worry. he then lowered his eyes and said that his father was cremated while he was in a a and that he intended to be buried with him when he was discharged from the hospital.

when Yu Lianyun heard that the woman's body had been transported and her father's body had been hurriedly cremated, she was not happy at all. Instead, he felt shocked and angry.

how was it possible to have my father cremated so quickly?

And it should not be sent out, not transferred, but burned!

destroying it is the right choice!

this woman's corpse will bee humanity's nightmare!

Yu Lianyun's crazy expression at that moment frightened her mother. he left the hospital bed for a while and did not dare to speak. he could only watch helplessly as doctors and nurses came, pushed him onto a hospital bed, and administered sedatives. I calmed down and fell asleep again...

ten days later, Yu Lianyun was discharged from the hospital, but Yu Lianyun knew that day that she would not e out of the shadows. the black cloud of death still hung over his head, the cold mist still eating at his body and corroding his senses.

In order to survive and for the sake of her father who tragically passed away, Yu Lianyun suppressed the fear in her heart after being discharged from the hospital. Even though he knew that the right choice was to give up on fighting this irresistible unknown and enjoy the rest of his short life, he continued his investigation and discovered the body of an unidentified woman.

Unfortunately, there are too few clues about the unknown woman's body, and the mirror pain she has endured is getting worse by the day. the investigation could hardly have progressed on my own.

the only thing he discovered was that the death characteristics of the unknown female's corpse were consistent with a locally lost infernal mating ritual, and that the unknown female's corpse was transported by a mysterious non-law enforcement agency after the accident. that's what it meant.

Yu Lianyun also relies on his family's limited reputation and track record among law enforcement officers, and reluctantly learns from the mander of the 3rd law enforcement team that the mysterious unit that transported the woman's body is called the \"mystery group.\" I learned that it was something. these cases to deal with. Apart from the organizational aspects of the incident, the entire old Year city law enforcement department is really passive and unable to reveal anything else.

After that, Yu Lianyun wanted to continue searching for the location of the \"mysterious group\", but found that it was like looking for a needle in a haystack, with no direction at all.

while continuing to investigate the whereabouts of the \"mysterious group\", Yu Lianyun learned about a strange store in Yonghu town, Itai city on the Internet. there is a real magical exorcism device here, which says that he came here with a glimmer of hope because he was \"very sick\" and his body could not be healed by normal means. Some people said,

After listening to Yu Lianyun speak, Ling Ling silently took a sip. he has no sympathy and doesn't seem to think anything of it. he seemed like a rational listener and just listened to the story from beginning to end. In the end, he never placed himself in any of the characters in the story.

\"boss, can you help me?\" Yu Lianyun said faintly, \"I have no basis, but I feel that I only have three days left to live. I will soon follow in my father's footsteps.\" I had hope.

Ling Ling thought for a while without nodding or refusing. he got up and walked over to the shelf and took the videotape from the cabinet above it.

Seeing Ling Ling's actions, Yu Lianyun's heart beat faster, and her heart was full of ups and downs. he felt that there was hope in what was in Linlin's hands.

Ling Ling handed the videotape to Yu Lianyun with a smile and said, \"please take this home and watch it.\"

“See?” Yu Lianyun was a little confused. he held up the videotape and looked at her. It was pletely black, with no packaging and no markings or engravings to be seen.

but for some reason, Yu Lianyun felt that there was another thrill hidden in the videotape. when he picked her up, her arms were hairy. this slight anomaly made Yu Lianyun believe that there was something strange and mysterious about this videotape. power resides.

``the lease period is 7 days, so please return it within 7 days.'' Linlin said with a smile, the corners of her mouth curled up and her teeth white and clean. \"It's okay if you don't give it back. It can prolong your life anyway.\" Arrived. \"

Yu Lianyun frowned slightly. \"what exactly do we have here?\"

\"It can save your life.\" Linlin smiled warmly, \"Just take it home and take a look.\"

“can I just rent it?”

\"of course not.\"

“then I’ll buy it for you,” Yu Lianyun said after thinking for a while. once the coldness in my body subsided, my brain became calm again, and my thoughts became clear, wondering, ``Is this okay?''

\"of course.\" Linlin answered in the affirmative without hesitation.

``the best way to get rid of difficulties is to face your fears. this is a videotape filled with blessings.'' Linlin gives a black videotape to a customer in front of her who is harassed by an extradimensional force every day. he handed it over and said, ``If it was helpful, don't forget to rate it with five stars.''

the transaction took place on the spot and the goods were cleared. when Yu Lianyun left the store, the mahogany door, which had no self-closing parts, closed by itself.

the woman put on her thick cotton coat again, as if feeling the cold again. I went with rims. the two evil ghost faces above the door suddenly glowed a little, and his four eyes blinked and stared at the faces. desolation is back.

``Is he back?'' Ling Ling asked the black cat as she sat in a rocking chair and stroked the fur on the black cat's back. It seemed like he was talking to himself.

the black cat looked up at Linlin and meowed listlessly.

Ling Ling laughed out loud and said, ``Even though he knew exactly what was on the tape, he still bought it.''

“Actually, you should keep asking,” Ling Ling said with a smile. \"obviously, it happened while he was unconscious, but he didn't seem surprised by his father's death.\"

Evil has three qualities

Linlin has two identities. he is currently the owner of this \"magical house\" and his other identity is that of a psychiatric patient on the run.

don't worry, these guys can't catch him.

because the people at the hospital could never have imagined that missing patient number 8 would escape through time travel.

Linlin, who lost her memory from an early age and grew up mostly in a hospital, once caused a big problem in the hospital. he frequently engaged in acts such as provoking fellow students to self-harm, worsening the condition of patients in various ways, and even tormenting staff. psychological and other behavioral shadows. the hospital had no choice but to keep Ling Ling in a room as she was suffering from a lot of suffering and unbearable pain.

In a private room where no one would tease her, Linlin started thinking about philosophy out of boredom. then one day, he seemed to have an enlightenment and an epiphany. Actually, he remembers a lot from the past. At the same time, I felt like I had formed an indescribable bond with this hut, which was originally in another dimension. It's as if this cabin is deeply connected to his psyche, and he realizes that if he relies on this shop, he can be discharged from the mental hospital at any time.

In this regard, Ling Ling thought at that moment that this strange hut was just like the copy story of \"harry potter and doraemon\" that Lao wangtou told in the next room. he had a golden snitch that could transport people through time and space.

In the end, Linlin, who still has familial feelings towards the psychiatric hospital, decided to leave a letter to all the staff at the psychiatric hospital before she was discharged. Among them is the former hospital director, who frequently suffered heart attacks in fits of rage. And up to the third big tree in the garden. Regarding the ``Red Umbrella mushroom,'' he expressed his reluctance to undergo surgery, and by the way, he left behind a text in which he also mentioned his memories. And he left the mental hospital satisfied, brought this little house full of strange things to the world today, and opened a small shop in a strange place.

what Ling Ling didn't know, of course, was that she almost died of anger after seeing the contents of the letter left behind by her former dean.

\"dear Grandpa dean, I suddenly remembered my past. It seems that I was once a wealthy king with a heart for world peace...\" old dean didn't finish his sentence. I looked at it. when his eyes darkened, he crumpled up the letter in anger and threw it on the ground.

this is Linlin's fourth autobiography to date, and each one is more outrageous than the last.

No one can trust a mentally ill patient who has been diagnosed with severe delusions and certain callous personality disorders...

Now Linlin considers herself a mature boss. In just 3 months after ing to this world, I was able to conclude a total of 3 business negotiations and was a great success!

You see, even the legend of his store began to spread on the Internet.

\"oh, it's afternoon,\" Lingling said as she pulled out a package of spicy strips from the refrigerator, which was stocked with fresh produce every day. plaining that the spicy strips were as tough as beef tendon, he walked towards his office puter and sighed, \"today is another day to improve myself.\"

Ling Ling came to the famous tieva platform to share things related to ghosts and mystery while chewing spicy food that is difficult to chew, looking for the next little white rabbit like Yu Lian Yun.

Immediately, his eyes were glued to the improved missing person notification post. he kept typing on his keyboard, \"Sir, have you ever heard of the magical cabin in the woods?\"

After returning to the hotel room, Yu Lianyun immediately paid the additional fee and asked the hotel service staff to look for an old tape projector.

After setting up the equipment, Yu Lianyun rubbed her frostbitten hands and shivered as she applied black tape to the projector.

“I don’t want to die anymore…” Yu Lianyun muttered. he sincerely hoped that this videotape would bee a treasure that would turn his exhausted life around. he was in a real predicament.

the projector made a different sound and the tV started showing a silent screen.

At the beginning, a 4 second countdown was displayed on the screen. As the countdown progresses, a blink appears on the screen, as if the countdown was reflected in a mysterious eye. Yu Lianyun suddenly felt that the screen was looking at him.

the countdown has ended, and the main event recorded on videotape has officially begun. First, a woman with messy hair appeared wearing a white gauze skirt. She sat in front of the makeup mirror and bed her long, thick hair. most of his long hair covered his entire face. , however, through the action of bing her hair, it is easy to see that this woman has an amazingly beautiful face, revealing a fair face, beautiful cheeks, eyebrows, and charming eyes.

Yu Lianyun couldn't help but feel a little emotional when she saw this amazing scene. he kept looking. the first half of the movie seemed to depict the daily life of this beautiful woman. what was strange was that even though the other person was clearly the main character behind the camera, the woman never had a positive face except for the image reflected in the makeup mirror, which was reflected in the movie \"Life the In\". the same goes for the other characters. A woman in white clothes... the shooting angle of this video is very special, giving people an indescribable sense of voyeurism.

there was a part in the first half of the content that Yu Lianyun paid little attention to. So there was some sort of conflict between the woman and her interaction with one of her neighbors.

whenever a woman goes out, two indifferent figures look out from the door of a nearby house. one is an old man and the other a young man, with similar eyebrows and eyes, as if they were father and son. their faces are still expressionless, but their eyes are filled with dark desire.

they were clearly peeping, but when they felt the woman in white turn their gaze, father and son did not withdraw their eyes or hide, but continued to stare at her with the most eager eyes. . he even had a sick smile on his face.

the woman bowed her head and turned to leave, but at that moment, the landlady of the neighboring house came back from the road at the right moment and gave the woman in a white coat a grim look as she bowed her head and said nothing. , and call the greedy one. Unfortunately, this was a silent video and Yu Lianyun did not know what the people in the video were saying. he could only make a rough guess, but it wasn't pretty anyway.

periodically lost in daily life, this record came and went a total of four times, each time slightly different. the woman in white, who often dressed in front of the mirror, became more and more inpetent and worse, and her silky hair became even more disheveled. the attitude of the hostess next door towards the woman also worsened. From the first oath to physical violence, he pulled out large amounts of women's hair, leaving them with large bald patches.

the content in the second half is seamlessly connected. the woman in white was abused by the mistress of the neighbor's house, and her condition was so bad that she could no longer be called beautiful, but the parents and children next door didn't even look at her. Stop

It's another new day. the woman in white bows her head as usual and starts walking, but stops midway. the next scene is static for 10 seconds. however, if you look closely, you will find that there are actually subtle changes in the environment. change is not static, but the people in the photo do not move.

the woman was standing on the road near the front door of her house, as if waiting, but her neighbor and her son, who were nearby, followed her, still dressed in white, as if they were waiting for something. I was staring.

As Yu Lianyun was wondering what happened, he suddenly noticed a trail of blood ing from the corner of the t-junction.

Shortly after the scene changes, a woman dressed in white arrives at a corner and discovers the deformed body of her neighbor's hostess trapped under the wheel of a truck. A shining silver knife rolled down from the body.

this seems to be a foreshadowing that the hostess next door was planning to stab the woman in white today, so she crouched down and waited in a corner where the woman in white would pass every day. however, I didn't expect to be accidentally run over by a speeding car today. I was hit by a truck.

the death of a neighbor's mistress was so rare and tragic that Yu Lianyun felt chilled to the core.

this feeling of fear es from the malevolence of human nature. the source is known but difficult to estimate.

Yu Lianyun shivered, but then realized that the body heat she had lost was being restored, and she felt it spread around her. the shaking earlier was a bit of a shock, but I also felt brightness and warmth.

\"this videotape is... useful!\" Yu Lianyun felt both excited and frightened. I watched the video content to the end with conflicting emotions.

then the scene changed, and Yu Lianyun saw a woman dressed in white sitting by the well crying sadly, her delicate body trembling, making people pity her.

Yu Lianyun guessed that the woman in white was mourning the death of her neighbor's mistress. Although he could not stand the domineering spirit of the Virgin, he could not deny the gentleness of the woman in white.

however, in the subsequent scene, Yu Lianyun once again witnessed the malevolence of human nature.

Suddenly, I saw two men, an old man and a young man, jump out of the screen and run up to a woman dressed in white. take a close look at their crazy and ferocious faces. they were a father and son who lived in the neighborhood and always saw a woman dressed in white. they join forces to kill the woman in white. In a panic, a woman dressed in white rushed into a well, and the neighbor's son found a large stone next to the well and threw it into the well.

Even after doing this, the crazy father and son did not stop their perverted acts. Eventually, some stone slabs were found and cement was used to pletely close the well.

when Yu Lianyun saw this, she couldn't help clenching her fists, her breathing started to bee faster, and she felt incredible. he could not understand why father and son had killed the woman in white so brutally. was it revenge for the dead neighbor's mistress?

Immediately after that, the tV screen flashed strangely, and Yu Lianyun vaguely saw two neighbors who had died tragically in the house, a parent and child, and a woman with a twisted torso standing in the middle of the two corpses. saw.

the woman had a deformed face, decorated clothes, and a deformed face, but her eyes, which showed malice towards the world in her hair, still made Yu Lianyun recognize the person in front of her at first glance. I was allowed to. this person killed this person by unknown means. the person facing the father and son was a woman in white who had been tricked by the father and son into falling into the well.

In fact, he returned with hatred and anger.

Yu Lianyun felt her chest tighten, as if an invisible hand was holding her tightly, but the pain in her heart disappeared. he held his chest and insisted we watch the last part of the video. only bai Yi can see it. the woman's eyes became wider and wider, and the traditional chinese numbers in other people's eyes became more and more clear.

there is a clear number written on it, 7!

Four treatments treat symptoms but not the root cause

when Yu Lianyun was wondering about the number \"qi\", his mobile phone suddenly rang, and his heart trembled again. he turned around and saw his cell phone ringing on the bed.

Yu Lianyun took a deep breath and picked up the phone. the screen will display 4 \"unknown calls\" in a row. this unpleasant number seemed to be calling from hell.

After answering the phone, Yu Lianyun hesitated and said, \"hello?\"

there was silence for a while, and Yu Lianyun felt unfortable. Although the cold that attacked his body has temporarily subsided, he seems to have new worries.

what exactly is on this tape? this must not be the blessing that the boss said!

After about 10 seconds, a voice finally came through the phone, and it sounded familiar to him. the voice on the other end of the phone scared him so much that he almost lost his mind.

\"No! No! don't e!!\"

the woman's screams were desperate and tragic, erupting into dry coughs and strangled sobs before the sound died down pletely.

Everything is everything...

when the phone hung up, all the regular sounds became restless in Yu Lianyun's ears, as dirty and confused as his heart.

It's his voice!

the voice on the phone now is his!

when Yu Lianyun experienced death, it seemed as if he heard his own scream in another time and space. he could not only empathize with her, but also imagine his own tragic death.

they must be the same pervert father and son who died in tragic circumstances in the video! And the person who killed him must be the woman in white who was recorded on the videotape.

As a result, Yu Lianyun suddenly understood and finally understood the meaning behind the shopkeeper's strange words.

\"the lease period is 7 days, so please return it within 7 days.\"

\"You don't have to give it back. Either way, the purpose of prolonging life will be achieved.\"

\"the best way to overe difficulties is to face your fears. this is a video full of blessings.\"


So, does the number \"qi\" in the whites of a woman's eyes represent a countdown to her lifespan?

So what is recorded on this videotape is not a blessing, but a curse.

Is the solution to fighting fire with fire and using evil curses to fight extradimensional invasions?

Is extending his lifespan from less than 3 days to 7 days the way to save a dying life?

how crazy is the store owner? ?

Yu Lianyun wanted to scream out loud for a while, but soon accepted the fact of addiction. In fact, if you think about it for 3 to 7 days, you may not have to endure the pain of cold food during this period, which is already a rare blessing. After all, he was faced with powers from another dimension, realms beyond human reach, and problems he could not solve.

If dying at the young age of 29 is his inevitable fate, he should at least be allowed to choose a painless death.

\"wait!\" Yu Lianyun took a deep breath. he suddenly saw a glimmer of hope in her despair and noticed that a bright light was shining in her beautiful eyes. \"If my boss is telling me to return the videotape within 7 days, does that mean he knows how to fix videotape problems? Yes, this is in his store. maybe the boss himself is a powerful exorcist or a demon hunter, and what is on this videotape is inside him. of course you can overe it.”

thinking of this, Yu Lianyun couldn't help but regret and wanted to give himself a big blow. why did he have to be smart in the first place? he should not insist on buying videotapes.

Remembering Ling Ling's strange smile, Yu Lianyun noticed the playfulness in the other's smile. what kind of evil and evil person was this boss, would he still recycle this videotape?

Yu Lianyun took off her clothes. After my body temperature returned to normal, I felt the summer heat and the coldness of the human heart again. he wiped his forehead and removed the tape from the projector, but the moment he picked it up, it stopped moving.

At this moment, Yu Lianyun thought of a new question.

the \"blessing\" on the videotape can resist the extradimensional forces behind the strange woman's body, so she returns the videotape to her current boss and at the same time removes the \"blessing\" on her body. If you are defeated, is your purpose to return the power of another dimension? will it make a eback?


Yu Lianyun’s vision became dark. he seemed to have fallen into a fossil from which he could no longer climb out. the only life-saving rope had been lowered to the bottom, so they could only breathe outside of Rin for a while, lest they suffocate.

``what is an exorcism that only treats the symptoms but not the root cause?'' Yu Lianyun couldn't help but plain, ``A ruthless force from another dimension still haunts me even after watching the video tape.'' who am I to keep staring at you and trying to take your life? From now on, I have to go into debt.'' Go back. do you have surgery with your boss every seven days?”

At that moment, Yu Lianyun's distress was pletely obvious. he decides to go back to look for Ling Ling again and ask her outright.

After changing clothes, Yu Lianyun put down the yellow bag containing the black video tape and got ready to go out. but the tip of my shoe was still three steps away from the bedroom door when I heard a knock on the door.

Yu Lianyun stopped, subconsciously grabbed the shoulder strap of the bag, and asked, “who?”

he taped up the small hole on the inside of the door so he didn't have to worry about outsiders seeing what was going on inside the room.

Someone outside the room said, \"hello, this is room service. we're here to add more shower gel and shampoo to your bathroom.\"

hearing this, Yu Lianyun looked at the bathroom in the room and realized that the shower gel and shampoo in the bathroom were indeed empty and needed to be added. he let his guard down a bit and opened the door to the room, saying, \"okay.\" .

At first, they just opened the crack, but did not remove the door chain that was attached to the door lock. he looked out the door and saw only a smiling waitress standing there with shower gel and shampoo in hand. there is nothing else inside the bottle.

Yu Lianyun felt relieved. he smiled dryly and nodded to the man outside the door. he closed the door, took off the door chain, and opened the door again.

but what Yu Lianyun didn't expect was when this cool and sophisticated man came into the room and plained, what kind of hotel could train such an elegant man? heard a man's voice from behind him. At the same time, I felt dizzy. In the blink of an eye, two men wearing special black uniforms appeared behind the man.

\"hello, mr. Yu Lianyun. we are china's special emergency incident investigation, analysis, and rescue support organization. Regarding the ordinary incidents we are investigating, we would appreciate your cooperation in our investigation.\" behind the man. Someone similar to him came out. the tall, pale man said to Yu Lianyun with a smile.

on the edge of the cliff, Yu Lianyun clenched his fists nervously, just like his dangerous-haired opponent.

It's no wonder you've heard of this organization. this is because this organization is called an abbreviation for an organization among people, a mysterious group, a special organization that specializes in dealing with unusual people and incidents between people.

5 truths

\"I'm sorry for deceiving you, mr. Yu Lianyun.\" As if no one was looking, the waitress unbuttoned her coat and took off her shirt, revealing that she was still wearing a tight black leather jacket underneath. ta. \"because you avoided us on purpose, so it's impossible.\" make this plan. ”

Yu Lianyun’s expression was unstable. After a while, he sighed and said: “what do you need my help with?”

``Regarding the autopsy you and your father performed half a month ago, the body of an unidentified woman was exhumed near old Year city.'' the pale man with dangerous hair answered simply. I got to the core of this. he took a photo of the body of an unknown woman. the dead woman's corpse was as beautiful as ever, and her red wedding dress shone like blood. \"You should always have the impression of the corpse in this photo.\"

the pale man suddenly seemed to remember something and smiled apologetically. \"by the way, I forgot to introduce myself. my name is he Jian, and I'm their leader.\"

In the end, the man seemed to emphasize the point, repeating twice, \"I'm 32 this year. I'm still 32.\"

\"I see.\" Yu Lianyun smiled dryly and couldn't help but glance at the boy's head, then looked at the woman pretending to be a man and the tall, square-faced man standing next to her. ta.

\"I'm Inchi.\" the woman smiled slightly.

\"weijian,\" the tall man greeted with a nod.

Yu Lianyun nodded, thought for a while, and said, “Since you came to find this corpse, you should also know how strange this corpse is.”

Although he Jia'an's hair is not healthy, she has a friendly and benevolent expression, and her face can be said to be beautiful. In a calm tone, he said, ``I would like you to tell me about the autopsy process and what happened recently.''

Seeing the other party's non-mittal attitude, Yu Lianyun imagined that the mysterious group of people must have caused a huge loss because of the unknown woman's corpse, otherwise at this point I wouldn't have been able to discover it.

of course, in the beginning, we were able to contact each other easily, and he took the initiative to approach us. the mysterious group had many opportunities to contact him, but they never contacted him and didn't seem to care.

thinking of this, Yu Lianyun laughed in his heart, but pretended to remember on his face, and told the three people in the mysterious group in front of him the same story he had told Ling Ling.

After speaking, Yu Lianyun secretly observed the expressions of the three people in front of him.

Li Jian looked thoughtful, and Li Yingqi briefly made eye contact with wei Jiang beside him. their reaction made Yu Lianyun's heart tremble several times, and her mood became unstable.

A moment later, Yu Lianyun’s eyes twitched at he Jia’an’s words.

``can I tell you the real situation, mr. Yu Liangyun?'' Li Jian'an said helplessly, ``If you don't want to cooperate, we'll do what you don't like.''

while speaking, wei Jiang, a square-faced man, consoled her seriously, ``don't worry, mr. Yu, we are experts in dealing with ordinary problems. what did you do in this extraordinary incident?''No matter what happens, we will not pass any judgment on this matter. ”

Li Yingqi also said this in a calm tone. \"well, in most cases, it's the same as killing your biological father...\"

Yu Lianyun felt the hairs all over her body stand on end. he suddenly stood up from his chair and found himself trapped in a room several feet away with no escape. he said with a dry throat. “You, you…”

Seeing this, he Jia'an sighed and began to tell the information he had gathered: \"Actually, long after the accident happened to you and your father, our people have already discovered the cause of this strange incident at the scene. on the surface, it seems that way.''You might think it's a ghost incident, but the spirits of dead bodies are causing trouble, but in reality, that's not the case. there are no mysterious powers or gods; there are only paranormal phenomena that cannot be explained by existing phenomena. Science.

In the scene where the woman's body was discovered, an extraterrestrial meteorite with a similar appearance and texture to jadeite was actually discovered. however, for some reason, the radiation that was present in large quantities in the meteorite disappeared long ago. It was later discovered that it had been transferred to a woman's body. Inside, we then discovered that the so-called \"yin matching ritual\" that was widespread in the ancient mountain village of Sennen city is actually very similar to a certain matrix of super ancient civilizations that channeled special radiant energy. I discovered.

In the past several hundred years, the yin matching ritual has only been successful once. It is speculated that this is likely due to the uniqueness and rarity of the meteorite.

If the ritual is successful, the object bees a medium that connects different dimensions due to the matrix that guides the meteorite's energy. therefore, the corpse of a woman with the energy of a meteorite opens a two-dimensional window. All the people who have been in contact with the remains of an unidentified woman for a long time are discovered and targeted by creatures from another dimension.

this is the first time I have e into contact with this type of extra-dimensional animal, but judging from the sensations I felt upon contact, there is a high possibility that it is an evil and aggressive being towards the human world. they create hallucinations in those who e into direct contact with the corpse, trapping humans in a certain space, and in the process slowly injecting power into the hallucinated bodies. , slowly transforms the human body into a structure suitable for survival, and eventually transfers consciousness into the human body.

Some members of our secret team were not used to such opponents and suffered heavy losses. Now they are deeply trapped in their hallucinations and are in danger. ”

Speaking of this, he Jia'an held a cigarette with a kind expression on his face. he smoked a cigarette without lighting it. \"Yu-san, is that you? You are the only one who had the most extraordinary experience in this ordinary event. Everyone who came into contact with this corpse is now in trouble. Even if they are found in time and the corpse these people still couldn't find him, even after waking up from the hallucination, he still fell into endless madness and couldn't get out of himself. did.

only you, mr. Yu, your body is forced to withstand the erosion of the extradimensional creature's power, but your consciousness is still awake.

At first, we suspected that your body was being invaded by an extradimensional creature, so we didn't have the courage to approach you right away. I apologize for not being arrogant or mean. this is a necessary precaution.

however, after observing you for a period of time, I found that your body was indeed not invaded by extradimensional creatures. therefore, we have just officially decided to be in close contact with you today, and we would like to know from you how you are escaping the grip of illusions at this time. ”

After listening to the details of he Jia'an's explanation, Yu Lianyun's inner fear slowly subsided, and her expression changed from shock to reality, and then to a mix of present and thought, as if a year had passed. .

Seeing Yu Lianyun's reply delayed, he Jia'an sighed and said to Li Yingqi: “xiao Li, please prepare and begin the hypnosis.”

hearing this, Yu Lianyun trembled, immediately stretched out his hand to stop him, and hurriedly said: \"wait a minute, it's not that I don't want to say it, I just don't want to say it.\" do that. I know how to speak. I just finished ordering. ”

Li Jia'an laughed when he heard this. he smiled like a living buddha, but those involved felt he deserved the beating. he laughed and said, \"that's it. It's okay. Just think before you speak. there's no need to think about lying.\" , our friend xiaowei has the ability to sense radio waves and can tell whether you are lying... You should think twice before speaking, you only have one chance. ”

Yu Lianyun looked at wei Jiang, and he gritted his teeth helplessly with a straight face.

Yu Lianyun thought for a while and then sighed. \"captain Lee, you actually said something wrong just now. there are still strange and chaotic forces in this world that cannot be explained by science.\"

Li Jian'an frowned and asked curiously: \"oh? how about asking for advice?\"

\"Actually, I'm not the real Yu Lianyun.\" Yu Lianyun frowned and said sadly, \"It's true that I am the owner of this corpse. my real name is Jinshu.\" .

the three mysterious team members frowned in unison. Li Jian and Li Yingqi looked at the square-faced man, and wei Jiang answered solemnly, \"I'm not lying.\"

6 or more

the situation develops beyond expectations, and the three members of the mysterious group fall into shock and silence.

Yu Lianyun’s eyes were plicated, and she smiled bitterly. \"I know it's unbelievable, but it's true... to be honest, I don't really know who I am right now. I'm Yu Lian, the one who found maid Jinxiu's memories.\" Yun, or Jinxiu with Yu Lianyun's memories embedded, I myself can't find a reasonable answer.

\"No,\" Li Ka'an said. he looked into Yu Lianyun's eyes and said seriously, \"In fact, a situation like yours has not appeared in the historical records of mysterious groups, and it is not pletely impossible to use science to explain. please, and I can make the decision, you will have to do it.'' Indeed, it must be Yu Lianyun himself.

biomagnetic fields have memory. According to our research, mr. Yu, you are a great natural inspiration. due to the influence of the meteorite's power, the magnetic field of the woman's corpse was amplified. Your talent makes you better than others. It bees easier to see the memories of the deceased woman while she was alive, and it bees easier to feel the memories of the deceased woman before she was alive. this situation is similar to the setting of soul invasion or soul fusion in fantasy novels.

Fortunately, your spiritual will is high enough that you will not be pletely affected by the magnetic field of the female corpse. If not, your memories may be pletely replaced by the memories and personality of the female corpse. I have to say that after experiencing something like that, your self-awareness was a little confused, just merging with the memory of the woman's corpse. this is already quite remarkable. ”

“So, am I still Yu Lianyun?” Yu Lianyun was a little confused, but also a little happy.

“to be precise, you are the new mr. Yu,” Li Jian’an laughed, “this is both a blessing and a curse. Fortunately, after the female corpse’s personality memories are integrated with yours, the talents and knowledge of the female corpse will slowly sync with you, but unfortunately, you will gain something greater.''the ability of inspiration means that the extraordinary things that exist in every corner of this world will bee more mon to ordinary people. It bees easier to see. ”

hearing this, Yu Lianyun’s heart trembled. he subconsciously looked at the bag and thought to himself. I wonder if that's why he immediately sensed that something was wrong with the cabin in the forest, and also noticed something was wrong with the videotape.

the sudden change in Yu Lianyun's eyes naturally attracted Li Yingqi's attention. Li Yingqi looked at the other person's eyes and subconsciously looked at her own body bag. he remembered that when he entered the room just now, Yu Lianyun also had a very obvious hidden bag. action

All of this shows that Yu Lianyun is also hiding other secrets.